Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 547: Mass violence

The terrain of the biochemical plant is at a 90-degree angle of a crossroad.

In this way, there are four routes that need defense.

There are buildings behind, there are only a few small alleys, which will not be the focus of defense. For safety's sake, Lu Chuan still installed two Vulcan cannons in every small alley.

This kind of firepower is enough to block here.

In fact, the deployment of weapons is not difficult, but ammunition is difficult.

This battle, due to the use of automated weapons, is a test for ammunition. Fortunately, Sun Hongguang and the others have considered that unlike on a warship, weight needs to be considered. The several Vulcan guns they modified are land-based, so the ammunition is 10,000 rounds.

Along the street, every ten meters is a machine gun, they are installed on the balcony of the floor.

In the hands of zombies, a group of monsters who don't know the weight, these armed installations that require cranes to complete can be completed with bare hands.

Like a licker in front of us, its tongue curled up a Vulcan cannon of nearly a kilogram, and it was climbing on the wall, its claws were deeply inserted into the wall, and it quickly climbed to the balcony on the fifth floor .

Simply clean up here is to place the Vulcan Cannon.

On installation, there will naturally be swift and ragers cooperating, and they will fix these weapons.

Regarding the adjustment angle, as long as the Vulcan can be rotated up and down a certain angle, it is fine, and there is no need to deliberately adjust it. It does not require a fixed attack angle, because it is automatic and can rotate freely to adjust the shooting angle.

Every weapon uses wireless connection.

The huge computer has been placed on the fifth floor of the biochemical plant by Lu Chuan.

The huge command platform created is full of science fiction, such as the set of light projectors, under full power, the virtual screen presented is a door of weapon information that has been connected.

Just click on the look of one of the weapons, and it will pop up separately, listing a series of information. This information, such as battery power, wear, remaining ammunition, weapon temperature, etc., is very careful.

Standing here, you can control all the weapons, they are all presented in front of you.

These automated weapons can also be controlled through this virtual platform.

Within the scope of the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan can use God's perspective at any time, so there is no need to install a camera, so skip this step. In this way, things become simple.

The zombies in the entire biochemical factory were mobilized.

Countless zombies were busy, and more obstacles began to be set up on the street again. Similar to a zebra crossing, or a speed bump, the constantly standing obstacles will prevent the zombies from rushing and crashing.

As long as their actions are slowed down, the automatic firepower can exert greater power.

Biochemical plant building.

The nine-storey building, it has now unlocked to the fifth floor, the glazed floor, it is very clear from the inside, but from the outside, it is dark and you can see nothing.

Dozens of tall tyrants are busy in their preliminary trials.

They work together to hoist a high artillery cannon, and then install it on the top of the biochemical factory building. Crazy Lu Chuan made these antiaircraft guns surround the roof of the building regardless of cost. This is just a few thousand square meters of roof with fifteen antiaircraft guns directly installed.

On the construction site below, ten more antiaircraft guns were installed. This kind of density is really too cruel.

Vulcan, anti-aircraft missile...

As long as it can be used, Lu Chuan smashes it down regardless of cost.

This trip to Syria looted the equipment of tens of thousands of people, leaving Lu Chuan with no shortage of weapons. As long as he survived this zombie attack, even if all these weapons were scrapped, Lu Chuan thought it was worth it.

After going through it, it was a sunny day to greet you, for example, the goods in the mall will be unlocked on a large scale.

As long as you think about the technological content of the commodities in the biochemical factory, you must unlock it, and you really can't look down on modern weapons because the technological content is too low.

For the armored vehicle that came from Syria, Lu Chuan dismantled the weapon and then automated it.

As for the shell of the armored vehicle, it was used by settlements and wolf nests.

Sitting in the boss's office, Lu Chuan glanced at his own funds. The operations of Yi Ran's staff were very fast. In just a few days, they had been fully withdrawn, and then 13.7 billion of funds arrived.

With so much funds, what Lu Chuan has to do now is violent soldiers.

"Create 5000 bloodthirsty claws."

"Ding, deduct 4 billion funds."

The cost of each bloodthirsty claw is 800,000, and 5,000 is 4 billion. Lu Chuan can also be said to have lost his money. It is directly to make 5000. Bloodthirsty Talons are flying units. Their combat is more flexible, and their range of movement is faster and faster.

Modern wars have proved that whoever controls the air will win the war.

Lu Chuan has always been convinced that in modern wars, I don't know how many weak countries have been destroyed by air defenses, and after losing air supremacy, they were left to be slaughtered.

Therefore, the production of 5000 bloodthirsty claws is necessary.

"Create 2000 tyrant prototypes."

"Ding, deduct 1 billion funds."

The initial cost of Tyrant’s prototype was 500,000. Lu Chuan chose them because of their size. In the face of a dense tide of zombies, you don't need to be flexible, just let them stand on the street, and then wave their alienated arms.

Think about it, its thick and long arms can be swiped into a large area. This kind of scene is absolutely cool.

In this kind of big scene, they are more lethal than other arms.

"Create 2000 lickers."

Needless to say, the usefulness of the licker is naturally like an ancient knight who flies over the wall without a trace. Used well, it is definitely an extremely powerful unit.

"Create 2000 Tyrant T-002."

Tyrant T-002 is currently the strongest zombie category in Lu Chuan's hands, and it is also the one with the best balance.

But tyrant T-002 wants to make it more powerful, and needs to equip them.

"Make 1,000 pursuers."

The chaser is more like a one-time consumable. After launching an anti-tank missile or a rocket, you can only use the Vulcan cannon. But in such a dense siege mode, they are equally deterrent.

In Lu Chuan's imagination, he classified the pursuer as a precision striker.

In the tide of zombies that appears, there will definitely be some high-level zombies, and these zombies need the heavy weapons in their hands to kill them.

Even if they can't be killed, it is a great help to damage them, thereby affecting their combat effectiveness.

"Create 20,000 zombies."

The cost of an ordinary zombie is 100,000, and 20,000 is 2 billion.

Lu Chuan spent the money, completely unaware of the word heartache. Anyway, this money is a windfall, and it's only good to spend, not heartache. Besides, after spending the money, the strength in his hands has increased exponentially. What is the heartache?

With 20,000 ordinary zombies, Lu Chuan is definitely a big deal.

In Lu Chuan's plan, 20,000 ordinary zombies are just a supplement to the activity circle of the biochemical plant. They will replace the zombies in the biochemical factory, achieving the fake ones, and they can respond immediately to Lu Chuan's call.

After all of them came down, Lu Chuan found that the money in his hands was really too much to spend.

In the blink of an eye, a giant of 12 billion was hit.

The manufacturing workshop has been engaged in manufacturing. From the perspective of time arrangement, when the last common zombies of the ranks are finished, there is not much time before the zombies come.


As Lu Chuan had expected, Zhongtian Shipping finally chose to pay this sky-high ransom.

This news was first told by Yi Ran, and Lu Chuan happened to return to modern times.

It was half past six in the evening in China, but Somalia was still half past one in the afternoon, a difference of five hours, making Somalia still sunny.

"Boss, what should I do?" Yi Ran asked.

The 500 million ransom has been credited to the designated account and then immediately transferred, and disappeared in the eyes of the world through the method of rectifying zero. In this way, almost no one can check this account again. The ultimate destination.

After paying the ransom, Zhongtian Shipping can only be resigned. If the pirates don't abide by the rules, if they don't let them go, the five hundred million is equivalent to being in vain.

However, in history, pirates rarely ransack hostages after paying the ransom.

They are pirates, but they also need reputation, otherwise once the reputation is bad, it will be difficult to make money. If they don't believe you, they are really robbed by you. If the company you work for doesn't redeem them, even the crew will fight for their lives.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan still said, "Release people, but make sure that the dock is not discovered."

One after the other, plus the ransom, I started with at least 1.6 or 700 million. The speed of making money is absolutely jaw-dropping. No wonder so many people want to be pirates, like this kind of robbery, everyone will be rich and rich after a trip.

To be a pirate must be credible. If you have a bad reputation, you have kidnapped the crew and it will be difficult for you to ransom.

"Understood, boss." Yi Ran nodded.

The boss has more and more power, and the entire Gulf of Aden belongs to the boss’ fish tank. It is too easy to want to fix people. Now let them go. The next looting will be from Zhongtian Shipping Company. After a few toss, Zhongtian Shipping is not far from bankruptcy.

Don’t think that Zhongtian Shipping Company is a 100 billion enterprise, but more of it is fixed assets. The liquidity status is not very good. As long as there are too big twists and turns, once a 100 billion enterprise loses, it will be a loss of tens of billions. After tossing for a while, it is not far from the collapse.

Sometimes the more giant-level enterprise, the faster and more thorough it falls.

Shipping companies, as long as the economic benefits are not good, every day shipping will become a burden.

Many Big Mac shipping companies are losing weight during the economic crisis, and eventually become second-rate companies.


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