Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 277: Dexterous corpse dragon

May 3rd.

6 Chuan brought tension and An Tong appeared in Juli Machinery Factory.

Juli Machinery Factory is not only famous in Handong City, it is also a well-known manufacturer in China. Juli Machinery is even more famous in the eyes of engineering people.

From excavators to various construction machinery, you can see them here.

This large-scale machinery factory was born in the local area of ​​Handong City. It did not go to collectivization. Instead, it was the same as before. It revolved around the machinery factory as its core. It took a streamlined route and cut unnecessary expenses. This seems incredible. On the contrary, Juli Machinery Factory has become bigger and bigger.

Although there is no groupization, there is still a large-scale sales department here.

The structure of the sales department is similar to that of a car's 4s shop. The difference is that there is a huge open space inside, filled with various large and small machines.

Entering the sales department, here is also the same format as the 4s store, with a group of sales elites in suits and shoes.

6 Chuan just stepped in. Not to mention the role of Zhang Li as an assistant in their eyes, but An Tong's outstanding appearance is enough to tell the extraordinary of 6 Chuan. People who can bring assistants and secretaries, no matter how young they are, are not comparable to ordinary customers.

A saleswoman with sharp eyes and quick feet appeared in front of 6 Chuan: "Hello boss, can I help you?"

Before the change, there may be some unnaturalness in 6 Chuan.

But now, the aura of the upper-ranking person in Sichuan has made this female sales uneasy. There is a feeling of seeing the manager and president of the factory.

6 Chuan pointed to the machine outside: "Can I go and see it first?"

"Of course." The female salesperson was even more happy. This type of talent is a real buyer. She hurriedly waved, and naturally there will be other sales who bring tea.

In the sales industry, whoever receives it first will naturally belong to this customer.

Seeing the temperament of 6 Chuan, some sales have already regretted it. Why didn't I find that 6 Chuan came in earlier and missed the deal.

Most of the people who come here to buy machinery are bosses, and some are even company representatives. Once an order is made, there may be dozens of machinery and contracts with tens of millions of dollars are not surprising. This commission makes people jealous.

6 Chuan carried tea and followed the other party to the open space. Along the way, female salesmen kept introducing them.

"Boss, our Juli Machinery Factory looks at the whole country and is definitely one of the best in machinery manufacturing. Not only domestically, our Juli Machinery Factory also exports to dozens of countries around the world and has a good reputation."

"Last year alone, the total turnover of Juli Machinery Plant reached 37 billion."

6 Chuan listened, just smiled.

Walking to a giant excavator, 6 Chuanxian stood by himself, not as high as the track. This is a guy eight meters high and twelve meters long. Standing in front of it, it becomes extremely small.

6 Chuan stroked his chin, thinking.

For example, if you bring this guy to the end of the world, you don’t even need to modify it. Use it to deal with zombies. The effect is absolutely pole-to-stick. It is directly crushed. As long as it is a zombie standing in front of this guy, there is absolutely no bone .

As far as this size is concerned, there are also hundreds of tons.

The tyrant is good enough, but 6 Chuan dare to say that in front of this giant excavator, it is also crushed.

Seeing 6 Chuan watching this giant excavator, the female salesman showed pride on her face. After all, this kind of giant machinery cannot be manufactured by any factory.

"Boss, this is an x-o3 excavator, which is mainly used for mining mines. The factory is currently engaged in activities and it can be discounted at 5%. Now it only costs 210 million." The female salesman introduced.

The 210 million monster is exactly the price of a sports car.

It seems to be very expensive, but as long as people in the industry will know, in fact this price is not expensive anymore.

As far as 6 Chuan’s financial resources are concerned, he can’t afford to eat this guy. The diesel used in a day is not a small figure, and it is not affordable for ordinary small companies or individuals.

6 Chuan smiled, walked to an excavator parked not far away, and said, "What is the price of this one?"

"Boss, this T-43 type excavator currently only needs 1.6 million yuan." The female salesman immediately quoted its price.

This T-43 excavator, its size, is already in the category of large excavators.

"If you want five, what price can you get?" Liu Chuan turned around and said.

"What?" The female salesperson didn't respond for a while. This is 1.6 million machines. In her opinion, why the other party should check more, or check the actual operation before returning to the VIP guest in the sales hall. In the district, it takes a long time to make a decision with yourself.

Who would have thought that the young boss in front of him would directly start bargaining here.

Fortunately, the response from the female salesperson was good: "If you want five sets, you can reduce the price by 50,000 yuan each."

Wutai has nearly 10 million orders.

6 Chuan is very simple: "1.5 million one, I want five, if you can call the shots, sign the contract now. If not, ask your manager."

A drop of 100,000 is really not something that female sales can take the lead. Anyway, this list will be counted on oneself, and it will be difficult to find a manager. Naturally, it is hard work.

I asked the manager for instructions. In the end, it was 1.5 million units, and each unit also sent a 10,000 yuan gas card.

On the contract, 6 Chuan directly signed his name, and then swiped his card to get five large excavators. 6 Chuan's request was that the other party sent a car to his warehouse outside the suburbs. Such a small thing would naturally not be a problem.

The efficiency of the Juli Machinery Factory is very high, and the 50,000 oil truck is not said on the spot, and the truck is immediately sent to start the delivery.


Storage department.

Five excavators drove into the warehouse, and in a blink of an eye they were brought to the end of the world by Liuchuan. Twenty barrels of diesel that had been purchased for a long time were brought to the end of the world by Shichuan.

The construction site in front of the biochemical plant.

6 Chuan placed five excavators here. Next, let the zombies learn to use these excavators. Here needs to build a position, the power of zombies is great, but after all, their level cannot be compared to machinery.

There must be machines in the last days, but they are almost in the suburbs, which is very troublesome.

Not only to get it, but also to bring it back to the modern era for repairs. It takes too much time to toss.

Today is number 3, not far from the zombie siege.

When he was in the Department of Civil Engineering, 6 Chuan signed up to study machinery. Although he did not get the certificate in the end, it was not a problem to move the excavation. In this last days, it doesn't matter if it is destroyed, you can play generously.

Teaching zombies is actually more like programming.

It took an afternoon until the evening that the five zombies finally learned to use it.


These zombies don't have much creativity, and 6 Chuan still needs to give instructions on their behalf. In other words, to give them a general task, such as digging a pit, at least give them instructions for digging a pit, so that they can control the actions of the excavator.


The huge diesel engine roared, driving the excavator to move.

I only saw an ordinary zombie operating the excavator in the cab. Its movement was a bit stiff, which made the excavator drive a bit crooked, but it could barely be in working condition.

This scene is too shocking, I am afraid that the survivors who have seen it with their own eyes will not believe what they saw.

Can zombies drive excavators?

The scene before them is simply unheard of. If they are really shown, they won't even be able to sleep. Know how to drive an excavator, will you be able to drive a tank and a plane next?

If this is the case, mankind will perish sooner, and there is no need to struggle.


The mountain shook for a while, and Liu Chuan shook his head a little.

A zombie is still a zombie. It will never be flexible. It just made a mistake. The excavator directly hit the shop on the street, the dust was flying, and it hit a big hole, exposing the goods inside.

Occasionally, zombies do make mistakes, but overall it is still good.

With the help of these five excavators, the transformation of the street has become much faster, and some construction wastes are constantly being transported over, and then filled in this street, forming an ups and downs street.

Zombies want to come from here, but it's not that simple. There are messy streets with some obstructions everywhere, which will block them and let them pass slowly.


No 4.

In the early morning of the last days, the fiery red sun rose from the east, filled with the early morning glow everywhere.

The corpse dragon walked out of the warehouse and leaped directly on the construction site. The flapping flesh wings brought a huge wind, and the huge body had already risen into the air, and then coiled around the biochemical factory.

6 Chuan passed the elevator of the biochemical factory to the fourth floor, and then through the stairs to the top floor.

"Come down."

The order was given, but the corpse dragon was high in the sky, and the fleshy wings suddenly closed, losing its support, causing the corpse dragon to smash down downward.

There were about a hundred meters away, but the corpse dragon's flesh wings stretched out, as if it had received a huge force, suddenly supporting its body. It's just that the force of the fall was very large, and it didn't stop completely in the air, it still fell down.

One hundred meters in height, in a blink of an eye.

However, the corpse dragon achieved balance when it was a few meters away from the top of the building. The flesh wing actually supported its body, allowing it to stay in the channel for a short time, and then it took the flesh wing away from a few meters. The height fell gently to the ground.

If you don't know that it is a corpse dragon, you will definitely be surprised by this dexterity.

A corpse dragon possesses the dexterity that is far greater than that of living creatures, which is incredible.

6 Chuan was also surprised. He really didn't know that the corpse dragon could do such a dexterous You should know that zombies belonged to that kind of mindless existence, going straight ahead.

"Zombies after level five seem to be different."

This phenomenon caused 6 Chuan's brows to frown, which means that in the future, when facing zombies after level 5, they will become more dangerous. After all, they have new changes, which is not a good thing. .

The corpse dragon stopped and Shi Chuan stepped up.

The old way is to tie a rope directly to the abdomen of the corpse dragon and tie a knot.

6 Chuan tried to test the firmness. After there was no problem, he gave an instruction. The powerful hind limbs of the corpse dragon ejected from the roof, slapped the fleshy wings in the air, and lifted it up suddenly. Soar.


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