Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 235: Tactics

April 8.

Lu Chuan received 100 million U.S. dollars from the female gun god, which was definitely a surprise.

The helmeted mercenaries led by the Gunzew took a commission in Sudan in a sweeping way. I don't know the flexible female gun god, it only cares whether the others get a share of the pie, as long as there is a task, it will not take it.

Easy, difficult, dangerous...

It seems that everything is not a problem.

Using the tactics of the dark night, for the anti-government armed forces, it is like a nightmare, they will find that they are facing like a group of monsters.

In the mercenary world, helmet mercenaries also have several nicknames.

Dark demon mercenary.

Undead mercenaries.

This mercenary has a low rate of battle damage, which is jaw-dropping. The five-hundred-member mercenary has experienced up to seven high-intensity battles in this month, but only reduced its staff by less than 30.

All seven battles were won.

In just over a month, even less than two months, I was mad at 100 million U.S. dollars, a figure that made countless people jealous.

Even the Sudanese government is wondering if the commission it paid is too high. Otherwise, why would the helmet mercenary complete it so easily? This also led to the commission of the task, which began to drop dramatically, and I don't know how many other mercenaries were dissatisfied.

In less than two months, helmet-based mercenaries gained a reputation in the mercenary market.

The intelligence networks of each country began to pay attention to this mercenary that emerged secretly, and filed this mercenary.

Lu Chuan did not intend to add the zombies lost by the female gun god.

The number of 500 people was reduced to less than 30 people, and the fighting capacity was still there.

For Lu Chuan, the arrival of 100 million US dollars is undoubtedly a carbon gift in snow. Without this one million U.S. dollars, Lu Chuan could spend less than 30 million yuan, a very dangerous figure.

"Do you want to open another mercenary?"

The huge profit of 100 million US dollars made Lu Chuan have some ideas.

The mercenary market is still very large, and there are as many as 20 or 30 war-torn countries around the world. There are hundreds of thousands of active mercenaries, which is a huge market.

A Sudan alone has brought such a generous return to itself. What if one more, or even a few, is opened and allowed to be active in other countries?

This method is feasible.

But to be implemented, it is not now.

Lu Chuan doesn't care what kind of tree attracts the wind. There are a few mercenaries in his hand. This is where his real strength lies. Anyone should see what kind of strength the thousands of mercenaries are.

The power in the dark is not enough to shock people, only the power that they can see is the deterrent.



Lu Chuan, who had been quiet for almost a month, had to speed up the progress. Zombies siege the city, they may come at any time, but he hasn't even unlocked the tyrant, so the odds of winning are hard to say.

Lu Chuan always feels uneasy about things that are not sure.

The only way is to strengthen one's own strength.

With the receipt of 100 million US dollars, Lu Chuan directly increased the number of lickers to 200.

200 lickers, what a desperate number, if put in the eyes of survivors, it would be an irresistible force.

As for the number of Hellhounds, Lu Chuan also produced 200, forming a group.

There is no reinforcement, but with this huge number, if you encounter a tyrant, it is enough to let him know what is the corpse sea tactic.

"set off!"

Unlocking the Tyrant, compared to unlocking the licker, made Lu Chuan full of expectations.

Being able to unlock these two most powerful products in Level 3 shows that Level 3 should be a watershed. Leaping over Level 3, many of the next zombie products will be types that Lu Chuan is not familiar with.

It can be said that the zombies in the last days are no longer limited to the types known in modern times, and some are unprecedented.

Like flying zombies, many of them have never been seen before.

It seems that he has taken root in this city, but after serious investigation, I only know the tip of the iceberg of this city. Like the top zombies I have encountered before, it is the overlord-level zombies in the city.

In front of this kind of zombies, he was still in a weak state.

Zombies are strong, but only relying on zombies, Lu Chuan found that in many cases, it was still a bit difficult.

Technology, in the last days, is equally important.

The strongholds in Nakasu City actually lacked weapons, otherwise they would definitely not stop there. The emergence of alienated new humans strengthened humans, but in the early days, the advantages of weapons were too great.

For example, Lu Chuan now has Level 3 genetic enhancement and his bare hands are indeed very strong, but he only needs a bullet and he collapses.

If you want to make the impact of bullets infinitely smaller, you need to continue to improve your abilities.

For example, level 4 gene enhancement, level 5 gene enhancement...With the improvement, the muscle tissue will continue to strengthen, and finally it will be able to carry the bullet. Muscle tissue will tighten at the moment the bullet is shot, clamping the bullet.

It seems impossible, but the genes transformed by the virus are so powerful.

The schedule of strengthening to the fourth level is already in Lu Chuan's heart.

It's just that there are too many places where funds are needed now, and Lu Chuan delays his promotion. According to Lu Chuan's plan, after unlocking the tyrant, his own genetic enhancement will proceed.

Baichuan Guihai Company is about to begin to burn money. It is conservatively estimated that it will burn at least one billion US dollars.

This is still under the condition that the technology has been perfected, such as the establishment of subsidiaries, the establishment of some production lines, etc., which all require money. In the early stage, it was impossible for Lu Chuan to release shares to raise funds, so it was simply throwing money out.

200 lickers, 200 hellhounds, two of them are standing in the warehouse.

Lu Chuan stood in front of them, feeling that the world was in control.

"set off!"

This instruction was not given to the lickers and hellhounds in front of them, but the zombie dogs that were already waiting on the construction site. More than two hundred zombie dogs, under Lu Chuan's instructions, rushed out of the construction site like the wind.

Using zombie dogs, a lower-cost zombie, as a scout can reduce your own costs.

For this type of reconnaissance, due to the nature of zombies' thinking, the price paid is not small.

And using zombie dogs as scouts, their speed and agility are what Lu Chuan needs. The low cost is one of the reasons why Lu Chuan chose them.

Two hundred zombie dogs are enough to cover several areas.

Lu Chuan himself did not move, waiting for the zombie dog to feed back the information.

Controlling a zombie dog is also a micro-manipulation. Once the target is found, the zombie dog will make a change. Lu Chuan knows that at the same time, the tyrant will also find out and attack the zombie dog.

With the strength of a tyrant, the zombie dog can't escape.

Lu Chuan could make it escape through micro-operations, but after he learned the information from Lu Chuan, it was already too late.

The death of the zombie dog, in exchange for the exact location of the tyrant, as long as he knows it, Lu Chuan can mobilize nearby zombie dogs to arrive, using surveillance methods to stare at the tyrant.

At this point, large troops can be dispatched.

A very simple method of combat, if it is to deal with survivors, the effect may be mediocre, but it is very effective against tyrants who have no thinking ability.

The tyrant will not allow a zombie dog to escape because of its appearance.

The zombie is so special that it will still wander around and will not leave so soon.

Hundreds of zombie dogs rushed into the streets outside, leaving from all directions. Ordinary zombies can't get into their eyes. Lu Chuan has already confirmed the target, unless they encounter it, they will always look for it.

The characteristics of a zombie are like a tireless machine.


Fenglin District.

This area is named after planting a large number of maple trees as urban plants. It seems to be a district, but its area is larger than the average three- or four-city cities.

A zombie dog ran here, too fast, and even rolled up the dry leaves on the ground.

These fallen leaves have fallen a long time ago and were covered by snow again. Now the snow has disappeared and become dry under the sun. The zombie dog ran across the area like this and flew up.

Along the way, almost behind the zombie dog, a falling leaf was formed.

There are zombies wandering on the street. This is a dense area of ​​life. Needless to say, the number of zombies is also the largest.

The appearance of the zombie dog, it ran by, did not attract the attention of the zombies. Like this kind of zombie dog, it is not difficult to see in this city, plus ordinary zombies, it will not have any response to the outside world except for sounds, breath, life, etc.

The zombie dog running wildly, just two or three minutes later, it suddenly brakes.


In the deep sound, this zombie dog suddenly barked at a tall figure not far away, making a continuous barking sound.

This tall figure suddenly turned around.

The next moment, it carried the alienated arm, like an angry bull, and rushed over, in a violent manner, it raised its arm and smashed it down.

The zombie dog seemed to ignore all this, it still barked.


The ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, a big hole appeared on the street ground, and the cracked concrete pavement looked like a spider web. This zombie dog directly turned into a pool of sludge, flesh and blood flying across, some splashing around, some mixed in the pits of the street.

After completing this blow, the tyrant returned to It was like a dumb puppet, walking around the street again.

Far away, a zombie dog was running wildly, but it received Lu Chuan's instruction, turned around, and rushed towards the location of the zombie dog that had just died.

As if it were operated by someone, it only appeared nearby, but it was in the house on the side of the street, standing by the guardrail, watching the tyrant below indifferently.

At the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan stood up and strode towards the exit of the passage.

Behind Lu Chuan, 200 lickers and 200 Hellhounds, and Lu Chuan, emerged from the exit of this passage, like a blowout well, on the construction site, and disappeared into the street in a blink of an eye.

Four hundred zombies are enough to form a terrifying group of zombies. If the survivors see it, they will absolutely despair. Because these four hundred zombies, all of them are of the third-level zombie level, just a licker can make them headache, not to mention there are 200 now.

Hellhounds, lickers, they are all zombies of reptile beasts, they appear in a crowd, skimming through the streets, like a herd of buffalo running on the African grasslands, spectacular and creepy fear.

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