Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 307: do not know

There are 34 fragments of level five, and there are no fragments of level six.

"In other words, Roshan is a fifth-level zombie?" Lu Chuan was dumbfounded. The fifth-level zombies were almost desperate. If they hadn't prepared enough bombs, they might have failed.

Such a horrible zombie, turned out to be a level five zombie?

In this way, Lu Chuan calculated it.

This time the zombie attacked, thirty corpse dragons came. With the addition of four Roshan, it happens to be 34 pieces.

"There are no blank fragments, no low-level instinct fragments."

Lu Chuan became excited. When he had the highest level of zombies at level three, there was a level five, and the reward for fragments was certainly not simple.

Sure enough, among the 34 fragments, three legendary fragments were produced, seven purple fragments, and the remaining orange fragments. Legend is the top fragment, followed by purple.

The fifth-level fragments are still legendary, and Lu Chuan believes that only in the siege mode can they be hit.

Normally, if you are in the city, there are not too many zombies at level 5, and the fragments of the legendary level have the appearance rate of one in ten thousand. day.

According to the probability, how long does it take to hunt 10,000 fifth-level zombies?

I own a biochemical factory for more than a month to a whole year, but even the number of zombies at the second and third levels has not been hunted, let alone 10,000.

Five-level red instinct fragment: perception.

Five-level red instinct fragment: hardened.

Five-level red instinct fragment: chef.

Perceiving this instinct, in Lu Chuan's view, is completely one of the top instincts. It is really instinct, saying that the skills are barely. Perception is the sixth sense of meaning.

A person with perception, you only need to stare at him, and the other person will feel the response immediately.

Like when there is danger, people who have perception will find the danger the first time and make dodge. This type of person, even if you point a gun at him and want to assassinate him, he can feel a sense of palpitations and realize that people are going to be against him.


This instinct, Lu Chuan knows for the first time, literally, people with this ability will have harder fists or body muscles?

In fact, in the entire zombie siege, only a piece of legendary perception is needed, and Lu Chuan has a feeling of earning.

Perception, use it to create a truly top bodyguard, enough to protect yourself. Level 5 zombies have reached the modern age, and its toughness is no longer what humans can deal with, and the strongest people will be tortured and killed in front of it. In addition to using thermal weapons, it is difficult to kill the bodyguards of level 5 zombies.

What made Lu Chuan feel a little painful, but it was that piece of legendary chef's instinct. What's wrong, chef? Can’t say, get a chef by yourself and open a small club for yourself?

Well, Lu Chuan admitted that he was a little moved.

The fifth-level fragments can only strengthen the zombies of this level, and can also be demoted to strengthen the fourth-level zombies. But this one is downgraded, I believe no one wants to downgrade and strengthen, after all, it is really difficult to get the fragments after the fifth level.

In Zhongzhou City, it is not easy to encounter a level 5 zombie.

Putting aside the red and seven purple instinct fragments, what kind of messy instincts are there, like there is an instinct fragment, but it is equestrian. What instinct is this?


The zombies' attack on the city seemed to be a long time, but in fact it ended in just one morning.

Lu Chuan issued an order to let the zombies clean up the mess here, and he returned to modern times. It was only one morning, but Lu Chuan felt very tired.

During the whole process, Lu Chuan needs to stare, even intervene in it to perform micro-manipulation.

After exhausting his energy all morning, Lu Chuan's level 3 genes were strengthened, and he felt very tired.

"Perhaps, you need to consider raising the level 4 genetic enhancement."

Level 4 genetic enhancement potion requires 120 million yuan, a price that seems expensive but Lu Chuan can afford. Now that the zombie siege has just passed, there is still a long time before the next crisis, Lu Chuan can spend money on this.

Back in modern times, let the chef bring up the pre-heated lunch. Lu Chuan didn't even eat it in the restaurant, so he dealt with it, took a shower, and fell asleep.

Not knowing how long he slept, Lu Chuan was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand, took the phone and checked the number, but it was a strange number.

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan hung up.

Not many people know my own number, and an unfamiliar number may be mistyped.

I just hung up, and within three seconds, the phone rang again, still at the same number. In this way, Lu Chuan could only answer, and he was sure that the other party was looking for him.


As Lu Chuan said, he took a sip of the water from his head.

"Lu Chuan?" A arrogant voice rang, and he could hear that the other party was not very old, but this tone had an unparalleled taste.

Being able to hear so much meaning in it is entirely because of the other's tone.

Lu Chuan's eyes suddenly narrowed. People with this kind of tone don't need to think about it. The origin is definitely not simple. If you are not in a high position, you can't have this kind of arrogant tone.

Frowning slightly, Lu Chuan said quietly: "It's me."

Lu Chuan's answer made the other party stunned. After changing to other people, he will actually ask who the other person is. In this way, he can confess his name and naturally let himself become active.

"I am a congratulatory letter." The other party still reported his name quickly.

Lu Chuan sneered and said, "I don't know."

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan hung up the phone. He didn't care who the other party was, and now he just wanted to take a break, and he had an appointment with Shi Ruoyu at night, and he didn't have so much time to talk to him.

Besides, Lu Chuan really doesn't know who the congratulatory letter is. He doesn't have this friend.

Beijing city.

In a courtyard, a young man aged 27 or 8 turned ugly after being hung up by Lu Chuan. He raised the phone and wanted to smash it out, but it seemed that something had been thought of~www Still held back abruptly.

"Asshole, dare to take the initiative to hang up my phone." Congratulatory eyes were cold.

Originally, I only wanted 20%, so I rushed to the other side. Without 30%, I would make the other side’s company uneasy for a day. Wait until the shares are bought, and then find a way to hollow out the company.

For a company with a valuation of more than 50 billion yuan, no matter how angry the congratulatory letter is, you must bear it.

After finishing this order, I don't have to worry about lack of money in my entire life. After all, from the information obtained, this is a unicorn company with a potential of more than 100 billion US dollars.

Enduring the anger, the congratulatory letter dialed Lu Chuan's number again.


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