Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 391: Evacuate

Many people don't think it is easy to control a stronghold.

But in fact, it's that simple.

Driven by interests, someone will naturally stand up and manage the stronghold for themselves. The method of division is adopted to divide the stronghold into dozens of areas. In this way, it is easy to control.

The imperial palace was demolished into a flat ground, but it served as a reassurance for the nearly hundreds of thousands of survivors in the stronghold.

This move, actually expressed by Lu Chuan, was meant to subvert Gu Yang's rule.

After comforting the entire stronghold, the next thing is simple.

What is benefit?

A bad check can only be held for a while, so Lu Chuan needs to cash this check.

After the night.

The stronghold has implemented a night ban, so everyone needs to stay at home. It is not a problem to eat the food in their hands for two or three days. This time was enough for Lu Chuan to complete the real control of the stronghold.

For things like food, after Lu Chuan mastered the stronghold, he immediately let people count them.

The result was not very good. For the stronghold of hundreds of thousands of people, the total amount of grain in Gu Yang's hands turned out to be only more than 200 tons. According to the minimum standard of living, this food can only be eaten by the stronghold for half a month.

As long as there are fluctuations, you can imagine, but you don't know how many people will starve to death.

More than two hundred tons of grain is definitely not enough.

After nightfall, because the entire stronghold was closed at night, it became much easier for Lu Chuan to leave the stronghold. The patrol was another special police zombie, and Lu Chuan left the stronghold silently, no one knew.

On the fence of the stronghold, special police zombies were also stationed.

Lu Chuan didn't have to jump over the wall in embarrassment, and swaggered over the wall. Level 5 reinforcement, it's really not covered, take off on the spot, you can jump up to nearly ten meters, over this wall, it is really nothing.

Outside the stronghold, there is no darkness in sight.

At night, it should be said that it is the most terrifying. Zombies will be much more active, some unknown zombies will also appear, and lurking zombies will generally be active at night.

The evolution of zombies is divided into two categories, one is daytime and the other is night.

The number of zombies seen during the day is large, but the level is not obvious, but the night is different. They are few in number, but they are extremely high-level and more dangerous.


Lu Chuan has nothing to fear. He has a zombie suit, which has long reduced his risk in this regard. The second is his current enhancement level. The third is that outside of this stronghold, Lu Chuan has adjusted thousands of zombies. They are there, and other zombies can't get close to the stronghold.

After moving away from the stronghold, Lu Chuan sent out a thought: "Scorpion Dragon."

The corpse dragon, who had arrived at the stronghold long ago, flew over from a distance and fell in front of Lu Chuan sensitively and lightly.

Lu Chuan turned over and rode up, and then the corpse dragon rose into the air.

Instead of flying to Zhongzhou City, he detoured to Shanshi County.

To be honest, it was so late, Lu Chuan really didn't have the courage to enter Zhongzhou City. Lu Chuan believes that there must be many powerful zombies hidden in the huge city of Zhongzhou, especially in the dark night, it is possible that he did not even know how to die.

Besides, this trip does not require returning to the biochemical plant in Zhongzhou City.

When we arrived in Shanshi County, there were only a few zombies, and there was silence.

After Lu Chuan landed and found a safe house, he let the corpse dragon lie on the top of the building and lurking. He turned around and disappeared. In any case, Hyundai made Lu Chuan feel safe.


Lu Chuan felt that he was a little dumbfounded.

Back at the villa, An Tong sent a large number of documents. All these documents need to be signed by Lu Chuan himself. Now Baichuan Guihai Company has nothing, but Baichuan Guihai Guangying Company has already started cooperation with other companies.

Originally there was Zhong Hua, it would be good if it was responsible, but Zhong Hua could not decide everything.

"Sure enough, money is not so easy to make."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. Fortunately, Lu Chuan's physique has been strengthened, so he doesn't have to worry about sleep.

It took several hours before Lu Chuan was finished.

In July, it was already slightly bright at half past five, so Lu Chuan had no intention of sleeping after processing it. Instead, I asked the kitchen to make a breakfast. After eating, I drove to the warehouse area.

Yiran arrived a bit earlier than Lu Chuan, and this childlike appearance really had a big impact on Lu Chuan.

Fortunately, there are all zombies here, and no one will be astonished by Yi Ran's face.


Yi Ran screamed respectfully, and his attitude naturally didn't need to be said. What made people think of was the Japanese people. In this regard, Yi Ran and them imagined it, and this made Lu Chuan feel evil.

It seems like this wind was brought up by the Japanese people.

Lu Chuan nodded and walked into the warehouse.

The store is full of supplies, mainly rice, and the rest is canned meat. These two things are currently what Lu Chuan needs.

The survivors of the last days, they really don’t pick when it comes to eating, as long as they have something to eat. Therefore, Lu Chuan does not need to be so exquisite like in a wolf's nest.

Crude rice and canned meat, simple and crude.

The living supplies of hundreds of thousands of people are really nothing under modern industry. However, it is still a bit inconvenient to purchase, and this warehouse alone is a bit too powerful.

Behind Yi Ran and Lu Chuan, they said nothing.

"Alert, no one is allowed to approach."

Lu Chuan issued an order, and the security guards disguised by zombies here spread out to guard the entire warehouse.

Next, Lu Chuan was working.

I saw that where Lu Chuan's thoughts went, the mountainous rice instantly disappeared.

I have to say that the storage space is definitely the most heaven-defying existence. It is like opening a window in space and can do countless incredible things. In theory, putting the entire earth down is a trivial matter.

Of course, this is just a theory, at least Lu Chuan knows that the space of his current storage space is actually not very good. A cube with a side length of 16 meters is still a little weak in front of this kind of bulk items.

After loading, Lu Chuan disappeared again.

Appearing in Shanshi County, Lu Chuan is walking towards the largest central market in Shanshi County. There are a long corridor-style vegetable street for storing food, which is naturally the most ideal. It’s not a problem to put down hundreds of thousands of tons of food on the long corridors here.

Lu Chuan has to consider not only the base, but also the next consideration, so it is necessary to store sufficient food here.

This work can only be done by Lu Chuan.

In the last days, at least in the area of ​​Zhongzhou City, Lu Chuan knew that there could be no place to provide such sufficient food. Everything could only be moved from modern times.

Wherever the mind goes, the grain like a hill is already placed.

When purchasing, Yiran had already handled everything, and all the bags used were white all over, without any fonts. This is true not only for rice, but for everything purchased.

Time after time, Lu Chuan kept repeating these tasks.

Fortunately, the storage space is mental. You only need to swipe your mind. If the distance is not too far, all of them will be directly retracted into the storage space, which is convenient.

It took a long time to empty this huge warehouse.

During the whole process, Yi Ran stood motionless, just watching Lu Chuan disappear, appear, disappear, appear...

"Now you can let the supplies in." Lu Chuan took a bottle of water and ordered while drinking.

Materials, of course, are not limited to these. There are many materials purchased by the purchasing company, but they are still outside the warehouse area. Dozens of transport vehicles are waiting, waiting for unloading at any time.

In fact, Yi Ran has taken care of all this, only waiting for a call.

Not only the transport trucks, but also the unloading workers, are all waiting outside the warehouse area. This is not the first time that they have cooperated. Yiran's delivery of goods is slightly higher than the market, which means that it can be easily called.

Yi Ran nodded, took the phone, and called his assistant: "Notify the transport truck, let them enter the site, and the workers."

"Yes, President." The assistant replied, ordering them one by one.

The truck drivers waiting outside the warehouse area climbed onto the truck after receiving the news. They have been waiting here for almost an hour, just to wait for unloading.

Hundreds of workers had been sitting around chatting and boasting before. After receiving the news, they all cheered up. Looking at these dozens of large trucks, they must be busy today.

The requirement given by this company is that they must unload all the goods of these dozens of transport vehicles within half a day. They have hundreds of people, but it is still a big challenge.

Fortunately, the wages are 50% higher than in the past, which is worth their effort.

After the notice went down, Lu Chuan took the lead to leave the warehouse.

In the huge warehouse area, dozens of transport vehicles are queuing up. In fact, it can only be said to be average. This situation is not surprising here, and no one is curious.

"It's a bit too suitable as a transit here." Lu Chuan frowned after leaving the warehouse.

A warehouse is no longer enough to load the materials that Lu Chuan needs.

Before, there were only more than 800 people in the wolf's nest, which is not a problem.

But now it has increased to hundreds of thousands. It is foreseeable that there will be more people in the future. It is unrealistic to continue here. This one has been imported on a large scale, but there is no abnormal shipment. After a long time, it will definitely be suspected.

Yi Ran nodded and said, "Boss, the purchasing company has already planned to build a warehouse in Yunshan Town, 97 kilometers away from Handong City. It is close to the railway, connected to the expressway, and an inland waterway. The traffic is very convenient."

The status of Handong City is of course needless to say, and Yunshan Town is also very room for development. The only drawback may be that it is slightly farther from Handong City.

However, it is less than a hundred kilometers and is connected by a highway, so it doesn't even take an hour for a one-way trip, which is nothing.

Investing in the construction of a storage area as a transit is naturally the most convenient. At that time, bringing some zombies from the end of the world can form a storage area that does not have to worry about leaks.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Let's start implementing it now."

The stronghold is controlled by itself, and the next step is the pressure of hundreds of thousands of people. This storage area is indeed going to be implemented.

"Yes, boss."

Yi Ran responded solemnly, but her childlike appearance made people totally unable to think seriously.

In the past, Lu Chuan looked seductive, but now, there are too many things waiting for him to do in the last days, so naturally there is no time. After giving instructions to Yi Ran, Lu Chuan did not return to the villa, but in the warehouse office, entered the room he had left here, disappeared directly, and appeared in the last days.

Beginning with security issues, the zombies in the warehouse are enough to ensure that no one can enter here.

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