Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 383: Again

Lu Chuan, who tasted the meat, returned to Lisbon, but the beauty was no longer there.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly, but didn't care.

She won't be a dream. After owning a biochemical factory, Lu Chuan's temperament gradually became domineering. This is actually a kind of power desire effect brought by strength.

When you have tens of thousands of powerful zombies, when they can fight for you in the modern world, everyone will become domineering, and in many cases they don't even need to be reasonable.

"I still have the same room number in the Lisbon hotel."

After posting this news, Lu Chuan has more things to deal with next.

This mission is actually very easy.

All that was lost was the ten lickers he brought out this trip. They disappeared along with the transport ship. It's just a few million, Lu Chuan hasn't taken it seriously yet.

It was the fifth day that Lu Chuan came out of China, and it was time to deal with the affairs of the last days.

An alienated zombie was brought out from the end of the world, and after being disguised by the pretender system, he was put on duty in the presidential suite, and Lu Chuan disappeared in the presidential suite.


When Lu Chuan appeared, he first inspected a circle of biochemical factories, and then inspected the changes within an area of ​​eight kilometers. These are all things that must be done. Who knows if he hasn't appeared for a few days, will a super zombie come in?

Fortunately, without any action, this place is completely part of the city, ordinary and ordinary.

No exception, Lu Chuan does not have a multi-tube biochemical plant.

Countless zombies, they are doing things completely in accordance with instructions, such as collecting, like robots, walking according to a set program. Zombies without missions are scattered around the biochemical factory, protecting the biochemical factory.

In the current situation, Lu Chuan is somewhat a headache. After being promoted to a Level 4 biochemical plant, Lu Chuan found that he hadn't even unlocked a Level 4 product after so long.

There is no clue about the trace of the pursuer.

Since the pursuers appear in the fourth-level manufacturing product sequence, it means that they definitely exist, and they are not too difficult. After all, they are the fourth-level products.

It should be said that there are details that I have not noticed.

"Forget it, we will deal with the stronghold first."

For Grade 4 products, Lu Chuan is not very urgent now.

The reason is very simple. First, the zombie attack has not started yet, and the second is that he can use modern weapons to defend himself. There is no such urgent need for stronger zombies.

Let the corpse dragon come down, ride the corpse dragon, and take Lu Chuan into the air as it **** its flesh wings.


An unmanned aerial vehicle flew cautiously on the street. It was moving forward and backward under operation.

In the belly of this drone, there is a lanyard with a basket hanging on it, which contains water and some dry food. Its camera keeps rotating, confirming the surrounding situation.

Below the drone, you can see dense zombies, they have been protecting the dense in the past few days.

The buzzing of the drone, some alienated zombies, their sensitive hearing, still heard the sound of the drone, and they raised their heads to chase the drone.

"Hurry up."

"It's almost here."

In a tall building, several soldiers were by the window, watching the emergent drone with binoculars. In fact, as early as two days ago, they had eaten up the water and food they brought.

It has been two days, and they haven't entered.

There are too many zombies besieging them here, and some of them have been scattered in the past few days, but the degree of density also prevents them from getting out.

They can only continue to be trapped without daring to make too much noise.

The flying zombies in the sky were scattered.

But there is no helicopter in the stronghold, and there is no way to break through the sky. Besides, the helicopter does appear and can't fly in, because the noise of the helicopter is too loud. If you dare to fly into the city, it will definitely attract flying zombies.

In two days, they can still carry it, but no one knows how long it will take for the zombies below to disperse.

The solution that came up in the stronghold is drones.

The load of the drone is not large, but it can still be carried in some water and food. If it doesn't work once, just come a few more times. At least it will allow the soldiers to carry it for a while.

The drone in front of him, under operation, is constantly approaching the building.

This time the base used more than a dozen drones. Many of them were manufactured crudely, and many of them were mainly composed of motors and batteries. They were welded with steel to form a huge frame that served as transportation.

Just a dozen drones are still a drop in the bucket for the trapped soldiers.

Like now, finally this drone is about to arrive, and a few soldiers on the window watched eagerly. Hundreds of people are actually divided, and there are not many for each.

UAVs continue day and night, and can only deliver five or six trips a day.


Just when the drone was about to approach, a rapid black shadow passed by, but a corpse dragon swooped down and hit the drone. The corpse dragon just swayed in the air, but this one The drone fell directly.

The falling drone hit the street below, but made no sound, just hit the zombie.


This scene caused the soldiers who were full of expectations to sigh.

A situation like this happens from time to time.

There will always be some flying zombies here, no one knows when they will appear, the drone is flying, this kind of anomaly, it is normal to attract their attacks.

Yi Zhanfei smiled bitterly, and it wouldn't be a surprise if this kind of situation occurred.

There are not many drones, which cannot meet the needs of the soldiers, and they cannot be sent outside. In two days, six drones have been destroyed, and the transportation capacity has declined even more.

The sky, since the end of the world, has not belonged to human beings. It is transported by drones, and it is normal to be shot down by flying zombies without air control.

"The situation is a bit bad."

Looking at the streets below, there are still such dense zombies, it will take at least a week for them to disperse.

But for a week, people are iron and rice is steel. It is impossible to sustain it for a week.


At the entrance of the stairs, some furniture was used to block them, but there was the sound of zombies crashing. They were crowded on the stairs, constantly hitting and grabbing, trying to break through the stairs.

The entire staircase was actually blocked by something long ago, and it was almost impossible for the zombies to break through.

Fortunately, the super zombie did not appear.


Lu Chuan also landed on a distant building, and then watched all this with a telescope.

The use of drones still has some At least one person can guarantee to drink a few sips of water a day.

"Add fire to them."

Lu Chuan showed a sneer. When the order was given, there were some abnormal zombies in the zombie group. They were holding some firecrackers or fireworks and crowded among the zombies.

In Lu Chuan's instructions, firecrackers were set ablaze.

Some fireworks were lit, and the fireworks burst into the sky, exploding in the sky, and then blooming.



Hearing the sound of firecrackers and the appearance of fireworks rising into the sky, the soldiers were wailing. This represented the tide of zombies that had finally calmed down and rioted again. Even the zombies who left would suddenly return.

Was it that **** who started playing this one again?

Firecrackers naturally aroused the restlessness of the zombies, and the fireworks caused a black and compressed piece of sky to appear, and countless flying corpses appeared, and they formed a scene that obscured the sky.

The plot seems to have returned to the previous routine.

The agitated zombies became more crowded, making the zombies on the street denser.

But the real madness is the drones. Almost none of them have escaped. They were all killed by the flying zombies that appeared. For many soldiers, they fell into a desperate predicament.

Lack of water and food, even if they have been alienated, how many days can they carry it?

"Someone wants to kill us."

Under this conclusion, many people vomit blood, and if they know who it is, he will definitely be broken into pieces.

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