Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 265: Put it here

At this moment, 6 Chuan felt like being beaten up.

Fortunately, I was hiding in the distance instead of following them, otherwise I would not know how to die under this kind of firepower. In front of the anti-aircraft artillery fire, his level 3 genetic enhancement is a joke.

The armor of the armored vehicle is like paper under fire.

Zombie soldiers, they have immortal bodies, but what? Under this kind of blow that does not know whether it should be called a cannon or a bullet, some of them are even directly broken into two sections.

With the bright light of the flares, 6 Chuan can clearly see the limbs flying across the battlefield.

If bitten by a bullet, he is either dead or injured.

This kind of firepower seems to be targeted. When the opponent comes up, it is a heavy fire attack. Obviously, he is very familiar with helmet mercenaries and understands the characteristics of helmet mercenaries.

Under the cross of firepower in all directions, the lethality brought by it is huge.

The zombies fell silently. They have no speech system, and they don’t even have a miserable howl. It should be said that except for hitting the head, they will not feel pain when hitting any troops on the body. No more screams.

6 Chuanmu's canthus was completely split, and I felt panic in my heart.

The reason for the panic lies in the mystery shown by these zombie soldiers. It was beaten into two stages, but the zombie soldiers with arms still crawled on the ground toward the other side according to the instructions.

Some zombie soldiers who had made a big blood hole in their chests did not fall down, but still carried their weapons forward.

This is terrifying, they are not human at all now, they are more like demons.

If not for this human skin, what is the difference between them and demons? They are simply representations of immortality, and abilities that should not appear in humans.

6 Chuan can guarantee that this scene must have been seen by the enemies present.

The flares have been exhibited to the present, with longer airborne power and brighter light sources. Just one is enough to make this daylight, not to mention that the number is rising now, and when the other is preparing to fall, it will rise into the sky and keep the light here.

God knows the secret of the helmet mercenary is revealed, what will be the result?

At this moment, 6 Chuan was a little scared.

Such a secretive thing, and such a large-scale battle, will definitely spread to the hands of all countries. As long as they investigate it carefully, they can't get rid of the relationship at all.

Yes, do not doubt the intelligence capabilities of countries to get serious.

"Can't let this secret leak out." 6 Chuan clenched his fists.

far away.

Almost ten armored vehicles emerged from the darkness. They strafed and approached here, constantly compressing the combat space of the helmeted mercenaries.

Even more so that Liuchuan felt fear, or three tanks appeared in the town.

To be sure, in order to set this trap, the other party definitely laid down the capital. This kind of firepower, this kind of equipment, everything seems to have been premeditated.

It is not surprising to think about it, the commission is received by the helmet mercenary, and you only need to monitor the helmet mercenary. Knowing that the helmeted mercenaries are dispatched, prepare in advance and mobilize a large amount of heavy firepower to cause this scene.

The other party is not an idiot, it is impossible to continue like this.


The opponent not only went out with heavy firepower, but also went out with a large number of snipers. Each shot of them represented a zombie soldier hit, or hit the head, or the position of the chest.

The staggered firepower output brings about the same as harvesting wheat.

Xia Min was not stupefied. It held Batley and fired at the spotlight in the town. With each shot, one was destroyed. The spotlights that had previously illuminated people’s eyes were all extinguished in just a few seconds.

As the world's top gunner, Xia Min's combat power displayed at this moment is frightening.

After simply changing the magazine, Xia Min picked it up again and fired at the leading armored vehicle. Amid the roar, sparks splashed on the armored vehicle, but it stopped. This shot smashed the driver's chest.

The muzzle moved slightly upwards, another shot decisively.

An armed person on the armored vehicle who was operating the Vulcan cannon suddenly burst open, like a blood flower in bloom.

"God, what did I see?"

Just when Xia Min shot back, a sniper screamed in horror, because he just shot a helmeted mercenary man into the chest, and a big blood hole appeared.

However, the other party was not dead, and continued to move forward with his gun, without even a struggle.

This terrible scene made him feel bad.

It was more like a group of demons, unkillable demons facing me now.

As a mercenary after being discharged from the army, he still possesses very strong qualities. Another shot hit the shoulder of the helmeted mercenary who had not fallen and knocked out an arm. However, the other party just shook and moved on again.

The unbelievable scene made his eyes wide and unbelievable.

He knows how strong his hands are, and he can run through a car. Not to mention people, even a car can be scrapped with one shot, but the person in front of him can still move forward with his entire chest broken.

Not to mention death, even the miserable howling is lacking, and there is no struggle caused by severe pain.

In contrast, the arm was blown away by himself, which was completely incomparable with the blood hole in this chest.

This sniper couldn't figure out what was going on. Could it be that the opponent's vitality was strong and he didn't die immediately? But this is too exaggerated. The chest was smashed, and the internal organs must be shattered to pieces. How can you survive?

Not only this sniper had a problem, but other mercenaries and counter-armed forces also felt something was wrong.

At this time, 6 Chuan also knew it was wrong.

If this kind of performance is really spread, the shock will be greater.

"The one that was hit, fell."

At the next moment, 6 Chuan gave the order.

From this point of view, Xia Min is still a little unqualified as a leader. It is not that it is dereliction of duty, but its energy and flexibility. It cannot be like a human being. Like now, it should make the zombies behave more like humans.

If it wasn't for himself, Xia Min's combat method would definitely be to rush, rushing in front of the opponent with an undead body, and then bombard and kill the opponent.

In the face of small groups of troops, or troops with insufficient firepower, Xia Min's tactics are naturally not disadvantageous.

But now, the opponent's number is not known, and the firepower is full. If you rush, you will die. Like now, armored vehicles and anti-aircraft guns are the focus of care, and they were destroyed in the first round of blows.

Under 6 Chuan's instructions, the zombie soldiers who were hit one after another fell without hesitation.

Finally, in the eyes of some people like the counter-armed forces, everything returned to normal, as if it was just one's own dazzling and hallucinations. After all, it was too unbelievable.

The fallen zombie soldiers must be dead in their eyes.

Just kidding, your chest is broken and pierced. It's not dead. Do you think you are God?

In a tall building in the town.

Occam and others all looked at them with binoculars.


The men looking at the helmeted mercenaries fell one by one and were beaten horribly. They were all happy this time. Looking at the reactions of these people, it seemed that they were beaten up and couldn't even fight back.

A face-to-face, the lethality brought about by this heavy firepower, would maimed the opponent.

This is the war, this is the real battle.

The previous record of helmet mercenaries was nothing at all. This was just a small group of counter-armed forces they encountered. Now it's different. With them in charge, their strength has increased several times.

Under this kind of heavy firepower, the helmeted mercenaries are more like a mob.

"Mr. Occam, they are dead."

"You can end the battle in half an hour, half an hour."

"Huh, arrogance has its price."

"This is the price of eating alone."

A group of brains showed smiles on their faces. With 150 million U.S. dollars, they are all calculating how much they will get. This battle is a one-sided battle, and victory is certain.

This helmeted mercenary is also an idiot, and has no reconnaissance. I really don't know how they lived until now.

"Gentlemen, things to celebrate, I will talk about it later, now is to put out the other party, and don't give them a chance." Occam said, because he had a bad feeling in his heart.

In the binoculars before, he saw a few mysterious pictures, which shocked him.

Although these helmeted mercenaries eventually died, Occam couldn't get rid of this influence. He couldn't understand why he was hit by a sniper in the chest, but he could still charge for a certain distance, insisting on two or three minutes before falling down?

Even a bull, this shot was enough to make it fall to the ground immediately.

This helmeted mercenary is really secretive.

"Occam is right."

All brains, all through the communicator, gave instructions to let their subordinates encircle each other. Regardless of whether the opponent resists or does not resist, execute the kill plan.

In their eyes, the death of five hundred people is not a big deal.

The fierce firepower caused fewer and fewer zombie soldiers in the helmeted mercenaries, and they fell to the ground one by one. Many of them are incomplete, some have no heads, some chests have been beaten, and some intestines in the abdomen are exposed.

There are more zombie soldiers who lack arms and legs.

They are all lying on the ground, motionless, looking at their injuries, everyone knows that they must be dead.

But there is a small detail that no one noticed.

These are these dead zombie soldiers. They are down, but they are still holding weapons in their Maybe they are dead in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Liuchuan, they Not dead at all.

If the zombies are not damaged in their heads, they are almost immortal. For the zombies, these injuries are just drizzle.

In the last days, the rotten places on the zombies are more exaggerated than these wounds, but they still wander the streets well, and when they encounter the target, they are still fierce.

The opponent's heavy firepower is very strong, which is really a disadvantage at this kind of distance.

Play dead, and then let them get closer.

For zombies, the fatal injuries they received are the best disguise, which will make people absolutely believe that this is a dead person. For the dead, even elite soldiers will become lax.


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