Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 302: Invincible

The zombies are crazy, especially the zombies siege.

The number of these swifts is as many as two or three thousand. In addition to those killed by special police zombies, the number of those who broke through was also as many as two thousand. After being divided into four shares, there are about five hundred on each street.

They are indeed crazy, but facing the swift men of Lu Chuan who have weapons and become armed, they can only end up bitterly.

One by one, the swift and violent ones were hit, and they won't die with a single shot, but with two or three shots.

Occasionally some of them hugged each other, but Lu Chuan didn’t worry about them, because the swift men under him had a neck guard built out like their necks, and their heads were protected by a motorcycle helmet. The role is limited.

The body is also equipped with some guards, whether it is scratching or biting, it can handle it.

With modern industry as the Luchuan platform, it is too simple to create this kind of simple guard.

The counterattack of the swift men had helmets in them, and they couldn't expect to bite them, but the long swords they held in their hands were not vegetarians, one knife after another, until the opponent was dismembered.

Fighting is basically a one-sided approach.

The number of siege swifts was originally not repressive. After being hacked and killed, the number grew more and more until the last one was chopped off. The streets were already full of parts of zombies, like hell.

Ragers and alienated zombies, they finally broke through the blockade of special police zombie guns, but the number that appeared in front of the swift and fierce was no longer much, but only three or several thousand.

Repeating the previous scene, another collision between each other.

During the fight, what appeared in front of Lu Chuan was a splash of limbs, and the heads of all zombies were chopped off.

Four streets, with the death of these thousands of zombies, were paved with one floor.

They didn’t stop at all. These zombies have not yet died. Thousands of lickers appeared in the rear. They appeared not on the street, but on the top of the building. Sometimes they ran into the sky, but they used The sharp claws firmly grasped the wall.

These lickers, they rushed frantically, leaping close to the building.

Lu Chuan can't do anything about this route like the licker, and the special police zombies can't stop them, because they are too fast, and they jump from the roof of the building, and some are from the wall of the building. Climbing past, it is difficult to attack them.

Thousands of lickers, like spiders, move quickly, and the visual impact they bring is shocking.

After a change of usual times, Lu Chuan must appreciate the beauty of this fear.

But now it doesn't work, because these lickers come on their own. This way of advancement meant that the thousands of lickers had almost no damage, and they had crossed the first line of defense.

What made Lu Chuan frown, and thousands of Hellhounds appeared on the street below. They could be described as swarming upwards. On this street, they turned into a dark shadow.

The streets have long been full of zombies' corpses, forming obstructions, but in the eyes of Hellhounds, they are like flat ground, and their speed is limited.

The special police zombies who had been silent for a moment finally opened fire again.

The shell was beating and fell to the ground, producing a crisp sound. Beneath the tongue of fire, the Hellhound group that rushed over was repeatedly hit, and a cloud of blood exploded on the back.

The speed of the Hellhound is too fast, if you want to hit it in the head, in fact, the main thing is to rely on stray bullets, which is blind. Such a intensive firepower would definitely gain something, depending on which hapless hellhound was hit in the head.

The too dense number caused the Hellhounds to be hit in the head and fall. Thousands of Hellhounds passed through the special police zombies guarding the first line of defense in just a few seconds.


A licker entered within one kilometer of the biochemical factory. It leaped into the air, revealing a ferocious side, and pounced on the swift man holding a long knife.

This swift man was crawled down before he could react.

The licker bit over with his mouth wide open, but was blocked by the helmet and couldn't put his mouth at all. It raised its paws and grabbed it out fiercely, but it left three thick claw marks on the guard plate.

The swift man holding the long knife reacted, and the long knife in his hand was out of the barrel without hesitation while struggling, and it entered the barrel from the side of the licker, almost without its handle.

The licker didn't notice anything, and still tried his best to use the way of grabbing and biting, trying to kill the swift one in front of him. But with this kind of armed, it seems there is no way to let the licker for a while.

On the contrary, the long knife in the hand of this swift man, after the barrel entered, it was constantly wringing, twisting the viscera of the licker, cutting a huge wound, and causing the licker's movements to be affected. .

Like a prelude, more and more lickers flew out, some pounced directly at the target, some pounced like a cheetah after landing, and their movements were extremely fast.


The fierceness of the licker made Lu Chuan have to sigh.

Lu Chuan's eyes fell on the swifts, and then he slightly manipulated these swifts. Under Lu Chuan's mental instructions, the swifts raised their knives to meet the licking lickers.

The power of the swift is actually great, but it is inferior to the rager, of course, compared with the licker, it is too weak.

The muscles of the licker are very tough, and a long knife can not bring about the same as dealing with ordinary zombies. It only leaves a wound with deep visible bones, and cannot achieve the effect of dismemberment.


A swift man was shot flying, and a large piece of the shield was sunk, and the bone inside was broken. It struggled to stand up, and the next moment it was rushed up by this licker, violently The claws split off and hit the helmet.

This kind of helmet uses ordinary steel and is very thin. This claw tears the helmet apart, and the sharp claws even cut the scalp of this swift man.

The casualties of the Swiftmen began to appear.

With the appearance of more than a thousand lickers, their physical advantage suddenly reduced the power of the swift ones.

Lu Chuan stared, his brows curled into a ball: "Quick one, withdraw."

As a last resort, Lu Chuan had no choice but to give instructions to evacuate the swift. There was no way, there were more than a thousand lickers. In the first round of torn and kill, only less than a hundred died, but among the swifts, there were more than 200 disabled, and the swifts were hard to resist.

More importantly, the hellhounds that rushed up here, their teeth bite force, let Lu Chuan know that the shields on the swifts are difficult to protect, if you don't want to pay more casualties, you must withdraw.

At the same time, Lu Chuan's instructions were given to the tyrant.

The tyrants who had been waiting for a long time moved forward, like giants, striding forward.

He carried a huge shield in his left hand, and his right arm was originally alienated, and there was no need to equip weapons. This was the best weapon. They are almost fully armed, it can be said that they are armed to the teeth, under the armed, like a five-meter-high robot.

Twelve tyrants are in a team, each team guarding a street.

These twelve tyrants are also the last line of defense in front of the position. If you break through, you will enter the maze-like position. Once the siege zombies rushed into the position, it would undoubtedly make Lu Chuan passive.


The armed tyrant ignores the hundreds of kilograms of armor assembled on his body. Every step is strong and powerful, and every step you step on will always provoke a different kind of bang.

The tyrant carried a huge shield and pushed it to the forefront, and then his alienated right arm was raised high.

The tyrant, who was more than five meters high, strode forward, just a few dozen steps, and he had already joined the swift one who had withdrawn.

Each licker, whether you are a tyrant or a tyrant, they are still advancing like crazy. They had a superior physique before facing the swift, and in front of the tyrant, they looked like a dwarf.


The alienated arm that was swung vigorously brought a sound of cutting air. This result was naturally due to the speed of the arm being swung too fast, forming a sound of wind resistance.

An aggressive licker was swept into the sky by the alienated arm.

It was still in the sky, but it turned into two halves, and the alienated arm just cut it into two parts.

Things that the swift blade could not do before can be done in the hands of the tyrant, but it can be done easily. In front of the tyrant, the licker was just a crushed object.

More and more lickers came, and they started to bite no matter what was in front of them.

Long tongues were thrown out, trying to pull the tyrant, but they couldn't realize how huge the tyrant's physique was for them, and they could not pull it at all.

The tyrant didn’t move fast, but this method of reducing the strength of ten guilds was to sweep out the alienated right arm. The few lickers in front of him were swept in by the bladed right arm and issued a "poof The cutting sound of "puff" was swept to pieces abruptly, and was swept to the walls on both sides of the street with one blow.

Twelve tyrants, they are juxtaposed in a row, like a machine, completely sweeping the army.

The licker is powerful, but when you encounter a tyrant, you can only be slaughtered.

Twelve tyrants are firmly blocked in the street. They are covered in heavy steel armor. Although they are assembled, they are not armors, but steel guards. But this method makes them lick The paws of the eaters lost their function. Steel that is too thick cannot be cut from the paw of a licker.

The dense hellhounds finally arrived. Once they got close, they attacked the tyrant's calf one after The bite force of the hellhounds is amazing, but facing the thick steel, they can only stay Just place some tooth marks.

The tyrant did not raise his leg at all, but swept it out with his alienated arms, bringing up a black liquid. The sharpness is to cut the Hellhound into slices, while the blunt face is to smash it.

With the strength of a tyrant, it is like a truck hitting the body. Whether it is a hellhound or a licker, it is hard to escape the end of crushed bones. As long as it is hit, it basically loses its combat effectiveness and forms a pool of mud. Can't stand up.

Through the holographic projection, what Lu Chuan saw was like a tyrant standing out among a group of chickens, and like a reef in the vast ocean, let these lickers and hellhounds attack, it was invincible.


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