Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 416: Happiness comes suddenly


When the nanny car returned to the community, Ye Lingwei saw a familiar and unfamiliar figure appearing, standing in the underground garage of the community and greeting her.

Ye Lingwei bought a nice villa here, but hers is only a small-sized villa, she doesn't have her own garage, and she needs to park in the underground garage of the community.

Although Ye Lingwei is a big star living here, the quality of the people here does not cause her much trouble.

Of course, there must be some people who try their best to get close.

Ye Lingwei had already adapted to this kind of person.

Ye Lingwei’s nanny car is actually an old Toyota Alfa. Whether it was before or now, Toyota’s Alfa is the nanny car most used by many stars.

However, Ye Lingwei's Elfa is obviously a bit old. From here, we know that Ye Lingwei's treatment is no longer as good as before. Otherwise, the dignified first-line star would use an old Elfa, which is justified.


When she saw this figure, Ye Lingwei subconsciously covered her mouth.

It's Lu Chuan.

This was definitely an unexpected joy, Lu Chuan actually rushed here all the way. You must know that at noon, he and Zhao Xueyan also recognized Lu Chuan, her eyes widened, looked at Lu Chuan, and then turned to look at Ye Lingwei.

Zhao Xueyan knew the most about Weiwei, whether it was signing a contract or about her rumored boyfriend.

The external reports on Weiwei’s boyfriend did not last too long. The main reason was that Weiwei did not intend to use this matter to make herself angry. Without the media, it would not last long.

Many people questioned that this was the hype of Weiwei, but Zhao Xueyan was very clear that this was not hype, but real.

And this boyfriend of sister Weiwei...

Zhao Xueyan is really not good at evaluating anything. She can only say that she is a lucky person, or that Sister Lin fell from the world, and he happened to pick it up again. Anyway, Zhao Xueyan couldn't understand why Sister Weiwei, such an outstanding person, would choose such a poor boy from the countryside.

Even if you don’t have money, at least you have to look good, right?

But this guy named Lu Chuan would be better. He wanted money but no money, and had no appearance. He barely had a relationship with Shuai, but when he put it in front of handsome men in the entertainment industry, he was scumbag.

Who is not good enough to choose, why do you have to choose such a man?

It’s just Weiwei’s decision, Zhao Xueyan can’t interfere. She has been with Weiwei for more than two years. She still knows Weiwei’s character, soft outside and strong inside. Once the decision is made, the nine cows can not coming back.

Why has sister Weiwei's career been declining in recent years, isn't it because of her personality?

It is very rare for a woman who is not supported by a deep background to be able to support her under some unspoken rules.

According to the current situation, even if Sister Weiwei joins Lingyun Studio, the energy of Lingyun Studio may not be of much help to Sister Weiwei's assistance. After all, there are some small hints from the big figures in the entertainment industry, enough to make Weiwei Sister can hardly move in the entertainment circle.

"Sister Weiwei doesn't know what kind of drugs this man named Lu Chuan has given me. How good is Young Master Zhao, the second son of the Zhao Group, an absolute wealthy family, but Sister Weiwei did not agree, otherwise there will be Second Young Master Zhao. As a backer, it will not be as passive as today."

Zhao Xueyan thought to herself, but she wouldn't say it, but she put her eyes on Lu Chuan.

This man knows how to play raids and wants to be romantic?

The problem is, you have to prepare some flowers or something for romance, or make a bigger scene? The stall stall in the whole suit stood in the entrance, more like a poor homeless worm after bankruptcy who came here to block the door.

Ye Lingwei just froze for a moment, then smiled.

She chats with Lu Chuan every day, sometimes in text and sometimes in voice, and they are very familiar with each other. Like she would tell Lu Chuan about her affairs every day, and Lu Chuan would also talk about interesting things with her, and the two were like old friends.

Not talking about career, but about love purely.

This feeling is Ye Lingwei's favorite. In her opinion, this is love. It's like finding a person to talk to, and the pain and joy in the entertainment industry, finally there is someone who can listen to oneself.

What is love, Ye Lingwei's understanding, is to make herself feel happy, natural, quiet and comfortable.

Not caring that this was the entrance to the underground garage of the community, Ye Lingwei opened the car door and walked quickly to Lu Chuan.

After a few steps from Lu Chuan, Ye Lingwei stopped. The two stared at each other. Gradually, they both showed a smile to each other. Then Lu Chuan opened his arms, took a few steps forward, and hugged Ye Lingwei in his arms. in.

Everything is so natural that the two have only met a few times despite counting.

The driver in charge of driving for Ye Lingwei has wide-eyed eyes and wide-open mouth. Of course, he knows who his boss is. The famous Ye Lingwei is a big star. He also read the news some time ago and once thought it was hype.

just now……

Looking at Ye Lingwei, who was held in his arms by a man, he knew that this was not hype, but real.

After a glance, this young man is indeed nothing outstanding.

Zhao Xueyan's voice rang: "Brother Wang, you should know the confidentiality contract you signed, what should be said and what should not be said, you know better than me."

"Assistant Zhao, I know." The driver nodded.


"When did you arrive?"

"I just got off the plane and came over."

"Why do you think of it?"

"Because I miss you?"

"Why don't you tell me, I'll pick it up."

"I want to give you an unexpected surprise."

Lu Chuan clasped Ye Lingwei's jade-like fingers as he walked the street, and then talked to Ye Lingwei one-on-one.

The street outside the community is a street full of sycamore trees. Walking here under the light of the interval is full of poetic and picturesque taste. Especially when the breeze blows, the phoenix tree leaves fall, which is even more beautiful.

Forget it, since Ye Lingwei accepted herself to the present, in the half a year, she has never seen Ye Lingwei once, really not a qualified boyfriend.

"Come on, show you a magic trick." Lu Chuan smiled.

Ye Lingwei's eyes turned into crescents with a smile: "Can you see it?"

"Of course." Lu Chuan let go of Ye Lingwei's hand, then stretched out his palm, making another circle. It's summer, thin clothes, you can naturally see if there is anything hidden at a glance.

After turning a circle, Lu Chuan blinked his eyes and said, "Look up, I'll change."

He patted his hand and placed it behind him. In the next second, a large bouquet of bright red roses appeared in Lu Chuan's hands, and they were sent to Ye Lingwei: "For you."

"Ah..." Ye Lingwei's eyes widened. There are hundreds of roses in this large bouquet. It can't be hidden on her body, because she needs her arms to hug it. How can she hide it?

This magic, even she really felt surprised.

Lu Chuan smiled. He has storage space and only needs to be prepared in advance. Who can compare to himself when it comes to playing magic?

The surprise brought by this kind of magic made Ye Lingwei happy and her former calmness changed. Like a little girl, she no longer knew how long she had been in such a mood.

"Did you eat?"


"Then... eat where I am." Ye Lingwei hesitated for a moment, and finally said this sentence.

Lu Chuan was taken aback, then smiled: "Is it really convenient?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Lingwei also laughed. She is a woman who dares to love and fight, otherwise she would not hesitate to admit the situation when a reporter asked herself about that picture.

Even her parents knew about this matter and talked to her several times. It's not to force her, but to make her aware of her choice. The second is to take this young man and let them meet.

Ye Lingwei's background can be regarded as a scholarly family. Both parents are educators, and I can't say that I am avant-garde, but not too conservative. For example, their daughter's choice, they just want their daughter to be clear about their choice, whether they have considered it clearly, and they did not think about this love from the standpoint of money.

In the first love of his daughter, they were actually even more nervous than Ye Lingwei, and they were afraid of being cheated.

Lu Chuan shrugged: "You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

From the information under her control, Ye Lingwei has always lived with her parents. Wherever she goes to eat, she naturally has to face her parents.

Lu Chuan doesn't care about this but a surprise, at least it shows that Ye Lingwei is not fooling herself.

Ye Lingwei took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. After connecting, she said in a coquettish voice: "Mom, it's me, I think...I want to take my boyfriend to the house for dinner."

When she hung up, she stuck out her tongue at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan laughed. He suddenly found that he liked Ye Lingwei more and more. Her frank and daring character, at this moment she was no longer a superstar, but like a little woman who needed someone to take care of.

I have to say that I am lucky to be able to find her in this dirty land of the entertainment industry.

It should be said that she had gone through the big **** luck and became her first man under the wrong circumstances. Maybe this is a marriage. Many times, things are so wonderful. People from the two worlds come together by coincidence.

Once again, Lu Chuan clasped Ye Lingwei's hand.

This time, the taste of happiness became stronger.

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