Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 256: lonely

As long as the corpse dragon swayed like this, Liu Chuan didn't know if he would be thrown into the air due to dizziness. &1t;/

Falling from a height of several hundred meters and hitting the ground is no longer sour. If you smash it like this, it must be a part of the same place, and no one will be complete. &1t;/

6 Chuan who reacted, gave the order. &1t;/

The corpse dragon slowed down quickly, and then let himself fly level. &1t;/

When the corpse dragons were parallel, Liu Chuan's head was still a little dizzy, and Liu Chuan, who had this kind of flight experience for the first time, was still a little uncomfortable. This way of flying is completely different from taking a passenger plane. &1t;/

6 Chuan shook his head and allowed himself to get used to it before 6 Chuan could appreciate the scenery in the sky. &1t;/

The city below, as if it were shrunk, can be seen scattered with blocks, countless buildings dotted with the blocks below, and zombies surging on the streets can be seen. &1t;/

The speed of the corpse dragon is not fast, but how slow can it go? &1t;/

After 6 Chuan got used to it, it was natural not to appreciate the scenery, but to become familiar with the operation of the corpse dragon. If there are no accidents, in the future, it will be his mount. &1t;/

With it, you can fly to Bei'an New Area, or wherever it is. &1t;/

Otherwise, taking the underground railway line will always make Liuchuan feel unreliable. &1t;/

In order not to cause trouble, Liu Chuan asked the corpse dragon to fly around the biochemical factory and did not dare to go to other areas. This was really not a joke. Once it attracted attacks from other flying zombies, Liu Chuan didn't think he could escape. &1t;/

It took ten minutes before Liu Chuan successfully learned to control the corpse dragon. &1t;/

The corpse dragon is also a category of zombie products. It also has a "programming" function. After a set of instructions from 6 Chuan, things are not complicated. With simple instructions, it can make very complicated actions. Come. &1t;/

With the corpse dragon spreading its wings, it reached about fifteen or six meters, which is also terrifying, about the size of a fighter plane. &1t;/

In the sky, 6 Chuan had enough addiction to let the corpse dragon land. &1t;/

Back in the underground warehouse, the corpse dragon stood, its eyes were all black, as if it could talk. But if you look carefully, you can see the cruelty radiating from its eyes. This cruelty is a bit more fierce than the hellhound. &1t;/

In other words, this guy is not easy to mess with. &1t;/


at night. &1t;/

Six Chuan, in a state of excitement, returned to modern times from the end times. &1t;/

Let the kitchen bring up the hot dishes, and Liu Chuan finished eating by himself, looking at the big villa, not knowing why, but lacking in interest. Thinking carefully, I also know that this is caused by loneliness. &1t;/

In the villa, except for a few servants and chefs, like Yang Biao, they are all zombies, they will not communicate with you, even standing behind you, it can be motionless, extremely boring. &1t;/

In such a time worth celebrating, Liu Chuan couldn't find a person to tell. &1t;/

After thinking about it, I have been out for a month and haven't called home. &1t;/

I dialed my father's phone. The rest time in the countryside was early, but it was only around 8 o'clock. The countryside didn't take a rest so soon, so the 6th militia was not disturbed. &1t;/

"Son, the days are optimistic, and I was about to call to inform you. It will be the eighteenth day."&1t;/

Excitement was revealed in the voice of the 6 civilian army. &1t;/

Also, the old house is about to be demolished, and then the new house will be built. For their generation, this moment is their most happy time. &1t;/

6 Chuan laughed and said, "Okay, I'll give you money later, and I will definitely let you build our house beautifully, Dad."&1t;/

"No, enough money, enough money." The 6th Army refused happily. &1t;/

The money given by Chuanqian, not to mention one building, is enough for two buildings. It’s not easy to have a son away. As a parent, he always thinks about his son. If he wants his son’s money, it’s better to let him defend himself. &1t;/

"Dad, it's okay, as long as you are happy." Liu Chuan smiled. He is indeed happy. Although the funds are tight, it is absolutely not a problem to squeeze one or two million out. &1t;/

Next, naturally, the 6th militia said that 6 Sichuan was listening. &1t;/

The content, of course, is about how to plan the house. When it comes to this, the 6th Civil Army is always excited. &1t;/

After chatting for half an hour, it was the turn to chat with my mother. What the old man can do is actually instruct 6 Chuan to pay attention to the body and to be careful and safe. &1t;/

When he hung up, Liu Chuan transferred one million to his father's account. &1t;/

The 6th militia who received the money called again to admonish them, but the tone in it was full of pride. His own son can easily come up with one million, how many people can do this ability? &1t;/

As soon as the mobile phone was collected, Shi Chuan leaned on the sand. &1t;/

If the villa is big, every night, it looks a little deserted. The biochemical factory in the last days is at night, and there is nothing to do. Staying in the biochemical factory is even more lonely. &1t;/

I don't know why, in Liu Chuan's mind, first Ye Lingwei's face was reflected, and then another face that Liu Chuan had never thought of appeared. It turned out to be the female anchor? &1t;/

Shi Ruoyu? &1t;/

6 Chuan is a little uncertain, after all, I have met her twice before and after, and it has been half a year now. After all, it was just a passer-by, and 6 Chuan really didn't remember her name seriously. &1t;/

With a move of heart, Liu Chuan took out a folding computer from the storage space, and in the ejection room, the breathing room became an all-in-one machine. &1t;/

Plug in the power supply and turn it on. &1t;/

When it was automatically connected to the wireless network, 6 Chuan opened Baidu, entered Shi Ruoyu's name, and hit the Enter key, and a lot of information soon appeared. &1t;/

Shi Ruoyu is just a famous but unstoppable Niu Cha in the world of anchors. She was still found out and ranked on the fifth message. &1t;/

Click to enter, but jump to a live broadcast room. &1t;/

6 Chuan has never played these things before, and has no energy, but thinks that these things are really virtual and there is no need to pay attention. I’m on the other side of the computer, how many come, and what can I do? However, I don't know how many local tyrants are making money. &1t;/

This kind of behavior is beyond imagination. &1t;/

Entering the live broadcast room, because there is no registration, only the identity of the tourist is used. &1t;/

6 Chuan doesn't matter, I just want to come in and have a look. &1t;/

"Welcome new friends, I’m Shishi, and I’m currently broadcasting the deliciousness of a sparrow-style snack bar in Chaoyang District, Handong City. Look, this is the one."&1t;/

What caught my eyes was dim light, and the picture was a small shop. &1t;/

In the corner of the picture, you can also see the prosperity of the big city, this is a small shop in the corner of an alley. If you don't pay attention, no one will know the existence of this small shop. &1t;/

And in the picture, Shi Ruoyu's pure face soon appeared, her mouth was bulging, she was smashing, and the sound of praise from time to time. It can be seen that the things in this small shop are deeply loved by her. . &1t;/

It has been more than half a year, and I saw Shi Ruoyu again. Although it was on the screen, Liuchuan still felt a sense of intimacy. &1t;/

"It's really a foodie." &1t;/

6 Chuan smiled, I am afraid that only she can find such a secret place. &1t;/

Although Shi Ruoyu is an anchor, he is an outdoor gourmet anchor. It is really difficult for this type of anchor to get popular. But this poem, Ruoyu, is completely on its own, and doesn't care how many fans he has. &1t;/

And this kind of indifferent, in her long live broadcast, but accumulated a lot of fans, let her on this live broadcast platform, can be regarded as a small reputation. &1t;/

6 Chuan glanced at the number of viewers on the live broadcast, and didn't know if it was real. It showed that 16,000 people were online. &1t;/

This number, for outdoor food live broadcasts, ranks second in the platform category, which is considered a very popular live broadcast room. &1t;/

In the live broadcast room, many people applauded, and from time to time there will be gifts. &1t;/

There are not many people who give rewards, but Liu Chuan took a look and found that the income from this food should allow her to maintain her life of food, and there is still no problem. If there is no reward, the way she eats every day is unsustainable. &1t;/

A good snack costs more than ten or tens of yuan, or even some over a hundred yuan. Adding food, clothing, housing and transportation is a lot of expense. &1t;/

I don’t know why, looking at Shi Ruoyu on the screen, the kind of intoxication she was eating when she was eating, made Liu Chuan have an urge to try this kind of snack. Maybe... this is what everyone likes food shows. The reason is. &1t;/

Thanks to the lead of the anchor, many foodies can taste all kinds of delicacies, and the delicacies that can pass the taste of the anchor are not bad. &1t;/

"Dear friends, it is small, but the tricks are not small. I just asked the boss. There are a total of 60 different snacks. It seems that I have a good taste tonight."&1t;/

Shi Ruoyu continued to speak, but her mouth did not stop. &1t;/

6 Chuan was wondering, what exactly is she growing up, and this kind of eating method didn't make her fatter? &1t;/

"Poetry, my saliva is flowing out, if it's not that I don't have time, I will definitely pass now."&1t;/

"That's right, at this point in time, supper is not supper, supper is not supper, do you think I will go or not?"&1t;/

"Dear brothers, I can't help it. I'm forced to work harder for one during overtime."&1t;/

"Boss upstairs, Diosi can't watch the live broadcast when she works overtime."&1t;/

In the live broadcast room, comments are constantly being refreshed. Observation and speech are forbidden here. Everyone can only communicate in this way of writing comments. Therefore, what Liuchuan sees are comments that are quickly brushed out and disappear in a blink of an eye. &1t;/

Looking at the comments of these people, Shi Chuan was moved. &1t;/

Yes, when I was a diaosi office worker, I still had time to go to the night market, but when I became a boss, I lost this when I became rich. &1t;/

Didn’t you say loneliness, why not go for a walk? &1t;/

Looking at Shi Ruoyu, who was eating with relish in the live broadcast room, Liu Chuan smiled, not even turning off the computer, and stood up and walked out of the villa. &1t;/

Under instructions, Ma Xifeng ran a bullock out and stopped in front of the villa. &1t;/

6 Chuan just came out, Ma Xifeng got out of the car and waited for 6 Chuan to get in the cab before he helped 6 Chuan close the door. The instruction it got was just to drive the car here, this time the boss was driving it himself. &1t;/

When there is no instruction, it will not follow. &1t;/

Like this kind of big toy, people who are not really rich can not afford to play with it. The cost of maintenance is millions. 6 Chuan is owned, but after counting it down, he only drove it once, which was a failure. &1t;/

I can see from it how boring and boring my life is. &1t;/


6 Chuan Shen stepped on the accelerator, ran out a roar, and even burst out two blue flames in the exhaust pipe. The roar of motivation is always so passionate. &1t;/

Hanging on the gear, running and ejecting, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the gate of the villa. &1t;/

Ma Xifeng still stood upright, watching the boss leave. &1t;/


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