Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 326: vent

When Lu Chuan left, Tang He thought he had a chance. ()

But Shi Ruoyu refused to go shopping anymore, and chose to go back instead. Bu Jiayue had the intention to persuade, but after a few persuasion, there was no way to persuade it, otherwise it would be too obvious.

"Okay, I'll make an appointment next time." Tang He was unhappy, but he had to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor.

A group of people left the mall. When they saw Ma Xifeng at the door, no one would care about Ma Xifeng. After all, it was still too ordinary. The height of about 1.8 meters can only be said to be slightly taller.

A suit, a cold face, really cool.

However, with the development of modern information, I don't know how many people have seen this kind of style, and it has long since stopped being popular.

When Ma Xifeng saw Tang He, there was a glint in his eyes, and then he strode towards Tang He.

"What do you want to do?" Tang He realized that something was wrong, but his father was a billionaire, so he still had some confidence.

Ma Xifeng didn't say a word, but stretched out his hand and grabbed Tang He's collar. The other hand was clenched into a fist and blasted out, hitting Tang He's stomach hard.


In the screams, Tanghe became a shrimp-like shape.

It's just that Ma Xifeng didn't stop, he slapped his slap, and slapped his face fiercely. Five bright red fingerprints appeared on Tang He's face, which quickly swelled up.

Ma Xifeng did not stop, still fanning.

With Ma Xifeng's hand power, as long as a dead hand, Tang He can be beaten to the bones in just a few strokes, but Ma Xifeng still controlled the power, just beat Tang He into a pig's head.

"My dad is...ah..."


"I will kill you, kill you."

Tang He howled miserably. At first he wanted to move out his father, but when he slapped him down, he could only scream. At the end, Tang He was completely dumbfounded, and apart from screaming, there was no more word.

Bu Jiayue screamed in fright, looking at the fierce Ma Xifeng, they didn't dare to move at all.

After a dozen slaps, Ma Xifeng stopped.

At this time, Tang He was already bleeding from his nose and mouth, and his teeth had fallen out.

After Ma Xifeng finished this, he threw Tang He away, turned around and coldly raised his leg and left, completely ignoring the two security guards who came around.

The two security guards wanted to stop Ma Xifeng, but Ma Xifeng grabbed one of them, using his arms, and forcibly throwing a man of thirty or forty catties a few meters away, extremely sturdy.

The remaining security guard had panic in his eyes. How could he dare to stop?

After hitting someone, Ma Xifeng left without delay.

The whole process was fierce and indifferent. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even say a word. The whole process was very cold.


When we arrived at Kangyang, Lu Chuan had also been here before.

Entering inside, you saw Kang Yang.

On the table, there is a bottle of XO that has been emptied, and the other bottle is 1/3 drunk. When he saw Kang Yang, he was pouring wine, not using a cup, but blowing into the bottle.

"Are you crazy?" Lu Chuan came over and snatched the bottle from Kang Yang.

Kang Yang, who was already a bit drunk, didn't take it back. Instead, he leaned on a chair, lit a cigarette and started smoking. He smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not crazy, I just want to get myself drunk. "

Kangyang's drinking volume is very good, but it can't stand this way.

Lu Chuan put down the wine bottle, sat on the opposite side of Kang Yang, and said, "What's wrong?"

The current Kangyang has completely lost his former demeanor, his face is crumpled and his eyes are red. He said in a hoarse voice: "My grandpa is gone."

Lu Chuan heard Kang Yang mentioned that the old man who is more than 80 years old is actually the pillar of the Kang family. As a founding feat, even if the old man retires, his feat lies here. As long as he doesn’t leave, who won’t give him some points. face?

Now that the old man is gone, Kang Yang's father also retired early at the end of the year. For the Kang family, the situation is not very optimistic.

But Lu Chuan couldn't help it. The rise and fall of a family was originally like a wheel, which would roll forward. It is not an exception for a family to go from prosperity to decline. It has been in China for five thousand years, but it is so.

Lu Chuan didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only say, "Sorrow."

The only thing that can be done is actually to get drunk with Kang Yang.

Lu Chuan has been busy these days, so he didn’t care about his surroundings. Old man Kangyang has left. Lu Chuan really didn’t receive the message. Otherwise, he should give it away. After all, he and Kangyang are good buddies. .

Pour himself a glass, Lu Chuan drank silently, and it was really not suitable to say now.

After a cup of boredom, someone seemed to come in.

Lu Chuan didn't care either. It was high-end, but there were so many people who could enter here. Who cares who it is?

"Oh, this is not Kang Yang, I have drunk a lot, this is a good drink."

A strange sound of Yin and Yang rang, and then a group of laughter followed.

Lu Chuan looked up and looked at the group of seven or eight people, but he recognized the person who made the noise. He did not belong to the Kangyang circle. He used to be with Yang Xiuming. Later, Yang Xiuming entered the hospital. The circle almost exists in name only.

Xiao Yang, his father's position in Handong Province is no less than that of Kang Yang's father.

Before the change, Xiao Yang didn't dare to challenge Kang Yang like this, but now Kang Yang's grandfather is gone, and his father retired early. As for his father, he is likely to take a step forward.

As soon as we retreat, the gap widens.

Xiao Yang has always been suppressed by Kang Yang. Now that he has no worries, he is certainly not afraid of Kang Yang.

It is foreseeable that Kang Yang will not be able to flop anymore in Handong Province.

When Kang Yang saw that it was Xiao Yang, he showed a look of disdain, and said, "Go away."

"What?" Xiao Yang thought he had misheard, a ya Nei who was about to lose power, even if he dared to say to himself?

Kang Yang looked at Lu Chuan and said, "You know, this grandson, I've seen him displeased a long time ago, and I have always wanted to beat him up. I used to be scrupulous. ?"

"Of course." Lu Chuan drank the wine in his glass.

Xiao Yang was furious when he heard it, and he sternly said: "Asshole, I've seen you upset for a long time, and I've long wanted to beat you up. Now that your grandfather is dead, your father is about to retire. Come here, there is no pressure at all...Ah..."

Before he finished speaking, Kang Yang punched Xiao Yang in the nose.

This punch was not light, and Xiao Yang's nose was immediately splashed with blood.

"Ah, call me."

When Xiao Yang touched his nose, his hands were covered with blood, stimulating him to roar. The people who followed were all his little brothers, and their fathers were all decent people in the city of Handong, and they were also fat people.

With Xiao Yang in front, and Kangyang is no longer the same as before, what are they afraid of?

Kang Yang just wanted to vent it happily, no matter how it was used, when these people came to the door now, he rushed up with a ghost cry, grabbing one and beating him to death.

The other people fell on Kang Yang one by one.

Lu Chuan moved. The power of Level 3 genetic enhancement made Lu Chuan dare not use his strength, but controlled his strength. But every punch of Lu Chuan drew a scream as long as it fell.

The power of Lu Chuan's fist, less to say, is at the level of nearly one ton, which is exaggerated, but it is true.

If you change the tyrant's initial test type, it is born for strength, and its strength is stronger than a fourth-level zombie. A punch at the level of three or four tons is a real exaggeration.

With nearly a ton of power, Lu Chuan certainly didn't dare to do his best, he could only control it.

But how to control it, even at two or three hundred kilograms, how can this kind of strength be carried by ordinary people? A punch passed, screaming again and again, and there was no power to fight back.

It was only a few minutes, and there was a wailing here, everyone was howling with snot, just feeling that they were not like themselves.

Lu Chuan only received one or two punches. With Lu Chuan's physique, it was harmless.

On the contrary, it was Kang Yang. He took a lot of punches, his eyes were bruised, and there was a trace of blood hanging on the corners of his mouth. The hair that was fairly neat before became a chicken nest.

Xiao Yang was naturally more miserable, when Kang Yang just beat the opponent with all his heart, and beat him into a pig head.

Everyone here is the second generation of Ya Nei and rich. They have been spotted in the bar, but no one dares to come up and persuade. In the unlikely event that the opponent sprinkled fire on him, his small arms and legs could not hold the opponent's anger.

Now that the fight is over, everyone is howling miserably, and I don't know what the situation is.

The manager here, with cold sweat on his forehead: "They are all moving fists. There shouldn't be any big problems, right?"

The only thing I can do is to comfort myself like this. But looking at the tragic situation of these people, it doesn't look like there is no problem. In particular, a few were still convulsing and vomiting blood, and they were beaten hard at first sight.

Kang Yang stood again, he raised his leg and gave Xiao Yang a hard kick: "Grandson, take a lesson next time."

Xiao Yang just hummed, didn't dare to say hard words at all, the hero wouldn't suffer the immediate loss, and he would wait for the next time to find the place. His eyes stared viciously at Luchuan, and there was fire inside.


Kang Yang didn't dare to stay here, when the police came, although he was not afraid, he was a little troublesome after all. Now the Kang family is under the blow of the old man's departure, and he doesn't want to cause them trouble.

Of course Lu Chuan knew that Lu Chuan's identity had not yet been exposed, otherwise this matter would be a sensation.

Lu Chuan nodded, but turned and left with Kang Yang.

"Driving mine, this grandson recognizes my car. If he doesn't drive, he really dare to smash it." Although Kang Yang grinned in pain, he still sat in the vice seat.

Lu Chuan was not polite. He got into the main cab, started it with one key, then put into gear, and kicked down the accelerator. The G-class man's car started brutally and rushed out of the parking lot.

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