Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 439: Visitor

One hour later, the Swiftman was finished.

Two hundred swifts appeared in the warehouse. As usual, Lu Chuan naturally checked them all at once to see if there were any unexpected surprises.

After being infected, humans have actually died.

After becoming a zombie, the brain becomes active again under the infection of the virus. Although they are allowed to act, there are many brain problems that cannot be repaired, which also leads to the low probability of having instincts after they are manufactured.

The average return is about 1% of the instinct retention rate.

Like now, out of the two hundred swifts, only three possess primitive instincts.

"Not a surprise, but there are some small surprises."

Among the three swifts with primitive instincts, there is a male swift with a height of about 1.8 meters. The instinct it carries is just marksmanship.

It can be seen that this swift man should have been a soldier before his death.

A soldier who is a swift man is definitely more effective than other swifts on Lu Chuan.

Xia Min needed a helper, but it was definitely not enough to rely on it, so Lu Chuan naturally liked this swift man whose predecessor was a soldier.


After strengthening the ten swifts he picked, Lu Chuan gave them all the pieces that could be used.

The ten swifts have all been strengthened ten times, including this one whose predecessor is a soldier.

Lu Chuan picked out seven of the remaining swifts, and strengthened them on the second-level fragments that were spearmanlike fragments. In addition, other instincts have been strengthened four more times, a total of five times.


Lu Chuan's orders were issued, and he returned to modern times the next moment.

With Lu Chuan, fifty swifts were brought to the modern age. After they appeared, they transformed into men and women, ranging in age from seventeen, eight to fifty.

In Somalia, some children are only eleven or two years old and are already excellent fighters. And some people still need to fight with guns in their sixties. Age is meaningless in these war-torn areas.

If the big room is almost full of them.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, swifts disguised as humans walked out of the house and consciously formed a line outside.

Xia Min has been standing in the corner of the wall for several hours, barely moving.

Human beings will become numb after standing for a long time or sitting for a long time, this kind of symptom does not appear on zombies at all. They can maintain a movement for a long time, without pain, nerves, and perception, allowing them to ignore this kind of paralysis.


When Lu Chuan appeared, Xia Min gave a military salute.

After Lu Chuan handed over the command to Xia Min, he said: "How to arrange them is up to you."

Xia Min nodded, without speaking, it can transmit instructions through consciousness just like Lu Chuan. Without seeing how Xia Min moved, these fifty swift men scattered and began to clean up the rubbish, ruins and bricks here.

Lu Chuan returned to the house again, and after repeating it four times, he finally brought two hundred swifts here.

Suddenly there were two hundred more "people" in the manor, which seemed to be popular.

Lu Chuan had previously wanted to single out the males among the fast-moving ones, as well as the adults. But after hesitating, he still didn't choose, but came over with an old mind.

With men and women, old and young, can we better form a kind of nature and better camouflage.

It seems that there are children and old people, but they are zombies inside. When they are needed, they can show terrible strength.

Whoever despises them will have to pay a heavy price.

Soon after bringing the swift to modern times, lickers were also created.

There is no need for lickers to strengthen their marksmanship to them. They are limited by their structure. Melee combat is the strongest, but the effect of using a gun will be greatly reduced.

Like a tyrant, Lu Chuan considered it for a while and strengthened three of them ten times to reach full level.

These three ten times strengthened tyrants will be the trump cards in Xia Min's hand. Once they are in a fighting state, they can protect their heads with three of them, enough to sweep a force of hundreds of people.

In the end, five hundred ordinary zombies were created. They can be said to be the lowest level among zombies. The combat effectiveness of the individual is indeed not very good. The survivors can solve them if they pay attention to it. But they are also the deadliest. The zombie sea is composed of them, and everything can be destroyed in front of the zombie sea.

Five hundred ordinary zombies possessed a lot of primitive instincts, but for Lu Chuan, they had little effect now.

"Use marksmanship fragments to strengthen."

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan began to strengthen these 500 ordinary zombies in batches.

The reason why Lu Chuan made them was not out of cost, but out of the fact that only ordinary zombies at the first level could fit the large number of first-level marksmanship fragments in his hands.

The fragments used for strengthening cannot be used beyond the level, and the first level can only be strengthened to the first level zombies.

In order not to waste this batch of marksmanship fragments, Lu Chuan had the idea of ​​ordinary zombies.

As ordinary soldiers, ordinary zombies are good enough, and their positioning is actually cannon fodder. In Lu Chuan's eyes, they are indeed cannon fodder, but in the outside world, they may be the most elite soldiers.

The batch strengthening is to strengthen the instinct of marksmanship to them, and it is only one strengthening.

After the enhancement of marksmanship was completed, Lu Chuan brought them batch after batch to modern times.

The number of almost a thousand soldiers made this manor a bit overcrowded. They were brought to the modern age by Lu Chuan and authorized to be controlled by Xia Min. Without Lu Chuan's instructions, they would obey Xia Min's instructions, and would use Lu Chuan as the only object of allegiance.

From these zombie soldiers, three hundred were selected as soldiers, and the others were busy temporarily under instructions and participated in various tasks of cleaning up the manor.

In the original house, Lu Chuan started to take out a large amount of equipment. There was no need to arm them to the teeth, but they needed to have considerable and sufficient attack power.

Almost every zombie soldier has been strengthened with marksmanship, so they are the best soldiers and soldiers in the shortest time. They don't need Lu Chuan to burn memory to them. They have instincts, so they can use their guns well.

It can be said that once they appear, they are qualified soldiers.

These three hundred zombie soldiers, Lu Chuan's first step was to unlock them.

"Unlock intelligence."

"Unlock and dress up."

"Unlock language."

Lu Chuan only has the expression that has not been unlocked. For a fighter, it does not need an expression. The natural cold and ruthless expression of a zombie is its best expression. The expressionless face makes them more like warriors and more deterrent.

At the moment when the intelligence was unlocked, the three hundred zombie soldiers had a moment of stunned.

The unlocking of intelligence is actually to let them have the memory fragments of their lives, so that they are no longer as rigid as zombies, their thinking is no longer linear, and they know some flexibility.

"Ordinary zombies, the manufacturing cost is 100,000, the pretender system is 100,000, the enhancement is 100,000, and the unlocking of three functions is 300,000. In other words, regardless of the ration of weapons, each of these 300 zombie soldiers The manufacturing cost is 600,000 yuan, and just these 300 zombie soldiers cost 180 million yuan."

After calculating a sum in his mind, even Lu Chuan felt dumbfounded.

Counting the more expensive lickers, the swift ones, hundreds of millions just fell. This is still the early stage, and the subsequent positioning of them will involve unlocking functions, etc., which is another sum of money.

What had been expected long ago, after Lu Chuan just shook his mind, Lu Chuan issued an order. The three hundred zombie soldiers executed it, and received a variety of guns and a body armor from Lu Chuan's hands. Set on the body.

Next, Lu Chuan took out the pickup trucks from the storage space like a magic trick. These pickups will be the means of transportation for a long time in the future.

As for the license plate?

There is no need for this thing here, as long as you have a car, you can drive it.

Due to various blockades and sanctions, it is not easy for Somalia to refuel. This has also led to the scarcity of cars. For this reason, Lu Chuan does not need to bring a large amount of fuel.

The fuel was packed in oil drums. In order to prevent its volatilization, Xia Min immediately asked the zombies to start digging a huge pit in a corner of the manor. This pit will be transformed into an underground storage warehouse to store some important materials such as fuel oil.

At this point, Lu Chuan's task is considered complete.

"Zombie dog, patrol around."

Lu Chuan snapped a finger. The hundred zombie dogs that had been on standby for a long time were broken into pieces and quickly disappeared from the manor's buildings, and then ran toward the manor in all directions, scattered in every corner.

There is no more suitable role as a scout than a zombie dog. Their speed, their agility, and they don't attract people's attention too much. They are natural scouts.

Of course, this is also based on the special relationship between Lu Chuan and the zombie dog, otherwise a real zombie dog would have nothing but attack.

Under the pretender system, these zombie dogs perfectly restored them before they were alive, so they transformed into a variety of dogs, ranging from expensive to cheap, mixed from big to small.

Sometimes a huge zombie dog is just a poodle after recovery. This is not surprising. After the virus was infected, it was alienated and completely changed its appearance.


Of course, Lu Chuan and Xia Min didn't need to participate in the work. The current work is just to clean up here and clean up some broken places. Sitting on the roof together, looking at the distant ocean in the sun.

With so many swifts and other zombies, these are not a problem at all.

"Boss, you should change to a new commander."

Xia Min put on a camouflage uniform and looked heroic again. At this moment, there was no expression on his face. He looked at Lu Chuan seriously and said: "I'm just a second-level swift person, and it may be difficult to take on new tasks."

The Faster is the last of the second-tier products. Among the third-tier products that have appeared, it has no advantage. What's more, the chaser is about to unlock now, which means that the biochemical plant has entered the age of fourth-tier products.

After all, the capabilities of secondary products can't keep up.

Lu Chuan took a deep breath of the hot and sea-smelling air here. After spitting it out, he gently shook his head: "I will consider this in the future. At least you are the most suitable candidate for now."

Xia Min did not argue: "Yes, boss."

Lu Chuan is also aware of this. Xia Min's marksmanship is at the top of the legendary level. In other words, it can be used as a sniper and can always perform its role, and it is somewhat irreplaceable.


In the position of the commander, Xia Min gradually became unable to do what he wanted, not only because of its ability, but also because of its failure to achieve military strategic capabilities. You can command a team, but you cannot command an army. This is the reason.

Now there is no choice for newcomers, and in addition to the current situation, Xia Min's ability is sufficient.

Modern is different from the end of the world, modern is just a thermal weapon, but the end of the world is different, it is about force, when the level of alienation is increased, and even the guns are rendered useless, it is necessary to continuously upgrade the level of products to cope with more severe situations.

Suddenly, Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly, but he showed a faint smile and said, "It seems that some friends who are not very friendly are here, shall we have a welcome ceremony?"

Xia Min was still cold and expressionless, and it was difficult to make it fluctuate like this kind of news.


Outside the manor.

The two pickups stopped. On the leading pickup, a middle-aged Somali local man on the back of the car climbed onto the roof of the car, standing on the roof of the car and looking out, observing the manor in the distance.

"Head, I'm sure they are in the manor."

A young man like a skinny monkey pointed to the manor and said affirmatively.

From the moment when the man and the woman appeared, he intuitively thought that the business was coming to the door, because the other party’s clothes, etc., the materials looked very This is not the point, the point is that he received the news, which is exactly what That woman bought this long abandoned manor for 600,000 dollars.

Six hundred thousand dollars, how big is this?

In Bosasso, a hard day's work in the dock can only earn between eight and twelve dollars, which is barely enough for the living expenses of the day.

In the eyes of countless people, six hundred thousand dollars is a huge sum of money.

An abandoned manor is willing to spend six hundred thousand dollars, how can it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for subsequent use? Obviously, the other party is the owner of the money.

Knowing this news, it was natural to be spotted immediately.

The main reason why the action is so fast is that this kind of news cannot be concealed for long. If people like me don't come to take it, there will naturally be others coming. It's definitely not too late for things like this.

On the leading pickup, a strong man with a beard walked down, carrying an AK47, and a bullet chain around his waist, which made people feel his mighty power.

Robbing foreigners and then making them hostages is actually the norm in Somalia.

Even the large and small ships passing by here dare to play like this. Kidnapping people on land is just a pediatrics.

"Very well, Zach, you are doing a good job. I will give you a great reward." The brawny Efya laughed and patted the thin monkey-like Zach with a fierce light in his eyes and said: "Brother People, go."

The two pickup trucks rushed towards the manor without any reconnaissance.

What they didn't know was that where they stayed, a dog was crawling in the grass, sticking out his tongue, watching all this. Since they appeared, they have been monitored by all kinds of dogs all the way here.

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