Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 281: Observed


A new human wearing an armor made of steel, he leaped and ran wildly, and every time he landed, it was like a heavy object hitting the ground with a heavy noise.

From this, you can see how heavy the armor he is wearing.

He was wearing such a heavy armor, but his running speed was incredibly fast, and his time broke 5o kilometers per hour, even faster.

If you zoom out the camera a little bit, there will be thousands of people like this survivor.

Thousands of people evacuated the city as quickly as possible.

After leaving the city, gradually, their speed slowed down, but one by one they got into the house next to the national highway. There were a few heavy trucks and trucks full of supplies. Inside a well-designed shelter.

A team of thousands of people disappeared at this moment.

Silently, the mighty sound just now disappeared, making people feel that nothing had been born at all.

The zombies in the city were not chased out, but in the sky, like flying zombies with thick clouds, they were scattered, and they were flying around the city.

Some flying zombies even flew past the place where the survivors just hid.

And these houses.

All the survivors now opened their armor masks one by one, breathing heavily, just running wildly with all their strength, consuming too much of their energy, they are good aliens, but their physical strength is not unlimited.

Anyone wearing tens of kilograms of armor on his body, holding a weapon, can't hold it if he runs like this.

The sound of tearing the air from the sky made them panting, but they showed a look of fear. If they were to slow down and get entangled in these flying zombies, God knows how many people will become victims.

The movement today is indeed a bit big, the zombies that were alarmed are definitely hundreds of thousands of levels, but the number of zombies killed is also considerable, and at least tens of thousands of zombies have been killed.

They are used to the work of scavengers like today.

Over this period of time, a million zombies have been cleaned up. According to this kind of scale, it only takes one or two years to clean up all the zombies in this city.

At that time, they will return to the city and become the masters of this city.

The flying zombies in the sky will not be able to disperse so quickly for a while, so they can't do anything now, they can only wait.

The zombies are the most terrifying, the first is the high-level zombies, and the second is these flying zombies.

About an hour later, after receiving the news that the flying zombies had dispersed, the hidden aliens suddenly put down their vigilance and laughed one by one.

They can't tolerate their upset, and the experience summed up time and time again, like today's time, the error rate is very small, and the loss of thousands of people may only be one or two.

If this situation continues, it is possible to achieve zero casualties next time.

Another reason they are happy is the harvest.

As more and more areas of the city are captured, materials naturally become more abundant. They are combat personnel. Among these materials, they have the right to distribute, and good things are always in their hands as soon as possible.

Appearing from the hidden place, the entire team of thousands of people has entered a state of rapid marching, but it is returning to the stronghold.

When they left, in the corner, 6 Chuan held his arms and watched them leave with a smile indifferently.

"Everything has regulations. Looking at them, they are extremely skilled. In other words, during this period of time when I didn't pay attention to them, the stronghold gave birth to something that I didn't know?"

6 Chuan was a little irritable, because he used his zombie suit to go around.

What I saw in this circle made 6 Chuan feel uneasy.

The corpses of zombies were all on the floor, and some of them were so rotten that the bones could be seen, obviously dead for a long time. In this case, there is no way to count, but 6 Chuan can still estimate a rough value.

Nearly a million zombies were bombarded and killed in this area.

What is the concept of a million zombies?

For example, there are some counties with over 100,000 talents. A million zombies are already considered to be the total population of the most populous county, that is, the people of the entire county are gathered together, and then suddenly dropped out and sunken on the streets as carrots.

The city of Zhongzhou is huge, and a million zombies seem to be nothing. You can look at these empty streets and this small number of zombies to know what the concept of a million zombies is.

6 Chuan is uneasy because the survivors’ current behavior is not like hunting but cleaning up.

Why clean up?

There is only one reason, and this is that the survivors want to retake the city.

For 6 Chuan, this is absolutely unbearable.

The biochemical factory is in the city. If the survivors really retake the city, the biochemical factory will no longer be a secret. How will you face these survivors?

Zombies and humans are definitely two irreconcilable existences. Once the secrets are revealed between themselves and humans, it is still light to be accused of being an anti-humanity.


Liu Chuan stayed till night before he mounted the corpse dragon and appeared far away from the stronghold with a gust of wind.

Let the corpse dragon land, 6 Chuan stood on a residential building far away, watching the stronghold with binoculars. Since it is night, there is no light in sight here. The reason is naturally for safety.

Don't think that at night, the zombies will not act.

In the sky, there will always be flying zombies passing by, sometimes even a huge group.

The stronghold can be safe to this day, and caution is inseparable.

Of course, he knows some of the six rivers that have been to the stronghold. Now he is not observing the lights, but the walls.

The tall walls always give people a sense of security in the last days. The walls of the stronghold are both tall and large. As long as they see the structure like the Great Wall, who is worried?

There are patrolling people on the fence. They wear black clothes and almost blend with the night. The advantage of this is to avoid being seen by zombies to the greatest extent.

6 Chuan has been observing, not in a hurry.

The movement made by 6 Chuan last time, now it is going to be mixed in, and it can no longer be swaggered in as before.

The stronghold has changed. Before figuring it out, Liuchuan didn't dare to swagger in. He must think of a way to sneak in, such as climbing in from the wall?

As long as you figure out their patrol rules, you can act.

Using a corpse dragon to fly in, Liu Chuan also thought about it, but the stronghold was not very big. The corpse dragon really flew in, and it has not landed. It has been definitely not.

If you want to know what happened in the stronghold, you just need to go inside and you will know it naturally.

"about there."

After three hours of observation, Liuchuan put away the telescope.

The time now is around ten o'clock in the evening. There is no entertainment and no light source in the last days. At this point, almost everyone has entered the fragrance of dreams.

6 Chuan watched a group of patrols pass by, and immediately started to act.

Level 3 genetic enhancement, the wall here, as long as you avoid the patrol here, it's really hard to reach six rivers.


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