Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 582: Tentative

Lu Chuan was surprised: "Chen, don't you? Handong Real Estate is the number one real estate company in the entire Handong Province."

Chen Jiarong wants to beat people now. What's so special. If you hadn't cut off the funds of Handong Real Estate if you weren't playing Yin, what would you do?

I also blame myself for thinking that Handong Real Estate is deeply entrenched in Handong Province, and that it has been expanding wildly this year. Two projects with 10 billion yuan have been launched.

In terms of total investment, this year's investment even exceeded 100 billion.

At the level of 100 billion, if Handong Real Estate is completed, it will squeeze into the ranks of the 100 billion group and become a company with the level of 100 billion.

Handong Real Estate, which has been listed, currently has a market value of 67 billion yuan, and it can be regarded as a small monster when placed in real estate.

The biggest advantage of real estate companies is actually land.

The land reserves in the hands of Handong Real Estate even exceed 50 billion yuan. This is where Chen Jiarong's confidence lies and the reason why Handong Real Estate can maintain a market value of 67 billion yuan.

The current dilemma of Handong Real Estate is far from desperate. There are many ways to solve it.

Companies at this level can first obtain funds through financing. With the high quality of Handong Real Estate, financing is not a problem.

Second, the current dilemma can be alleviated by selling the land in hand.

For a listed company, there are still many ways to collect money.

The problem is that Chen Jiarong's desire for power is very strong, and financing will release the equity, which he does not want to see. Second, the land in hand is definitely one piece less for development, and giving up the land is equivalent to breaking the roots of a real estate company.

In comparison, Chen Jiarong is willing to use his head down and humiliation in exchange for the living space of Handong Real Estate.

When I started, what kind of sufferings and humiliations have not been tasted? Now do it again, so what. Only by enduring the humiliation can we usher in success.

"Chairman Lu, please raise your hands high. All this is my fault. I apologize to you here." Chen Jiarong's figure is very low.

Lu Chuan smiled. He gently tapped on the desk of the conference room and said, "Mr. Chen, we have to calculate an account. With the current scale of Baichuan Guihai Company, because you have done it like this, the time you have to put aside is converted into Money, at least in billions, how can you let me raise my hands?"

When Chen Jiarong came here, he knew that this matter would not be solved so easily.

If someone else told him that, he would definitely spit out, billions of dollars. Who are you so funny? But facing Lu Chuan, he also knew that it wasn't a blow.

The current market value of Baichuan Guihai Company is in U.S. dollars. He believes that, let alone Lu Chuan is talking about the national currency?

"How can Chairman Lu solve it?" Chen Jiarong's eyes showed a ruthless look.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "I heard that you have a piece of land in Wan Chai New District. I won't let you lose. I will buy it at whatever price you get."

Chen Jiarong's eyes widened. He wanted to yell at him, but he still resisted it abruptly.

Inside, Chen Jiarong was struggling fiercely.

When this piece of land was taken, it was only 600 million. But now, this piece has been doubled at least five times, and the price is no less than 3 billion. In his blueprint, a community concept group will be built, which is the core land of Handong Real Estate.

I wanted to take it for 600 million. It was definitely a robbery.

I have to say that this is what the lion said.

Seeing the fierce struggle on Chen Jiarong’s face, Lu Chuan was not in a hurry and said slowly: “You should know that with the marketization of virtual technology, the proportion of Baichuan Guihai will be even greater. Like a dead ant, do you think you can turn over?"

Indeed, there is now a vigorous wave of virtual technology from the outside world, and the whole China is involved.

Leading the world's technology, it will bring about a change.

The Chinese people have fallen far behind other countries in terms of technological leadership. However, the emergence of Baichuanguihai company is far ahead of foreign countries in several cutting-edge technologies.

Like virtual technology, after marketization, it will be a kind of subversion to the network.

In fact, the outside world's valuation of Baichuan Guihai Company has been adjusted upwards. Once the virtual technology is truly market-oriented and has withstood the test of the market, it will be natural for Baichuan Guihai's valuation to surpass Apple.

In the face of this behemoth, the assets of Handong Real Estate can be laughed in the eyes of others.

Chen Jiarong would come here, and he also recognized this fact in his heart. He is deeply rooted, but the problem is that Baichuan Guihai Company is even more ruthless. It has the strength to cut all its roots.

With a sorrowful laugh, Chen Jiarong said: "Okay, I agree to this condition."

Losing this piece of land is nothing to Handong Real Estate. As long as Handong Real Estate can be revitalized, what is this loss?

When Lu Chuan heard Chen Jiarong's answer, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Very well, I can afford it and let it go. It's really a big deal."

"From now on, I hope that our two families will keep the water from the river." Chen Jiarong said with a bleak expression.

Lu Chuan said: "Just take care of your son, and don't indulge him too much. The world is too big, and there are always some people who can't afford it."

"Thank you for the advice of Chairman Lu, if he dared to do the same as before, I would kill him." Chen Jiarong said murderously with a hideous face on his face.

Yes, he killed him.

It's because I indulged him too much that led to today. Chen Jiarong has already decided. Now after returning, all the famous sports cars will be confiscated, and he has to go to the company to work honestly. If he dares to play any tricks, he must be killed.

Chen Jiarong left. Seeing his sullen expression, Lu Chuan had been silent for three seconds for Chen Quan. God knows if Chen Jiarong's anger will roast him.


Both women are in the same city, so they can only take apart the limited time.

For example, taking advantage of Shi Ruoyu's absence of classes in the afternoon, first go shopping with her and spend the afternoon eating and drinking in the afternoon.

In the evening, he found another excuse to send her back to school, and then went to the castle in the air to accompany Ye Lingwei to dinner.

The time is basically like this. If you want Shi Ruo rain to come, you can find an excuse to experiment with Ye Lingwei and spend the night with Shi Ruo Yu.

These days, it seems like a happy fairy, but the problem is that Lu Chuan is also sad.

How to put it, this day is not a solution.

Like now, with Ye Lingwei, there was a battle first, and then a good word of love, but Shi Ruoyu kept sending messages, and Lu Chuan was afraid of being discovered by Ye Lingwei.

In the bedroom, there is a curved 65-inch TV, and the two embraced watching the TV.

This is a TV series. It happened to show a man stepping on two boats. Lu Chuan rose up and patted the bedside: "What a scumbag, a magnificent man, how can you do such a thing?"

Ye Lingwei stared at Lu Chuan dumbfounded. She didn't know why Lu Chuan reacted so much.

Lu Chuan smirked and said, "This kind of behavior of stepping on two boats is despised."

Lu Chuan’s eyes were secretly looking at Ye Lingwei’s reaction, only to see Ye Lingwei’s expression on his face was plain, as if he had never been accustomed to this kind of thing, and said, “Fortunately, you didn’t enter the entertainment industry, otherwise you would definitely not have. This kind of feeling."

"Why?" Lu Chuan asked curiously.

Lu Chuan doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry. From time to time, there are scandals that appear to be only the tip of the iceberg in the circle.

Ye Lingwei smiled bitterly: "The entertainment circle is messy anyway, especially the powerful people, all kinds of unspoken rules are flying around. You can't imagine that several first-line stars can serve one person together, like various gatherings, and some are even beyond. Your imagination."

For Ye Lingwei, knowing this is nothing.

As a person in the circle, I am no stranger to these.

Those who need a higher position, those who use their power... all kinds of transactions are mixed in, and it's **** to be clean.

This time, it was Lu Chuan's turn to be stunned. Compared with this circle, he unexpectedly found that he was as pure as a saint.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan knew what kind of person Ye Lingwei was.


Thinking of Ye Lingwei's accustomed attitude, Lu Chuan felt a hint of joy in his heart. But it is absolutely impossible for Lu Chuan to ask if you will tolerate the second question. Isn't this looking for abuse?

In fact, Lu Chuan was just using a TV series to test Ye Lingwei.

"Don't think about it, go to sleep, you have to go on tour tomorrow." Of course, Lu Chuan won't go further into these issues.


The next day.

After eating breakfast, Lu Chuan sneaked into the laboratory, gave An Tong a call, entered the experiment by himself, don't disturb him with anything.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan entered the end times in his room.

It was the place where he left, the difference was that in the last days, it rained lightly, and the whole city was wet. Affected by the north wind, the weather is a bit cold.

In December, rain and cloudy days became the norm.

Lu Chuan inspected the drone, and after a day and night, under the protection of the bloodthirsty claws, there was no loss. Rainy days and wind speeds of this level have an impact on UAVs, but not much.

Through the controller, Lu Chuan began to look through the shooting records of one day and one night.

A non-human person took images of one day and one night. If you want to finish it, you can only fast forward.

"Not this one."

"Neither does this one."

"still none."



It took almost three hours before Lu Chuan finished looking through the images of the three drones, using the fast forward method. However, to Lu Chuan's disappointment, there was no trace of the poisoned camel.

"It seems that the formation of the poisoned camel should be accidental."

Coming to this temporary conclusion, Lu Chuan feels desperate ~ wants to unlock it, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, God knows how long it takes to find a second one?

It seems that ten will be unlocked, but now it seems that the same is difficult, not simple.

After recycling the drone, Lu Chuan took a look at the power, and there was still more than 65% of the power left. This battery technology is indeed awesome, not a black technology, but it is enough to get rid of modern battery technology too much.

"After the marketization of virtual technology, we should also consider putting battery technology into the market."

The light and shadow effect, its usability is still a bit small, using it as an entry point, I don't want to be suppressed from the beginning. After standing firm with light and shadow technology, then real AR technology was developed, and then virtual technology...

All this is a steady and steady fight step by step.

Whether it is light and shadow technology, AR technology, and virtual technology, there is not much people's cheese.

But the battery technology is different. When it comes to energy, the water inside is too deep, which will definitely cause a rebound and prevent it. I didn't consider it until today, mainly because the Baichuan Guihai Company finally got some qualifications until today.

The battery technology currently in use has not yet broken through, and naturally it does not have much impact on the energy force, so the application of battery technology is allowed.

But the battery technology in Lu Chuan's hands is subversive. Take a car for example, the endurance of more than 2,000 kilometers is not a problem, and the charging time only takes one hour to fully charge, and 20 minutes can ensure a 1,000-kilometer trip.

With this kind of endurance, it can basically be said that there is nothing to do with oil.

As an extension, how many industries have been affected?

It can be said that the change in battery technology is completely a technology that will start the whole body, and it cannot tolerate Lu Chuan's consideration. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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