Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 252: Last block

There are many shortcomings in allowing zombies to hunt freely. &1t;/

For example, they will wander around, have no direction, and no purpose. They will hunt and kill as long as they encounter the target. And this kind of hunting is based on the previous instructions. But they just followed the instructions, ignoring the terrain and surrounding environment. &1t;/

In the narrow streets, with their numbers, they cannot be opened at all. &1t;/

Unable to open, but forced to unfold according to the instructions, what will be the result of this, is it not making a lot of noise, and then let the tyrant kill it? &1t;/

In another situation, are there other zombies around the tyrant? &1t;/

Or maybe there are flying zombies in the sky, but they are regarded as missing and forcibly attacking the tyrant? &1t;/

Therefore, to allow the zombies to hunt freely, one must think about paying a high price, and even have the psychological preparation of the whole team to be destroyed. It has to be said that this price, the current 6 Chuan really cannot afford it. &1t;/

On the map of Zhongzhou City, 6 Chuan has been researched, and it seems that everyone knows it, but in the end of the world, in fact, many places are completely dark, not unlocked at all, shrouded in mist. &1t;/

In this case, 6 Chuan really didn't worry about allowing the two hundred lickers and hellhounds to hunt freely. &1t;/

6 Chuan hesitated again and again, but still resisted the urge to let go. &1t;/

"I can't afford to lose myself now."&1t;/

Looking at the funds, it was 130 million before, and it took only a week to toss up to now, but there are still less than 70 million left, almost half of it. If the big stall, 70 million is already under the warning line. &1t;/

"Fight to unlock the tyrant, and then concentrate on making a wave of money."&1t;/

6 Chuan knows that the ideal state is that the siege mode will only start after making a wave of money. &1t;/

Forget the time, and the progress of unlocking the tyrant, the third zombie attack, it is almost about to appear. There is no movement now, maybe just waiting for yourself to unlock the tyrant. &1t;/

This is not a good sign. &1t;/

Don't think that it is a good thing that the biochemical factory waits for you to unlock the tyrant, but in fact it is not the case. Why wait for yourself to unlock the Tyrant, isn't it because your strength is too weak? The current strength still needs the existence of a tyrant before it can be activated, which means that this time the zombie attack will be very powerful. &1t;/

There is a small chance that a higher level of zombies will appear. 6 Chuan can understand that this time it should be a higher level of zombies. &1t;/

Every time I think of it, 6 Chuan's brows wrinkled. &1t;/

Looking at the sky, another day passed. &1t;/

The order was given, and the zombies entered the next room and entered a lurking state. They lay down and remained motionless. If there were no instructions from Liuchuan, they could maintain this posture for half a month. &1t;/

The lickers and hellhounds entered the tall building where 6 Chuan was, and then hid in the room. &1t;/

Before the sky turned dark, Liu Chuan set up the zombies and directly flashed people. &1t;/

Since he wants to unlock the tyrant, 6 Chuan does not need to go back to the biochemical factory, just return to the modern day here. There are not five dollars left, three or five days are enough to unlock. &1t;/


Early morning on April 14. &1t;/

6 Chuan rose early in the morning, ate bread and milk in a hurry, and appeared in the end times. &1t;/

It was still the place where it disappeared. Circles of lickers protected the spot where 6 Chuan appeared, so 6 Chuan appeared here, don't worry about zombies suddenly appearing here. &1t;/

If it weren't for their protection, Liuchuan would really not dare to go back and forth between modern and apocalyptic places outside the biochemical factory. &1t;/

In case...&1t;/

What if when I left, there was nothing empty here, and then I returned to the end times from the modern age, the place where there were no zombies, but it was crowded with zombies, or a top zombie appeared? &1t;/

Too many crises make Liuchuan have to be careful. &1t;/

Appearing in the last days, Liuchuan walked to the window, and under the far view, fish scale clouds appeared in the sky rarely. Today will be another sunny day. &1t;/


The order was given, and the licker and hellhound filed out. &1t;/

The zombie dogs lurking before, as if they were resurrected, appeared on the street one after another. &1t;/

Today’s luck is good, and it took only half an hour. &1t;/

Liu Chuan, who had been waiting, brought a group of zombies, and killed them mightily. &1t;/


"The sixth piece." &1t;/

"The seventh piece." &1t;/

"The eighth piece." &1t;/

It was getting dark, and in one day, the harvest was three tyrant fragments. &1t;/

This gain is very big. &1t;/

With the eighth fragment in hand, unlocking the tyrant's fragment, there are only two pieces left. In fact, it should be said that it is a more appropriate piece, because in the biochemical factory, there is also a tyrant who was shaved into a corpse stick by himself, and it was tied to the construction site. &1t;/

"There is one more."&1t;/

Think about it, 6 Chuan became excited. &1t;/

This is a tyrant, in the hearts of countless people, it is one of the most classic zombies in Resident Evil. The licker is also a classic, but it is far behind the tyrant. &1t;/

Once the tyrant was successfully unlocked, it was not only the strongest zombie type in 6 Chuan's hands, but also a qualitative leap in strength for 6 Chuan. &1t;/

If the fighting power of the tyrant is not based on its own human strategy, one tyrant can completely sweep dozens of hellhounds if it is not for its own human strategy. This gap is not like a product of the same level. &1t;/

The key is the cost of the tyrant. &1t;/

According to logic, the cost of the tyrant should be 500,000 each. &1t;/

The licker is 400,000, and there is a Hellhound in the middle, but the cost of the Hellhound is 300,000. Ordinarily, the hellhound should cost four hundred and fifty thousand, and the tyrant is five hundred thousand. &1t;/

6 Chuan doesn't know if there will be any changes. The particularity of the Hellhound will only increase but decline. If you want to come to the tyrant, there should be no such phenomenon. &1t;/

If the price of the tyrant is still cheaper, with the strength of the tyrant, this would be terrifying. &1t;/

Earning a billion 800 million US dollars, then you can create a sea of ​​zombies composed of tyrants. Without any conspiracy, just this tyrant team can be upright and razed to the ground outside the city. &1t;/

Yes, the existence of a tyrant is so crude and direct. &1t;/

With a cost of 500,000 yuan, this dream is really not difficult to be realistic. &1t;/

More than ten months ago, half a million could crush 6 Sichuan, but now, even if it is 10 billion, it is impossible to defeat 6 Sichuan. The pursuit of wealth has huge resources in the last days. For Liuchuan, money is really a simple set of numbers. &1t;/


April 15th. &1t;/

It's another day. For 6 Chuan, today is the day to unlock the tyrant. &1t;/

There are not many tyrants in the city, but it is still safe to hunt a tyrant in one day. &1t;/


Like a killing machine, under the instruction of Liuchuan, the group of lickers and hellhounds that had been without loss for several days was activated again, and with Liuchuan left the hiding place. &1t;/

I don't know why, 6 Chuan always feels a little restless, it seems that something disturbing is happening. &1t;/

This feeling is not very good. &1t;/

"Could it be that I was too sensitive?" Liu Chuan shook his head. The news of the last fragment of the tyrant dilutes a lot of this feeling and makes Liu Chuan active again. &1t;/

The lickers and hellhound group did not lose, but the number of zombie dogs was still lost. Without the control of 6 Chuan, these will always cause some trouble. &1t;/

Fortunately, the cost of a zombie dog is affordable. &1t;/

Today seemed to be a lucky day, and in another half an hour, news came from the zombie dog. &1t;/

6 Chuan grinned, that is to say, by noon, he can unlock the tyrant, and then can have this kind of truly violent zombie. &1t;/

Unconsciously, 6 Chuan quickened his pace. &1t;/

The lickers and hellhounds, they ran wildly, bypassing the zombies on these streets, and whizzing past them. &1t;/

The distance is not too far, but now the area where 6 Chuan is located is eleven kilometers away from the biochemical factory, which is a very long distance in the city. &1t;/


When Liu Chuan was not far away from this new tyrant, these voices faintly came from his ears. Very far away, but under the reverberation of the city streets, Liuchuan still heard it. &1t;/

It was like the sound of a machine gun firing, and it was like the sound of a certain weapon firing. &1t;/

Chuan is not a soldier, and there is no way to judge, but he also knows that this sound is a violent metal storm. Needless to say, I also know that the survivor must have had friction with the zombie. &1t;/

Soon, Liu Chuan rushed to a tall building and looked into the distance with a telescope. &1t;/

About seven or eight kilometers away, some gunpowder smoke can be seen faintly. With tall buildings there, 6 Chuan actually couldn't see anything, only the zombies in the vicinity, affected, frantically rushing towards the sound. &1t;/

Standing on this high place, Liu Chuan could even perceive the gunfire as a powerful weapon. &1t;/

"The person in the stronghold?" &1t;/

Judging from the direction, there should be nothing wrong. But 6 Chuan couldn't figure it out. The location of the gunfire seemed to have penetrated into the city. When did the survivors have such courage? &1t;/

The gunshots came fast, but they also went fast. It was only three minutes before they disappeared. I don't know if the survivors were killed or they had evacuated. &1t;/

It was too far away, and under the influence of gunfire, the zombies in that area had already rioted, so Liu Chuan dared not go over and check. You must know that in the city, making such a big movement will definitely attract high-level zombies and thousands of flying zombies. &1t;/

On the day that He Liuchuan thought, a large black cloud appeared in the distant sky, and it was a huge number of flying zombies without thinking about it. &1t;/

"What the **** are these survivors doing?"&1t;/

6 Chuan shook his head, he couldn't handle it, and he didn't have the strength to manage. He didn't think about being clean, but went down a tall building. &1t;/

The zombies here are rarely affected. After all, the distance is too far, and the sound transmitted here is already very weak, not enough to induce riots in this area. &1t;/

What made 6 Chuan feel relieved was the first type of tyrant he found. It was not affected by the sound. It still wandered around the street without saying that it was attracted by the sound and moved towards the fire. &1t;/

"Huh, okay." &1t;/

6 Chuan let out a sigh of relief. &1t;/

This tyrant, very ordinary, should not be able to overcome any waves. &1t;/

The licker is in place. &1t;/

Hellhound is in place. &1t;/

Two hundred hellhounds touched slowly, their movements were agile and did not alarm the tyrant. The thinking of the zombies prevented the tyrant from taking any action in the first time, and he still wandered around in his own way. &1t;/


The local prison dog approached, and after the shooter aimed at the tyrant, 6 Chuan issued an order. &1t;/

In an instant, hundreds of ropes were ejected with a "swish" sound. When the old trick was repeated, the tyrant was dragged tightly, and let it struggle, but it could not escape the two hundred hellhounds. Pull force. &1t;/

Two hundred hellhounds force at the same time, they drag the rope and pull back desperately. &1t;/

Every rope was tight and even made a "buzzing" sound, which shows how strong the rope is. &1t;/


The licker rushed out, and when the licker approached the tyrant and took his first bite, the fate of the tyrant had already been decided. &1t;/

Two or three minutes before and after, this tyrant was left with his bones. &1t;/

"Ding, get a tyrant fragment." &1t;/

6 Chuan endured the excitement, and the ninth tyrant's fragment was in hand, but the last piece was still missing. &1t;/


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