Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 345: Life is better than death

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Back in Handong City, the noise of the outside world has nothing to do with Lu Chuan. Add this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

The helmet mercenary is not something that Lu Chuan can control. Whether he can survive the subsequent retaliation of the US military depends on Xia Min's ability. It is certain to use fighters, and it is certain to send more and stronger special forces.

If it survives, the helmeted mercenary will be the number one force in the world, and no one dares to touch its edge.

If it fails, the result will certainly not be too optimistic.

For five days, Lu Chuan was either on the run or fighting. After returning to Handong City, this kind of tranquility made Lu Chuan relax, and there seemed to be no adverse reactions.

One year of experience in the last days has long made Lu Chuan's nerves like steel.

The cruelty of the war, compared to the last days, even in case of failure, the impact of each broken body on Lu Chuan will become dispensable.

"Lu Chuan, it always feels like you have changed."

When I saw Lu Chuan in the evening, Shi Ruoyu always felt that Lu Chuan had an inexplicable temperament. This temperament was unprecedented.

Indeed, the current Lu Chuan, his every move, all exudes a temperament that modern people do not possess. In fact, this kind of temperament is the confidence that comes from walking down the battlefield.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "How did you say I changed?"

"I don't know how to say, I always feel like you are like a soldier. At such a station, there is a feeling of shaking a mountain and a mountain." Shi Ruoyu stuck her tongue out, she really didn't know how to describe this feeling.

"Haha." Lu Chuan laughed loudly, shaking the mountain and Zhenyue, using the word well.

It is estimated that the same is true. Thousands of people were slaughtered in the middle of the clouds, and the most elite special forces of the US military were crippled in the middle of the hand. With this record, this kind of powerful temperament of oneself has been cast.

Seeing Lu Chuan laughed, Shi Ruoyu also pursed his lips and laughed: "Look at you, I'm gasping for a few words, maybe you have been thrown into a corner of the wilderness in the past five days. This is savage. Temperament is also not necessarily."

By the time I was full, it was already around eleven o'clock in the evening.

"Shishi, I don't want to sit there." Lu Chuan said in a casual tone, sending Shi Ruoyu to the entrance of the school.

Shi Ruoyu didn't know what was thinking, but his face blushed, and said, "Say, did you make a devilish idea?"

"I'm wrong, what ugly idea can I make, mainly because I haven't taken you to visit my residence, so I want to take you there." Lu Chuan held up his hands, representing his innocence.

"Man, it's not honest, and always put on a deceitful cloak for what you do." Shi Ruoyu blinked her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and said, "It's too late tonight. Let's make another day." "

Lu Chuan did not reluctantly nodded and said, "Okay, another day."

Shi Ruoyu sent Shi Ruoyu to the door of the dormitory. Shi Ruoyu walked a few steps after getting out of the car. He turned around and said softly, "Lu Chuan, you won't be angry anymore? I just feel a little too fast, wait for me Are you ready to go first?"

"OK." What else can Lu Chuan say?

Seeing Shi Ruoyu enter the dormitory, Lu Chuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seemed that he was still too anxious and scared others.

But you can't blame Lu Chuan, what if you don't have any thoughts as a man?

"Let's go!"

Lu Chuan touched his nose.

In the morning, I was afraid that Lu Chuan might have any thoughts. Shi Ruoyu unexpectedly asked Lu Chuan for morning tea.

Lu Chuan, who hadn't had morning tea for a long time, did not evade.

In the last days, everything is done according to schedule, and there is nothing to worry about Lu Chuan. What is being planned now is actually the second transaction for the stronghold.

What Lu Chuan wants is the entire stronghold, so behind a series of transactions, there are all hidden functions.

"The taste of this restaurant should be the most positive."

When I arrived at the Huitian Tea House, it was already full. After waiting for more than ten minutes, I finally got a place. After sitting down, Shi Ruoyu, a foodie, naturally came to order.

Most of the people who come here to consume are students from Handong University.

Don’t look at it for a meal here for hundreds of yuan. Nowadays, college students are not short of money. Their ability is enough to spend here. I don't know how many couples come here. Looking at it, it is almost mainly couples.

Before sitting down, Lu Chuan felt an angry look beside him.

Having experienced the battlefield, Lu Chuan's intuition is very sharp, not to mention that Lu Chuan has the foundation of level 4 genetic enhancement.

Lu Chuan turned his head, and then smiled when he saw the owner with this look.

This person is Tang He.

It’s also a coincidence that when Lu Chuan and Shi Ruoyu arrived at the Huitian teahouse, when they got off the car, Tang He also happened to take a few buddies with him, and was about to come here for morning tea, and then they saw Lu Chuan and Shi Ruoyu. More importantly, he recognized Ma Xifeng.

"What a coincidence." Shi Ruoyu said hello.

Tang He breathed fire in his eyes, staring at Luchuan, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a coincidence."

Feeling Tang He’s anger, Lu Chuan seemed to have not noticed anything, and smiled: “It turns out that it’s Tang Shao. He came out faster than I expected. You can’t really get up after half a month in the imagination. ."

"Asshole." Tang He roared.

It was already possible to suspect Lu Chuan before, but now Lu Chuan is asking Tang He to confirm that Lu Chuan definitely did the assault on himself.

Shi Ruoyu frowned and said, "Tang He, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? Ask your boyfriend. I have been in the hospital for more than a week. All this is thanks to him. What do you say I want to do?" Tang He smiled angrily.

Lu Chuan looked very relaxed and said, "If you have anything, you can talk to the people behind you."

As early as when Tang He found himself, Lu Chuan gave a mental command that Ma Xifeng had already come in and stood silently behind Tang He and the others.

When Tang He looked back, he hated Ma Xifeng.

It was the **** in front of him, the one he had beaten himself, now it can be said that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet. Before, I was alone and suffered a loss, but now I have a few buddies with me, and I have to find this place back.

"It's him, beating Lao Tzu, I will take care of anything."

Tang He roared, suddenly causing the originally lively scene in this tea shop to suddenly become cold and quiet, all looking at Tang He.

In this regard, Tang He is not harmful at all.

As long as he has a good old bean, what will happen if the teahouse is demolished?

Lu Chuan showed a playful smile and beat Ma Xifeng? Hehe, Lu Chuan felt tragedy for them, and they didn't know what kind of existence they were facing.

Several of Tang He's best friends are also used to Tang He, saying that they are best friends, but in fact they should be said to be younger brothers. They usually eat and drink Tanghe, and now Tanghe wants to beat people, there is nothing to hesitate, just do it.

Ma Xifeng is wearing sunglasses. Although it is a hot day, he is still wearing a suit and leather shoes, very cold.

The weather is hot, what the **** is sweating for zombies who have no body temperature?

Ma Xifeng's current image is so cool that it attracts the idiotic eyes of many teenage college students here. To have looks and looks, to be tall and tall, the key is that the strong muscles that suits can't hold back are what makes their hearts beat faster.



The first man to approach Ma Xifeng has not yet started. Ma Xifeng’s fist has already arrived and hit him in the face. If it weren’t for Lu Chuan to make Ma Xifeng a little bit stronger, this punch was enough to shift the opponent’s facial features. .

Although it used a small amount of force, it also interrupted the opponent's nasal bridge and blood flowed wildly.

Ma Xifeng was completely open and close, allowing them to hit him, but every time he counterattacked, he directly caused one person to lose his combat effectiveness and screamed.

There was a mess in the whole tea shop.

This kind of fighting scene is really exciting for many people. Some clever ones have already taken out their mobile phones and started video recording. Fights like this one are rare.

Lu Chuan frowned, but he took Shi Ruoyu and left.

It can’t be photographed, otherwise it will be spread out when the time comes. The chairman of Baichuanguihai company is involved in the brawl here, and it seems that poetry is involved. This makes countless reporters excited. This dark history can not allowed.

Fortunately, Ma Xifeng attracted everyone's attention, and no one paid attention to Lu Chuan.

It was Tang He. His current thinking was to first beat the murderer who beat him to the ground, and then clean up the culprit Lu Chuan, so he didn't pay attention to Lu Chuan.

Coupled with successive screams, Tang He's eyes had long been attracted to Ma Xifeng.

Punch one by one, directly making the opponent unable to get up.

With just a few punches, less than a minute before and after, the battle was almost over. The few people who followed Tang He were already rolling on the ground, groaning in pain.

"What do you want to do? Don't come dad is"

Tang He saw Ma Xifeng walking towards him without a word, thinking of his previous tragic situation, there was still a shadow in his heart, and he was immediately hurt. It's just that his father hasn't lifted it out yet, Ma Xifeng's slap is already here, and he slaps him on the face with crisp applause.

There was blood in his nose and mouth, but Ma Xifeng ignored it. Holding Tang He's collar with one hand, he lifted the opponent up, left the tea shop in strides, and walked outside.

This move made Tang He frightened, and struggling to shout: "What are you going to do, let me go, help, you are going to kill."

Ma Xifeng ignored him, took Tang He to the trash can on the street outside, opened the trash can, stuffed him directly, then closed the trash can lid, and turned to leave.

This cold scene even made some girls scream, it was so cool, there was a feeling of making them **** and tide.

In the trash can, there are some cold leftovers. For Tang He, the second generation ancestor, it is a disaster. The whole body is covered with these things, and the stench makes him cry in it, like the end of the world. In general, vomiting constantly, just feel that life is better than death.

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