Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 407: No longer exist

"Falcons, Falcons, have lost contact with the ground forces, and are suspected of being electronically interfered. Please be alert in advance."

"Falcon understands."

In the brief conversation, the five fighters maintained their flight formation and accelerated their flight toward the front.

The opponent is just a mercenary, and under the blockade, they have no weapons in their hands that can threaten the safety of the fighters. This task is important, but it is not a difficult task.

Just fly to the sky above this mercenary and drop the bomb to solve it.

The Mediterranean Fleet Command, as this special force lost contact, naturally became anxious.

More than 300 special forces, this loss is absolutely catastrophic.

"Why do they have equipment that can interfere with our communication?" The black general almost roared.

A staff officer thought about it and said, "General, it should be provided by Russia."

"Fak, they should go to hell." The black general yelled and said, "Let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs protest."

There was a wry smile on the staff's face. There was no way to protest this matter. After all, he had fired 27 cruise missiles on his side, and a large-scale special force was dispatched. It was good that people did not jump out to protest.

"How long will our missiles arrive?"

"General, there are still 7 minutes."

"Continue to contact them."


It was close to August, starting at five o'clock, the sky began to light up.

At this time, the sky spit out a touch of white, and then it keeps expanding, and it becomes white. The whole earth, in just a few minutes, entered the day.

The night is no longer, but becomes the morning.

The screams heard everywhere let Lu Chuan know that the overall situation is determined.

I am afraid that the United States would not have thought that the defeat of these special forces would be so fast and so simply. In just a few minutes, this huge special force hardly survived.

The cruelty of the Hellhound is really not covered, no wonder it was put in the ranks of third-level zombies.

"Next, it's time to use the secret weapon."

Lu Chuan showed a sneer, the fighter appeared, letting it go back and forth.

The light projectors were taken out by Lu Chuan, and then handed over to dozens of hellhounds parked nearby. They grabbed the light projector, and then under Lu Chuan's instructions, they ran around quickly.

The speed of the Hellhounds can still be trusted. While they are running, they arrange the light projectors to the positions that Lu Chuan wants.

Soon, a light projector area with the combat zone as the scope was formed.

Lu Chuan took out a linkage controller and started it without hesitation.

This linkage controller actually plays the role of a series connection, allowing the light projectors to work at the same time, and the light and shadow projected are synchronized, creating a super large AR scene.

The horror of AR technology lies here, it is so realistic that you can't tell it.

If you are not close, you will not realize that what you see is false.

The AR scene is not affected by weather and climate, and it is also not affected by light. This kind of technology is the reason why AR technology has not been broken.

Once the linkage controller is activated, dozens of light projectors light up and start to project.

In just an instant, this area that was still a mountain before has mysteriously turned into a wilderness. After matching with the surroundings, you won't think it is fake at all, as if it was originally a wilderness.

The almost seamless AR scene makes it well connected with the mountains next to it, forming a wilderness connected to the mountains, everything is so natural.

Lu Chuan sneered looking at the AR scene that he couldn't even tell.

With this AR scene, it can be said to completely isolate this.

Lu Chuan walked to the radar car of Sam 6 and then issued a few more instructions. Several helmet-mounted mercenary zombies arrived on the launch vehicle. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they put their fingers on the launch button.

Next, just wait.


"Falcon reached the target."

In the air, five fighter planes finally arrived, but there was nothing in their coordinates.

No gunshots, no people.

Ruoda's special forces seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Call the headquarters, the coordinates seem to be wrong."

"There is nothing at the coordinates."

"Yes, it's just a wilderness."

Fighters whizzed past, but they didn't see anything at all. How to drop bombs? Below the coordinates is only the wilderness, there is no sound of fighting in the mountains in the distance, everything seems calm.

This is unscientific, doesn't it mean that the ground forces have already fought the opponent?

And this coordinate is just a wilderness, there is nothing, do you still need to drop bombs?

In hesitation, the five fighters could not stop, but flew inertially toward the sky over this wilderness.


"Fak, it's a radar source."

"I am locked, I am locked."

"I am also locked."

"No, it's an air defense missile."

"Dodge it, hurry up."

"It's too late, I'm about to eject."


In the communication channel, there was a cry of exclamation, and the pilots on the fighter plane were almost in a mess. When they entered this area, the radar car ambushing here suddenly turned on and locked them.

All this happened so quickly. After they discovered the radar source, the missile was launched.

They wanted to dodge in the harsh sound of the locked alarm.

But this time, Lu Chuan completely caught them by surprise. With the help of the AR scene, they successfully lost their judgment. Then when they were about to fly over the sky, decisively let the radar turn on.

Lock, launch.

All these actions were done in one go.

At such a close place, they did not even react and were hit by the missile.

The SAM-6 air defense missile was developed in the 1960s, but its bad name, in the SAM system, is top-notch, and it is also a well-known model, so the bad name naturally goes without saying.

Lu Chuan didn't care so much, and all nine Sam 6s were launched.

Five fighters, only six Sam 6s, were blasted down. After the remaining three had no target, they flew into the distance, and then because they lost their fuel, they plunged and exploded.

The battle was actually completed in just one minute.

But for this minute, Lu Chuan spent more than that. For example, the production of AR scenes requires a lot of time, as well as the transmission and input of light projectors.

Putting aside the light projectors, and then the air defense missiles, how much time and energy did Lu Chuan spend to get it?

Behind one minute, it is definitely not easy.

When the five fighters were shot down, Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, and now he finally solved the land and air.

Of course, Lu Chuan doesn't need to think about the warships in the Mediterranean Fleet, because they still don't have the ability to move others. But five fighters and more than 300 special forces are enough.

"Even the fighter jets are scrapped. How do I see how you can strike from a distance this time?"

Lu Chuan smiled faintly, but he issued instructions to the Hellhounds. The helmeted mercenary zombies also started to act under the instructions, walking in front of each corpse and robbing their heads.

In Lu Chuan's dictionary, the word fluke does not exist.

The guns were patched up, and then some of the corpses were gathered, while the Hellhounds grabbed their equipment and ran away.

The price of equipment for hundreds of people is more than hundreds of millions, so Lu Chuan made a lot of money. Many of these equipment are special weapons, specially developed for them, but they are all cheaper than Lu Chuan.

This time they did not use a helicopter, which was unexpected by Lu Chuan.

If there were helicopters, the fighting would definitely be worse, and the death rate of Hellhound would be higher.


Lu Chuan believes that even if there is a helicopter, the victory belongs to him, because these Hellhounds, from the moment they are summoned, are doomed to their end, and in the end they are dead words.

The loss of Hellhounds was only more than 500. The remaining Hellhounds left this area with their weapons.

Lu Chuan didn't care about the emptied Sam's launch vehicle. He issued another command. The Hellhound, which had been placed down with the light projector, started to run again with the light projector.

These light projectors must not fall into the opponent's hands, so they must be recycled.

After taking a look at the time, Lu Chuan didn't dare to hesitate. He ran away from the place where it was wrong. God knows if these cruise missiles will fall, Lu Chuan can't bet.

A few minutes is enough to change a place.

Soon, I saw the low-altitude cruise missile suddenly uplift, and then plunged down, crashing down to the ground, turning into a huge mushroom cloud.

The missiles carrying flames fell from the sky. This scene is still very spectacular. Each one is a violent explosion, setting off countless mud.

Twenty-seven "Tomahawk" cruise missiles covered a large area, but they were where the zombies were hiding. These missiles did not modify their attack coordinates in order to avoid affecting their own people.

But the soldiers who controlled them would never think that the special forces they thought could resist for at least two days would be annihilated in just a few minutes, and they would not be able to stop the Hellhound released by Lu Chuan.

This non-human way of fighting was unexpected.

Looking at the sea of ​​fire next to them, I happened to dispose of their bodies for myself. Otherwise, if people traced them, they would definitely know that these special soldiers were killed by dogs.

Lu Chuan chuckled slightly. This time, it would be an unforgettable loss for the US military. Almost half of the special forces were lost here. This loss is no small amount.

When he reached the mountain of equipment, Lu Chuan got busy and put all these equipment in the storage space.

After moving several times in a row, the move is finished.

Next, the equipment of the helmeted mercenary zombies, they lined up, unloaded all the equipment on their bodies, piled them in a pile, and then threw them into the storage space by Lu Chuan.

When they were taken off, they looked like humans, standing straight one by one.

The remaining two thousand Hellhounds are also tied in a team, seemingly waiting for their sentence.

"The famous helmet mercenaries, it's about to come to an end for the time being." Lu Chuan muttered to himself. In fact, he couldn't bear it, but the existence of helmet mercenaries hurts the nerves of the US ~ ~ if you don't want to. The helmet mercenaries left too many mysteries and loopholes, and Lu Chuan could only reluctantly let it disappear.

"Helmet mercenaries, as long as they want, they can reappear at any time."

Lu Chuan's face was calm. He took out his electric motorcycle again and rode it on. Beckoned, Xia Min came to Lu Chuan, and then straddled the back seat.

"Let's go." Lu Chuan smiled, and when he turned the switch, the electric motorcycle ran out.

Behind Lu Chuan were more than two thousand Hellhounds and hundreds of mercenary zombies. They watched Lu Chuan's departure, still standing still, motionless.


After leaving, Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and snapped a finger: "Dissolve."

Under this instruction, the Hellhounds and the mercenary zombies quickly melted away, and finally turned into a gas and disappeared.

The famous helmet mercenary ceased to exist within a command of Lu Chuan.

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