Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 565: Swim

"Got it."

Lu Chuan hung up the phone, raised his brows, and then he was nothing.

Just kidding, with these non-human tyrants T-002 there, there is no need to worry about Man Yirou's safety. Some people dared to rush into the villa, and this result is also expected.

The call was from Man Yirou. No matter how strong the bodyguard was, Man Yirou was still frightened.


The opposite Ye Lingwei took a look at Lu Chuan, and did not ask Lu Chuan what happened, but said: "The new album will be released in three days. Do you have any suggestions?"

"I'm not a professional in this area. What advice can I have, but from my perspective, you and your team have done well enough." Lu Chuan put the phone in his pocket and said quietly.

Ye Lingwei thought, it made sense.

For this new album, although it has been very hot by the outside world, it has been produced with great care, and she has spent a lot of effort to create it.

In her heart, Ye Lingwei is still a very traditional woman.

This album may be her own swan song. In her view, career is very important, but family is also very important. She needs to make a choice among them.

The concept of husband and child has always been carved in the bones.

Without these concepts, she couldn't have made great determination at the beginning and agreed to associate with Lu Chuan.

"Okay!" Ye Lingwei smiled. About the last album, she thought of announcing it at the opening ceremony.

Hasn't her mysterious boyfriend been hyped outside? At the beginning, I said that my boyfriend is just an ordinary person, a poor boy in the country, but I don’t know if the current script will surprise everyone?

In fact, in the outside world, people have been speculating about their relationship with many people in Baichuan Guihai Company. Some good people are even thinking of Lu Chuan.

This is true, but neither Lu Chuan nor Ye Lingwei responded positively, so they were naturally just speculation.

The basis is, of course, why Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company made every effort to build Ye Lingwei, there must be an unknown reason.

Lu Chuan thought for a while, and said, "When something happens to the deep city, you should pay more attention to your body."

Ye Lingwei nodded.

I have to say that Ye Lingwei is a good wife and mother-like woman. Any man who marries her is a blessing.

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. This is the case with men, who will never be content.

Women will always lack a piece of clothing and a bag, why don't men always lack a woman?


When Lu Chuan arrived in Shencheng, it was already around eleven in the evening.

To Ye Lingwei and Shi Ruoyu, they went to report safety, and Lu Chuan went straight to the hotel that had already been booked.

Of course, it was impossible for Man Yirou to stay in the original villa. After dealing with these people, Lu Chuan asked her to leave with the four tyrants T-002.

In the hotel, Lu Chuan met Man Yirou.

Man Yirou, who was frightened, naturally rushed into Lu Chuan's arms for the first time. This is a woman's instinct, and she regards the other party as a support.

Lu Chuan patted her on the back, and said, "Don't worry, I have everything, don't worry."

What is the most powerful weapon to heal a woman’s fear? In fact, it is to roll the sheets with her, so that she can forget these things in happiness.

With Lu Chuan's energy and persistence, Man Yirou was tossed until three o'clock in the morning before she fell asleep like a puddle of mud.

Lu Chuan is okay. His energy can handle this intensity of battle. Lu Chuan's eyes were slightly fascinated at this time. The security of this hotel can only be said to be average, but the presence of a few bodyguards disguised by tyrant T-002 is absolutely reassuring.

Unless you use a sniper rifle, no one needs to pass them.

Du Xinyue's matter really needs to be resolved.

What Lu Chuan thought before was to solve Du Xin's reading through some normal means. However, Lu Chuan found that this process would be very slow, and the methods were only aimed at ordinary people.

For example, kidnapping, such as sinking the opponent's shipping vessel.

Whether it was kidnapping or sinking the ship, only ordinary people were hurt.

For Du Xinyue, who has managed this kind of business, it is difficult to make a fatal blow to him in the industry. The intricate network of relationships and the community of interests will protect him.

But without extraordinary means, how can he bring him down?

Looking for evidence of his crime?

There must be evidence of crime, but the year of the monkey? He has been entangled with Man Yirou now. If this matter is not resolved, Du Xinyue will not be able to let go with the 13 billion missing gold and antiques.

That being the case... Lu Chuan's eyes narrowed, with a gleam of light.


Just over an hour later than Lu Chuan, the ship king Du Xinyue hurried back from the capital.

It turned out to be wrong when he did things?

Not only made mistakes, but also let the other person solve them all. Especially in the horrible situation, ten people, except the two who ran fast, had broken hands or feet, and a few even had broken sternums and almost lost their lives. They are still rescued in the hospital.

The shot is so ruthless, this kind of person is rarely seen in the city.

This is the deep city of China. When this kind of thing happens, the police will definitely intervene. Are they not afraid of these people? How come these people are more fierce than themselves?

"This **** must have colluded with someone."

"I want to see who has the courage to put a green hat on Lao Tzu."

"The man on the back must be related to the shipwreck."

With this clue, for Du Xinyue, he was definitely excited. After so long, some progress has finally been made, and it really is this **** who has a problem.

As long as you find this bitch, you can know who the person behind her is, and you will have the whereabouts of your own gold and antique.

Inferring from the current time, the other party could not leave the deep city so quickly.

Taking out the phone, Du Xinyue got through the phone of his subordinates: "No matter what method is used, dig three feet in the ground, and find her for me."

"Understood, boss."

For a while, all the hidden forces Du Xinyue had moved.

Deep-rooted here, Du Xinyue can't just be the superficial strength, he was from black to white back then. He was cut off, went ashore, and even his subordinates were washed white.

Black can become white, and white can naturally become black.

As a person who has lived by the sea all his life, Du Xinyue did not spend the night in the villa that night, but boarded the super cruise ship that he had put aside for a long time.

This super cruise ship, put in the world, can also be ranked in the top 30.

With complete facilities, this super cruise ship

Although not as good as the Sea Palace, it also has its advantages.

After boarding the cruise ship, the cruise ship left the port for the first time and entered the cruise mode.

Du Xinyue was still afraid of death, so staying in a villa could not give him a sense of security. Only in the sea did he feel that this was his home court, and no one dared to do something to himself in the sea.

In cruise mode, it is nothing more than wasting some fuel, which is irrelevant. However, in this kind of movement, no one can confirm their whereabouts, which is the safest.

The sinking of the sea palace supertanker made Du Xinyue have to guard against.


The next day.

Lu Chuan woke up early, and then asked the bodyguards to protect Man Yirou, while he left the hotel alone.

It's not that Lu Chuan didn't wear bodyguards, but that Lu Chuan felt that he was a little misguided. For example, the bodyguards he brought this time were all made up of tyrant T-002. They were tall and too eye-catching.

In addition, this time, what I have done cannot be put on the table.

Lu Chuan has always believed that the most rude way in this world is the best way.

No matter what method is used, it is far inferior to this most direct method.

There are some good rules in this world, but the rules are actually used to break. If you don't use it, it doesn't mean that others don't use it, but it may not be successful.

Like ordinary people, they traveled by bus, and after a few turns, they crossed the busy vegetable market and disappeared in this crowded vegetable market.

With this method, the people who have been staring at Lu Chuan will never see Lu Chuan again.

I used the bus again to reach the beach.

As December approaches, there is already a chill. At this node on the beach, it is not that no one is swimming. For some swimming enthusiasts, winter swimming is commonplace, not to mention that it is only slightly cold now.

The beach is full of people in summer, but now only a few people are here.

Lu Chuan put on the swimming trunks he had brought, showing his strong muscles. Why do many people come to swim in this season? Mainly at this node, all the operating beaches on the beach are closed. The facilities here are free to use like changing rooms, shower rooms, etc., are all free.

There are people swimming here. Naturally, no one doubts Lu Chuan's actions. At most, he is amazed at Lu Chuan's muscles when he looks at Lu Chuan.

After getting into the sea, Lu Chuan did not rush away from the beach, but swam happily in the shallow water.

After a lap, that sense of refreshment made Lu Chuan understand why there are so many winter swimming enthusiasts. It seems to be very cold when you first entered the water, but when you get used to it, your whole body is warm.

Lu Chuan swam to a place further outside. In this place where the waves are slightly higher, no one would care about Lu Chuan's actions.

After confirming that no one noticed him, Lu Chuan dived directly into the water, and then disappeared into the sea in the next moment, appearing in the biochemical factory.

In just about ten seconds, Lu Chuan appeared again.

The water depth here has reached about ten meters, and there are 50 huge black shadows that appeared with Lu Chuan. They appeared and disappeared in the sea, and no one would notice the black shadows formed here for a short time.

This group of huge black shadows appeared, and they dispersed in an instant. They turned into black shadows, ejected toward the surroundings, and then quickly disappeared into the ocean.

After all these dark shadows disappeared, Lu Chuan headed towards the beach casually.

Everything is so natural. After swimming ashore, like ordinary swimmers, Lu Chuan went to the shower room to wash it, and then went to the locker room to change into his clothes.

No one would think about the difference in all this.

It's just that it's not known, it's still in the ocean. These scattered black shadows have gathered in a group again. They are hideous and they are the overlord of the water in Lu Chuan's hands: the water ghost.

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