Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 295: Span

"I'm in Handong City."

When Lu Chuan saw this message, he showed a faint smile and his eyes flashed.

In fact, he didn't go anywhere during this half day, just stayed on the balcony of the villa and leaned on a chair to rest. Say it's a rest, why are you waiting?

Now, the waiting information finally came.

The result did not disappoint Lu Chuan, Ye Lingwei finally sent a message.

"Would you like to come out for dinner at night?" Lu Chuan edited the message and posted it, and then directly added Ye Lingwei's mobile phone number in WeChat and applied for a friend.

WeChat passed quickly, but there has been no reply.

Lu Chuan was not in a hurry. Instead, he opened Ye Lingwei's circle of friends. Most of what he saw were all kinds of activities, and only a few were in the mood. After all, he was a star and couldn't be too casual.

In fact, Ye Lingwei is also looking through Lu Chuan's circle of friends.

However, Ye Lingwei was disappointed. Lu Chuan's circle of friends was updated, and it still stayed more than a year ago. It seemed that after he had a relationship with him, he never updated it.

From the circle of friends, it is not difficult to see that Lu Chuan's college life is not rich.

"it is good!"

After a long time, Ye Lingwei sent out a thoughtless word on WeChat. But when Lu Chuan received it, he smiled and typed out a paragraph: "Wait for me to book a place and give you the address."

There is no further discussion, mainly the relationship between each other, which is a bit awkward.

Ye Lingwei squeezed the phone, exhaled heavily, and showed a faint smile, as if she had made up her mind. What about ordinary people? Who stipulates that big stars must marry into giants?

This time, Ye Lingwei knew that when he asked the other party out, it was actually a signal to the other party.

Of course, a signal is a signal, but it also depends on the courage of the other party. After all, a poor boy, not everyone would think they are qualified.

"Just give yourself a choice. If you can't get along, there is no regret." Ye Lingwei thought silently.

The outside world doesn't know, but Ye Lingwei knows herself very well. As long as her character is accurate, she won't be able to pull back even the nine cows. Even if it’s love, it’s the same. When you really find it, you love it once, no matter what the identity of the other person. Even if I broke the south wall, at least I had loved it once.

With this decision, Ye Lingwei found that she had really let go and relaxed all over.

Zhao Xueyan, who had cleaned up the room, was inspired to find that Ye Lingwei's entire mental outlook had changed, she became no longer depressed, but exuded her temperament charm.

"Sister Lingwei, you always feel a little different." Zhao Xueyan said suspiciously.

Ye Lingwei smiled lightly: "Really? Or maybe."

She didn't answer directly, but she opened her suitcase and picked out a set of the most common clothes inside, then took off the makeup she made today and changed into this set of clothes.

Ye Lingwei, who has taken off her makeup, is still so beautiful. It should be said that there are two people with different temperaments before and after makeup, but they are also all overpowered.

"Sister Lingwei, are you going out?" Zhao Xueyan, as an assistant, knew that Ye Lingwei had no activity at all.

Ye Lingwei did not answer, but instead found the watch Lu Chuan gave him to wear. Even though it was a high imitation, Ye Lingwei didn't throw it away. Now wearing it makes Ye Lingwei feel nervous.

Zhao Xueyan blinked her eyes. This watch has never been worn by sister Lingwei since it was worn once, but now it is worn. Combined with the fact that someone gave this watch in Handong City, Zhao Xueyan seems to understand Some what.

Into the night.

Lu Chuan stood in front of Beijiang's floating house, walking a few steps from time to time.

Beijiang, a river that crosses the city in Handong City. There are countless buildings on the riverside. The name of the house on the water looks very old-fashioned and not very eye-catching, but in fact it is really not simple in Handong City. .

An inconspicuous name, but the internal installation is top-notch, because the boss behind it is also not simple.

When Lu Chuan came here for the first time, he still knew the boss here because the other party was also in the circle, but Lu Chuan and him were more nodding acquaintances.

When he came here, Lu Chuan didn't say hello to the other party, but just wanted to come here to consume as an ordinary person.

I chose here because Lu Chuan knew that Ye Lingwei liked this kind of river view.

Looking at the time, it was already seven ten ten.

A taxi stopped at the door, and then a tall figure appeared. She was wearing a toad mirror, covering most of her face, making her unrecognizable.

Lu Chuan recognized it at a glance. He was happy, but he greeted him.


With the light, Ye Lingwei confirmed Lu Chuan.

After more than a year, Ye Lingwei had the impression that Lu Chuan was still the same as the fresh graduated college student, but also shy. It should be said that in the original impression, Lu Chuan was more panic.

But now, Lu Chuan's face is not shy, but calm.

The two looked at each other, but they were silent, and no one knew what to say.

Lu Chuan laughed suddenly, because he saw the watch on Ye Lingwei's wrist. He couldn't admit it was wrong. This was the watch he gave her. Now, she wears it on her hand, how can she not make Lu Chuan happy.

"Let's go, you must be hungry too."

Lu Chuan spoke, but he stretched out his hand and grabbed Ye Lingwei's hand. Without letting the other party talk about it, he just pulled her inside.

Ye Lingwei wanted to struggle, but Lu Chuan's strength made her unable to break free.

He just struggled a few times, but simply didn't struggle any more, letting Lu Chuan drag him in. At the moment, Ye Lingwei's head was a little confused, she didn't expect this Lu Chuan to be so bold.

The environment of people on the water is very good, the key is the design of the lighting, which is very dim.

It’s not suitable for business talks, but for romance.

The location was booked a long time ago, and after greeting, Lu Chuan took Ye Lingwei and walked in. This kind of light, coupled with Ye Lingwei's toad mirror, would never be recognized.

When he sat down, Lu Chuan reluctantly let go of his hand.

"Don't you need to take off your sunglasses?" Lu Chuan smiled.

Ye Lingwei was generous, she took off the glasses and revealed a complete face. Without makeup, the makeup is right, but Lu Chuan feels a kind of silly feeling.

This is the first time I have seen her without makeup. After all, the star Ye Lingwei needs makeup.

Lu Chuan was observing Ye Lingwei, but Ye Lingwei was also observing Lu Chuan.

In Lu Chuan's body, Ye Lingwei found many differences, such as Lu Chuan's temperament, he radiated a kind of majesty calmly, his eyes seemed to be nothing, but if you are careful, you will find the frightening cold light inside. The clothes are very decent, and it is not difficult to tell from her eyes that they are carefully prepared.

"How are you doing recently?" Ye Lingwei's voice was trembling. Although she was determined, she still knew that her actions were too crazy and too subverted everyone's understanding.

In fact, the underlying reason for making this determination is that Ye Lingwei’s own pressure has been too great over the past year, so big that she is almost unable to bear it, and urgently needs someone to share it for her, at least one can hear what she said. .

Ye Lingwei, who came out of the scholarly family, was conservatively educated since she was young, and she subconsciously chose not to be a rich and powerful son, but to mistakenly occupy her first Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Not bad, how about you?"

"I'm fine too. This time I came to Handong City, mainly because of a song." Ye Lingwei said, her mood seemed to be much better.

Lu Chuan knowingly asked, "The song that is worth travelling all the way over must be a good song, right?"

When it comes to this one, Ye Lingwei is naturally gushing.

Lu Chuan did not interrupt her, but listened to her narration. It seemed that she had found a narrator to release the pressure of this period of time. Lu Chuan smiled, knowing that this was a good thing, and it was the first step to be recognized by her.

Looking at Ye Lingwei who was sitting in front of him, Lu Chuan still had a dreaming feeling, so his dream was fulfilled?

Although the relationship hasn't been confirmed yet, the other party was able to hold one's hands before and finally sat in front of him. From this point, even those who are slow to react will know what the other party means.

Lu Chuan knew that the other party wouldn't like his money. Ye Lingwei didn't know anything about her current achievements. In her eyes, she was still that poor boy from the countryside.

Ye Lingwei stopped until the waiter delivered the food.

"Sorry, I said so much." Ye Lingwei was a little embarrassed, even she didn't know why she became eloquent, which was not like her before.

Lu Chuan smiled: "It's okay, I'm willing to listen."

It happened that the phone in his pocket rang Lu Chuan took it out and took a look, and found that it was Zhong Hua's call. After thinking about it, he made an apologetic gesture to Ye Lingwei. This was the answer.

"Boss, the celebration party is about to begin, can you come?" Zhong Hua's voice came out.

This time, the celebration party of Baichuan Guihai Company was actually planned long ago. As long as the press conference is held, it will be held in the evening. This press conference can be said to have caused the whole network to boil. It is naturally worth holding a celebration party and the whole company is happy.

Lu Chuan glanced at Ye Lingwei, then shook his head lightly and said, "Just tell them, I have important things now, and there is no way to go, so let them figure it out. Besides, without me, they will let them go. Drive some."

"Yes, boss!" Zhong Hua's voice was concise, and he never had a half-word about what the boss meant.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Lingwei did not ask.

Lu Chuan did not explain, but eagerly fell on Ye Lingwei's body. He felt his breathing become heavier, and said softly, "How many days will you stay on this trip?" (https://)

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