Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 448: Spicy eyes

The next day.

It was early morning when the settlement boiled.

First, a new human force of 1,000 people was dispatched. Instead of using a car, they carried tactical backpacks and weapons, and left the settlement by running. After the alienation, their speed and endurance can be competent for dozens of kilometers of attack.

Pickups and trucks gathered on the 80-meter avenue in Shanshi County.

The reason why this avenue is called the 80-meter avenue is that its width is 80 meters, which is an over-standard avenue. On both sides of this avenue, there are buildings of different heights, which are also the new districts of Shanshi County.

A large number of pickup trucks and trucks have attracted countless survivors to watch.

The survivors on both sides are arranged to live, and the scale of nearly 150,000 people gives Shanshi County a feeling of overcrowding, with people surging everywhere.

"What is this?"

"Nonsense, haven't you received the news? This is to move food."

"You won't be busy, I'm already hungry to the end."

"The boss is amazing, really providing food consumption for hundreds of thousands of people?"

"It doesn't look like a fake."

Countless survivors are discussing one after another. For them, this is related to their stomachs, and naturally there is no way to be a public.

There are still a lot of trucks in the settlement, there is no shortage of talents, and there is no shortage of abandoned cars, repairing a truck is not a problem. There is fuel in the supplies provided by the boss, so don't worry about not being able to drive.

For electric trucks, Shanshi County has a generator set. After repairs, it still runs smoothly and can charge the electric truck.

In the settlement, almost all the trucks Fan could find were concentrated.

The truck group at this time is just waiting.

One thousand new human soldiers are led by Yi Zhanfei.

"Get up all your energy, don't overturn the boat in the gutter." Through the communicator, Yi Zhanfei was exasperated. When he tuned to the troop channel, only these thousand soldiers could hear his voice.

"Yes, commander."

The new human soldiers shouted and continued to run forward.

In fact, for them, this is not much pressure. When they were in the stronghold before, they would go into the city to hunt zombies almost every three days to obtain more supplies.

Wasn't that time torn and killed with zombies, weren't they all dangerous?

"There are a few zombies at three o'clock, the first team, solve them."

"The first team received, Commander."

"Wang Dali, Lei Ming, and Zou Jun, rush in from the left, and the others follow me from the right."

The first squad consisted of twenty people, and they quickly separated from this corps, jumping sensitively one by one, quickly approaching these zombies. It's just ordinary zombies, in their eyes, it's nothing at all.

After approaching, several of them squatted halfway, and the guns locked the zombies.

"One, two, three, fire."

With an order, several people fired almost at the same time, and the guns flashed with a trace of fire. A blood hole appeared in the heads of several zombies not far away, and they were pierced.

With a muffler, there is no sound at all.

After confirming that the target was cleared, the squad leader waved, the twenty-man squad slowly retreated until they were fully within the firepower range of the large group, they turned their heads back to the large group, and merged into it. Run fast forward.

Along the way, there were not many zombies encountered, and there were no high-level zombies, which was an excellent solution.

It took them only half an hour to arrive in 20 kilometers.

Some of them still knew about this small town, and they were also natives of Zhongzhou City.

Very vigilant, Yi Zhanfei first used binoculars to detect.


What catches the eye is at the intersection of the town, and you can see a large number of snow-white bags, which are piled up like a mountain, which is more than ten meters high. This is not the point. The point is that Lu Chuan sat on it, shaking his legs, as if he didn't regard this place as the wild.


A drone slowly descended and appeared in front of Yi Zhanfei.

"..." Yi Zhanfei is speechless. This is not to tell himself clearly that for reconnaissance and the like, only a drone is needed, and you must learn to use the power of technology.

Yi Zhanfei's speechlessness lasted for only a second, and he didn't exist, but was shocked.

A bag like a mountain, you know it is a bag of rice.

And Lu Chuan sitting on it means that the town is already in safety. Otherwise, how could the boss sit there with no fear at all?

"Let's go." Yi Zhanfei waved his hand and led the troops close to the town.

Lu Chuan had spotted them a long time ago. The existence of the drone, ascended hundreds of meters above the sky, and everything in a radius of several kilometers around it, if there is any wind and grass, it is naturally impossible to escape Lu Chuan's eyes.

When this mighty force arrived in front of him, Lu Chuan jumped off Mishan and landed on the ground.


All the new humans looked at Luchuan with admiration.

Nonsense, look at the piles of materials here. These are all obtained by the boss. In the last days, this is really rich. They are vying for gold and diamonds. They are simply weak. If you have food, you are the master.

Looking at the materials here, they can't even estimate it.

Lu Chuan walked to the front of Yi Zhanfei with his hands in his hand, and said with a smile: "Xiao Yi, I'll leave it to you here. How to move is a matter for you to consider. I have something to go ahead."

After speaking, he swayed away, then rode on his electric motorcycle and disappeared on the national highway.

Yi Zhanfei did not resist what Lu Chuan said about Xiao Yi. The boss said that you are Xiao Yi, so you must be Xiao Yi? More importantly, Yi Zhanfei has not yet reacted to the shock.


Unable to help, Yi Zhanfei burst into foul language, and he was completely convinced now.

It was not just Lu Chuan's act of throwing his hands off the shopkeeper, but also because Lu Chuan was able to obtain such amazing supplies in the end times.

Of course, giving Yi Zhanfei ten guts, he didn't dare to say this word in Lu Chuan's face. Just kidding, the boss's alienation strength gave him a bit of courage, and he didn't dare to challenge him.

Without hesitation, Yi Zhanfei said through the communicator: "The transport team, you can set off."

After receiving the news from Yi Zhanfei, the pickups and trucks gathered in the settlement finally started. They lined up into a huge long dragon and drove towards the town.


After almost five kilometers away from the town, Lu Chuan took the electric motorcycle away.

Several instructions were issued. I don't know when, a few tyrants appeared near Lu Chuan, and they quietly acted as bodyguards to ensure the safety of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan was sitting on the ground with a tyrant acting as a bodyguard, so he was very relieved.

About seven or eight minutes later, a black spot appeared in the sky, which quickly zoomed in. While flying by, it plunged one head down and fell in front of Lu Chuan with a stream of air.

Lu Chuan stood up and patted the weeds on his butt, but it bounced and landed on the back of the corpse dragon.

This is the corpse dragon.


In his mind, the corpse dragon rubbed its legs again, flapping its fleshy wings into the air.

And these tyrants, after Lu Chuan left, disappeared in this area again, and went into hiding.

Near the settlement, Lu Chuan can be said to have laid a net of heaven and earth, not only for the possible rebellion of the survivors, but also to prevent too many zombies from appearing in Shanshi County.

The corpse dragon brought the land to Sichuan, almost flying at low altitude.

There is no way, the tree attracts the wind and flying too high will attract the hatred of other flying zombies. Lu Chuan will not commit such a stupid thing.

Flying at low altitude, the dexterity of the corpse dragon and the operation of Luchuan, undulating with the mountains.

First, I went back to the biochemical factory and took part of the ammunition stored in the warehouse of the biochemical factory in the storage space, and then left the biochemical factory on the corpse dragon and flew out of the city.

After reaching the expressway, proceed along the expressway all the way until you see Shuangshui Town.


When it arrived not far from the military base, the corpse dragon slammed its flesh wings in a high speed. The powerful impact caused it to do some random rolls in the sky until it extended its flesh wings and kept it. The balance room has already landed.

With such a skinny landing method, Lu Chuan wondered whether the corpse dragon of my sister had intelligence?

Lu Chuan jumped from the back of the corpse dragon, looked at its stupid appearance, and shook his head. Just like a bird, would it have intelligence? There is only one possibility for zombies to restore their intelligence, which is to load the pretender system.

However, in the last days, the pretender system is forbidden, and it is not used at all.

Letting the corpse dragon hide in a wood next to him, Lu Chuan continued to walk forward, and soon heard the gunfire in his ears. Lu Chuan is really familiar with the roar of this sniper rifle.

From a distance, I saw this firepower mobile platform of Titan and Qiangwei.

Five hundred lickers, now there are only more than 430 left, and more than 60 lickers have consumed It can be seen from this set of numbers, it seems There is no battle, but it is extremely cruel.

Long-range firepower output, there will be accidents.

Titans and Qiangwei are still operating according to the previous memory module. They are close to the barbed wire fence at a position of 1200 meters, and then use the Qiangwei legendary marksmanship to kill them. Once a zombie approaches, the Titans will show their power.


When Lu Chuan walked to Titan's side and climbed onto its shoulders, he saw that the digital display on his arm was zero. Lu Chuan knew that he had guessed it. Titan, the prodigal, had already used up the bullet.

Seeing a large amount of unidentified liquid on the right arm of Titan's Alienation, Lu Chuan knew that Titan must have been through a lot of battles.

Fortunately, the loss was only the licker, not the Titan and Qiangwei, so Lu Chuan was relieved.

And Qiangwei's sniper rifle was also severely worn, which caused a considerable deviation in accuracy. At a distance of 1,200 meters, only seven out of ten shots would hit.


After giving the order, the Titan towered, and Qiang Wei put away the sniper rifle in his hand, and ignoring its hot barrel, grabbed it directly in his hand, and let the hot barrel burn his hand into a cloud of smoke.

Lu Chuan covered his face. This scene was really too hot and painless, and there was no need to play like this, right?

Amidst the black lines, Lu Chuan took out the ammunition in the storage space and filled the bullet box on Titan's back. At the same time, he took the sniper rifle in Qiangwei's hand and threw it into the storage space, but gave it a brand new sniper.

After finishing all this, Lu Chuan took the time to look at the military base.

Under the barbed wire, naturally there was another large corpse of zombies whose heads were shattered.

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