Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 348: Titan

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Looking at the thin swift man in front of him, Lu Chuan had a hunch. Add this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Who has the most terrifying intuition in this world?

Answer: woman.

It is said that women's intuition and sixth sense are overwhelming existence, and a little abnormality of men is easily felt by them. Not only that, women are also the most sensitive to the surrounding environment.

It's not that men don't have any intuition or perception, but that men are carefree. In these delicate things, they are really inferior to women.

With legendary intuition and perception, when he saw it, Lu Chuan knew that, except for women, no man would possess this level of instinct. Therefore, when this thin swift zombie stood in front of him, Lu Chuan was not surprised.

"It's all fate."

Lu Chuan was shocked and counted. The zombies surrounding him were all top beauties.

An Tong, Yi Ran, Xia Min, Gao Xiuru... Except for his butler's slightly inferior appearance, all of them are first-class beauties. Picking one out will attract the madness of countless men.

More importantly, they have their own characteristics, and whatever types are available, there will definitely be one that suits you.

This is terrible. As the boss, Lu Chuan is a man. He has no happiness at all, but he has a bad life, very sad. Just this big beauty is in front of you, it's so impressive that Lu Chuan knows what they look like under their beautiful appearance.

The degree of decay of the female zombie in front of him is not very serious, but it is not light.

The weak part of the nose rots away under the action of the virus. Lost his nose and half of his teeth are missing, it looks really ugly.

No need to count on the hair, it almost fell out, revealing the rotten skin.

Half of the ear is missing. It has no coat. The exposed upper body is naked and naked. The two white rabbits have now become black rabbits. One of them has lost half of it. The traces should be rotten and blackened. Shrinked.

It had a big scar on its neck. Lu Chuan knew from the results that it was not directly infected, but was infected by the bite of a zombie. This scar on the neck was left by the zombie.

Looking at this swift female zombie, Lu Chuan had a feeling.

1,800, the number of swifts made by ourselves has reached 1,800. Get rid of some of the losses, as well as the ones that have been brought to the modern era. In Lu Chuan's hands, there are still 1,200 swifts available.

The swift and violent are the second level. It is conceivable what kind of horror it will be when more than a thousand violents appear.

Dead Sea, you can own it yourself.

And this kind of high-level zombies with priority on quality can also be owned by oneself.

After finding the fragments selected by Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan strengthened AC1745's power, agility, etc., in order to create a better spear **** than Xia Min, Lu Chuan will be able to use it in the second-level fragments. The best pieces were found.


This legendary marksmanship was selected as an enhancement, and it was directly strengthened to this AC1745 swift female zombie.

Ten times to strengthen, 3.5 million smashed down, plus its own manufacturing price, nearly 4 million, is already the price of a sports car.

After half an hour.

When this AC1745 stood in front of Lu Chuan, there was a change.

The place where the chest was rotten before was repaired, and muscles were formed, the rotten skin was repaired, and it was even somewhat like human smooth skin. The nose was repaired, but the decay on the face was not completely repaired, and it was a zombie at a glance.

Like hair, there is no way. After strengthening, it does not grow out, and the head is bald.

"Sister, I haven't even repaired the clothes."

Looking at the repaired chest, Lu Chuan was speechless. Two little white rabbits stood up, shaking with the AC1745, making Lu Chuan not know whether to look or not.

Fortunately, in the end times, zombies can be worn without unlocking and changing clothes.

First, I found a piece of clothing to put it on, and then took out a set of special police equipment and let it put on. After putting on the special police helmet, the black glass covered its face.

Lu Chuan took out a heavy sniper rifle and threw it to it.

"Renamed: Qiangwei."

After strengthening the zombie, Lu Chuan has the right to change its name. As the zombie was renamed Qiangwei, its number disappeared. Its original name will only be displayed in modern times.

This heavy sniper rifle was held in one hand by Qiangwei, as light as nothing.

After ten times of strengthening the swift man, Lu Chuan gave it another piece of strength and a piece of huge power. Under the superposition, this heavy sniper rifle was in its hand, lighter than the toy gun.

"Next, the tyrant."

Lu Chuan glanced at Qiangwei with satisfaction, and then gave instructions to the biochemical plant.

After half an hour.

Fifty tyrants appeared in front of Lu Chuan, all about the size of five meters, standing in five rows, standing in front of them, giving Lu Chuan a feeling of entering the giant formation.

His eyes flashed, this time, there was nothing too unexpected.

Among the fifty tyrants, only three had instincts, and only one of them had instincts that barely satisfied Lu Chuan. This is a tyrant with a power instinct, and it is also a very good natural instinct.

This power instinct is not too good, there is no level prompt, it is estimated that it is just a general power instinct. But it doesn't matter, the tyrant is different from Qiangwei, and its conditions don't need to be so harsh.

Called out this tyrant, Lu Chuan also had a lot of fragments at level three, and selected some, including the legendary rage fragment, the legendary giant fragment, and a driving fragment from the storage space, like agile fragments. , And put it all on until the instinct is enough.

Ten minutes later, a tyrant like a behemoth stood in front of Lu Chuan.

It has more powerful and developed muscles, and the breath that it exudes is even more intimidating, like a human-shaped tank. Lu Chuan found that standing in front of it, even its legs could not match.

Ten times of strengthening, superimposed strength, great power, rage, agility, etc., Lu Chuan would like to know, once it enters a rage state, what will it look like?

It is not an exaggeration to say that this tyrant is already in a non-human state.

"Renamed: Titan."

This name is absolutely deserved, this tyrant is worthy of the word Titan.

The Titans are going to be brought to the modern age and act as their own bodyguards, but before that, they can be allowed to follow the team and complete this transaction first.

"You guys, go forward as I pointed out."

The corpse dragon may be able to carry the rose, but it is absolutely impossible to carry the Titans, just let them accompany them. Anyway, I would be staring in the sky, there shouldn't be any problems.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, Lu Chuan was marked with an excellent and intelligent rose, but he sprinted violently. In a few steps, he stepped on Titan's legs, then his stomach, jumped onto Titan's shoulders, and then sat down. Come down.

Qiangwei was born as a swift person, and he was known for his speed and agility. After Lu Chuan hit the agility, this series of movements turned out to be full of elegance.

It gave Lu Chuan the feeling that it was an elite dancing and moving.

The only shortcoming may be this special police outfit, which greatly compromises its actions.

Seeing Qiangwei sitting on his shoulders, Titan let out a low roar, walked towards the exit, and then appeared on the construction site outside the biochemical factory through the entrance and exit of the pallet.


Take one step out, and then the Titan sprints in stride.

After ten times of strengthening, the height of the Titan is a bit exaggerated, reaching about five meters and six meters. It is really no different from the giant. Lu Chuan barely reached the position of its calf. In Lu Chuan's eyes, the Titan is a giant.


A series of running and trampling sounds rang, and the streets where the Titans passed were all jittery.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, all the zombies used to fill the camouflage on the street it was advancing gave way. Regarding its size and tonnage, the power of the impact, ordinary zombies must be maimed.

When they were eight kilometers away from the biochemical factory, they were all urban zombies that Lu Chuan couldn't control. They were crowded on the street. When they heard the sound of "dongdong", they stared blankly at the place where the sound was made.


The Titan rushed through, and only the zombies at its calf were kicked into the air, or they were trampled into mud.

Where the Titan passed by, a trace abruptly smashed out, leading to the outside of the city.

At the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan let the corpse dragon waiting here land, then climbed on top of it, and an order was issued. The corpse dragon took off and chased in the direction where the Titan had left.

A few minutes later, I saw the Titan running wild below.

Being given the instincts of agility and agility by Lu Chuan, the Titan is faster and more flexible than the tyrant. It's just that it's massive, and its advantages are fully utilized. There is no evasion at all, and it pushes forward all the way.

"Sufficient enough, are you afraid of attracting more advanced zombies?"

Under the superposition of many top-level fragments, the strength of Titan is not weaker than that of level 5 zombies, but level 5 is not safe The tyrant's initial test type is large, but in this city, there are more terrifying Exist, Titan is far from an opponent.

Fortunately, all the way is smooth.

When he arrived in Shanshi County, Lu Chuan gathered the remaining special police zombies and picked out one hundred and sixty ones. They will go to the stronghold just like last time.

Rushan's ammunition was taken out by Lu Chuan from the storage space, and the special police zombies lined up. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, they picked up the magazines that matched his guns to replenish the bullets they almost shot.

When the ammunition was completed, the convoy was ready.

Ten tons of canned meat is actually not as many as you imagined, and it can be loaded in one truck.

In order to transport the Titans, Lu Chuan chose a trailer this time, and the container on the top could completely load the Titans. Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the Titan got in and lay flat.

"set off."

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, this convoy left Shanshi County and proceeded towards the stronghold along the national highway that was opened before.

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