Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 365: Pick it up

What is it like at level five?

Lu Chuan couldn't tell, he just felt that he was strong.

Each muscle is not only hard, but also has a strong toughness.

This kind of resilience gives Lu Chuan the feeling that he can protect himself well, such as providing strong elasticity to prevent himself from being injured so easily. When the striking force falls on the muscles, it will be absorbed and divided by this kind of toughness, and the force will hurt itself.

In addition, the hardness of the muscles is definitely not good for heavy weapons, but light weapons may not be able to penetrate these skin and muscle groups.

In other words, after reaching the fifth level of strengthening, as long as one does not die, the survivability does not know how much it improves.

"No wonder Gu Yang can rule the stronghold. Level 5 is enough to sweep a thousand troops."

Lu Chuan smiled slightly, clenching his fists.

With money in his hands, Lu Chuan's desire naturally goes beyond that.

"Search for the sixth-level genetic enhancement potion." Lu Chuan issued an instruction. He was not satisfied with the fifth level. What would happen if he rose to the sixth level? According to the urinary nature, it was absolutely the same as the undamaged body of King Kong.

According to Lu Chuan's vision, perhaps the heavy sniper rifle may not be able to kill the alienated new humans at level 6.

The idea came out, but the level six genetic enhancement potion presented to Lu Chuan was gray, which also meant that Lu Chuan could not buy the level six genetic enhancement potion.


Not reconciled, Lu Chuan issued a purchase order again, but the funds were not deducted, indicating that the purchase was not successful.

In other words, the current Lu Chuan cannot be bought with money.

The price of the six-level genetic enhancement potion is still doubled according to the previous rule, the price is 1.280 million, which is beyond imagination.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chuan frowned. It was really like a basin of cold water, which made Lu Chuan's hot heart cool down again. Sure enough, there is no such easy benefit in this world.

Given the urinary properties of the biochemical plant, I am afraid that this level 6 genetically enhanced potion is not so easy to obtain.

According to Lu Chuan's speculation, it should be that he has not reached a certain condition, so he is not eligible to purchase the sixth-level genetic enhancement potion. Want to buy it, not just need money as simple as that.

Lu Chuan studied it, but gave up.

There are no clues now, and the tossing will only be useless.


A construction site outside the biochemical plant.

In fact, this place is no longer a construction site, but a maze-like position. When it was originally constructed, after the zombies attacked the city, the damage was not significant. Lu Chuan did not remove it, so he left them here.

When Lu Chuan came here, he wanted to try his strength.

There is one sense organ, but without knowing his own power, Lu Chuan dare not guess. What if he is wrong?

Self-righteous, the result is often tragic.

In case I guess it is so, but the result is not like this, at the critical moment, it is just death.

Only by testing your own strength and knowing the foundation will you have a guarantee.

Knowing that his muscles are as hard as steel, he gave Lu Chuan a lot of confidence. He stood in front of a scrapped car and clenched his fists. This is a Citroen car. It has not been selling well in China. It is a bit surprising to see one among the scrapped cars.


Lu Chuan inhaled, and his whole body began to mobilize and concentrate.


Lu Chuan took a step forward and slammed his fist out, turning into a faint trace with a slight sound like a sonic boom, and blasted the scrapped car severely.

I only felt a huge counter-shock force coming from my fist. With the fist as the center, the car sank, and the force spread to the surroundings at this point, pushing the entire car.

Speaking slowly, in fact, the entire two-ton car flew out in the blink of an eye.

The force of this fist actually made this car fly almost tens of meters away. When it fell, it collided with another car and made a loud noise. The two cars were crushed and countless parts splashed. With.

Especially the one that was hit by Lu Chuan, it began to dent from the position of the goal post, as if being pinched in the middle by a giant hand, it was abruptly squashed from the middle.


Lu Chuan knew his strength was great, but he didn't expect it to be so great.

The car was almost exploded, but his arm was only numb, and the skin was only slightly red, not to mention the injury, even the hair was not lost.


Knowing his strength, Lu Chuan became excited.

With violent force under his feet, Lu Chuan bounced up to a height of tens of meters. With insufficient preparation, Lu Chuan hurriedly smashed it down in the sky and hit another scrapped car.


In the loud noise, the roof of the car sank.

Lu Chuan got up, twisted his hands and feet, naturally there was nothing wrong with it.

"Come again!"

Lu Chuan jumped sharply again. This time he was prepared. He bounced higher, almost 20 meters. Then, when he fell, Lu Chuan controlled himself to land with his feet. The construction site was almost muddy, and this fall was a blast. Two footprints come.


Lu Chuan lifted his foot and kicked it out fiercely.

A car was stepped into the air by the force of this foot, and it was deformed in the air, hitting more than 20 meters away, bringing up a piece of dust.


Lu Chuan grabbed a Buick Excelle with his hands and squeezed the car up amidst the roar. With his arms, Lu Chuan carried the car with force on the waist and threw it out.

The car hit the ground more than ten meters away and fell apart.

Looking at this scene, Lu Chuan felt dumbfounded. He couldn't think of it. It was only the fifth level of alienation, so strong.

"Gu Yang is also a fifth-level alienation, and he is still a beast-shaped alienation, maybe even stronger."

No wonder Gu Yang could eat the entire stronghold to death. He was originally one of the five big bosses. After the alienation reached the fifth level, anyone who refused to accept him would be destroyed. He used iron and blood to ensure that he was in the stronghold. Dominance.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan didn't act rashly before, otherwise he would just die.


Lu Chuan made a call with a thought.

The Titan in the warehouse of the Biochemical Factory, after receiving Lu Chuan's call, strode towards the pallet and was transported to the construction site. It walked in front of Lu Chuan, motionless, waiting for Lu Chuan's instructions.

At this time, the Titan is not like the previous Titan. A set of armor from modern industrialization was spliced ​​on the Titan's body. This armor is made of alloy, which is enough to be an ordinary light weapon.

Like heavy weapons, alloy armor can be penetrated.

Lu Chuan also wants to use composite armor, but can this type of composite armor be available to private enterprises? Besides, the only thing I was looking for was an armor factory, let alone an armor factory.

An alloy armor is actually already very strong, because there is no need to consider weight, so Lu Chuan made it thicker.

The weight of this set of armor is only 370 kilograms. Except for the Titan, which can be as light as a feather, the other zombies really can't handle it easily.

This station of Titan, like a giant robot, gives people endless coercion.

The entire armor is full of industrial streamline beauty.

At the waist, hung a one-handed battle axe, weighing 150 kilograms, which can be said to be a Titan's weapon.

"Try it."

The Titan has been strengthened ten times, and has a lot of blessing instincts. In theory, it is stronger than level 5.

Receiving Lu Chuan's Titan took two steps forward and reached a scrapped car that had been filled in. Then he reached out his hand, but lifted the car with one hand. This was not over yet, its other arm was holding another car, and it turned out to be picking up two cars one by one.

The current Titan turned out to be a car in one hand, holding it in his hand, standing straight.


Only saw Titan's arm move, the car was lifted and thrown out, there was no energy at all, so it was thrown on the spot.

One flick, one flick, one flick, another one.

The two cars got out of hand, like a meteor hammer being thrown out.

Lu Chuan's eyes were chasing the first car, watching it hit almost 30 meters away and fell to the ground fiercely, as if being rubbed by someone, twisted into twists, and countless parts splashed out and spilled on the ground.

"Boom, boom..."

Two noises, one after another, two cars crashed together. ()

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