Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 232: Bad smell

Kang Yang's identity is very unusual in Handong City. His grandfather and father are both senior officials in the province.


Between myself and Kang Yang, I have not yet reached the point where others would help me desperately.

I know fighting dogs and drink and drink at ordinary times. This kind of friendship can help until now, which is considered good. Can't you say that people will let their father stand out for themselves?

Regardless of whether Kang Yang is willing or not, it is said that Kang Yang is only a second-generation official, and cannot have much influence on his father.

In a confrontation at this level of power, Kang Yang will never let his family get involved in a small matter. Therefore, it is okay to inquire about the news, and it is not a problem to say hello, but it is impossible to solve this matter for Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan also understood this, so he didn't ask too much.

If I didn't pay, what is the return?

To solve this matter, you also need to do it yourself. It doesn't matter if there is no power. In this world, whoever has the big fist is the same as the one who speaks.

What's more, who knows if it's your own hands?

Lu Chuan was sitting on the sofa of the villa, squinting, thinking.

After a long time, Lu Chuan stood up and twisted his neck. In his mind, more than a dozen zombie dogs appeared in front of Lu Chuan. They were all small dogs, ranging from Chihuahuas to Poodles.

In the last days, they are zombies, but in modern times, under the blessing of the pretender system, they have restored their original appearance.

The cute dogs were in front of Lu Chuan.

The difference is that they are not like other dogs to please Lu Chuan. They stand indifferently, without wagging their tails or sticking out their tongues. They even line up like well-trained police dogs, more like soldiers in the army.

All this is just the result of Lu Chuan's order.

Although pet dogs are obedient, they will never behave like this.

If people see so many pet dogs, but hear so, or train to this point, I am afraid it is really hard to believe.

Lu Chuan issued several orders, and these pet dogs left the villa in a hug, and then rushed out of the villa.

Under the order, they will faithfully execute, like a little spy, looking for Yang Xiuming for Lu Chuan. With their small size, no one will notice their existence.

At the same time, in front of Lu Chuan, two tall and powerful men appeared silently.

They are two lickers summoned by Lu Chuan from the end of the world. In appearance, they are tall and mighty like Wu Wei, and belong to the brawny type. Lu Chuan discovered a pattern. This is the predecessor of the licker, who are generally very good people.

It seems that the fission virus of the licker should be very violent, and it may not be able to bear it if it is not a strong person.

The two lickers have not been strengthened, in fact, they do not need to be strengthened.

The third level of them, their own strength is already very strong, they are completely thug-shaped zombie products.

Two lickers stood in front of Lu Chuan, motionless, like two statues.

Lu Chuan frowned, as if he felt a little inappropriate. The licker is also a human form. Once something goes wrong, it will inevitably be tracked down. There is a good saying that there is no perfect crime in this world.

In Yang Xiuming's capacity, whether it is injured or whatever, it will definitely be a big case to deal with.

The licker came silently, but if he was tracked down on his body, it would be hard to tell, and if he checked his body, he would not be checked. For example, the gold that I sold off, and the antiques that were auctioned off.

All of these can be found after careful investigation.

Soon, Lu Chuan's brows loosened.

Solving this problem is really too simple. Humans are not good, but animals are definitely not a problem.

The next moment, five Hellhounds appeared in front of Lu Chuan.

This time Lu Chuan chose, of course, it could not be a wolf, but a native dog. Earth dogs, they will become zombie dogs, and after the second alienation, they can also become **** dogs.

Only after becoming hellhounds, they will be different from other dog breeds, for example, smaller.

The size is actually not a big problem.

Hellhound's native dogs, their strength has been far away from the level of Lu Chuan's first native dog. The third-level hellhound, the strength of a single body, is still higher than that of the fast, let alone a first-level zombie dog?

The zombie dog that has been strengthened ten times is no better than the **** dog.

Hellhound is a dog-like appearance. What has really come out of it is nothing more than a pet rectification of the whole city, which can kill all the dogs and cats in the city?

As long as it's not artificial, how can you let your anger get bigger?

Just a few dogs, don’t say killing them to vent their hatred, I’m afraid they won’t be found if you want to find them then?


Lu Chuan smiled. In this way, no one would doubt himself.

Being bitten by a few dogs is called retribution, and doing too many bad things.

Besides, by creating a few coincidences, everything is explained reasonably. For example, these hellhounds don’t look like stray dogs now. Under Lu Chuan’s instructions, they went outside the villa, found a stinky ditch, jumped down a few times and rolled, making them stinky, and they were still wet. , How much dirt is on the body.

In this shape, 100% stray dog ​​shape.

After the disguise was completed, the five hellhounds quickly ran on the street and disappeared from different places.


"This Kang Yang has come out to bad me again."

Gentleman Hotel.

Yang Xiuming drank a glass of red wine, his face was full of unhappiness. This time, the plan is not clever, but it belongs to the category of arrogance. It is all about using a little power to play with each other upright.

In the eyes of law enforcement agencies, even if you do not have complete documents, as long as you want to get you, there are always many ways.

It's just who could think that a female store manager who looks like a model is so fierce that she will do it if she doesn't agree with her? Moreover, the two security guards of the Jindian were fierce enough. They fisted together and wiped out the joint law enforcement team of the two departments. There were more than 20 people.

Do you think you two security guards need to fight for a few thousand yuan salary?

Of course, in Yang Xiuming's heart, he likes the other party playing such a big game. Doesn't this give him enough excuses? According to normal procedures, Lu Chuan must bring it back and investigate it together.

But Kang Yang's greeting made Zhou Guangming hesitate, and a couple came to help each other and failed to bring the other back to the police station.

"Just be disgusting with you first." Yang Xiuming sneered, playing with an ordinary person like Lu Chuan with his own strength is like playing with an ant. When you are unhappy, just pinch to death.

This is a big box with a dozen men and women, all of whom are expensive children in Handong City.

More than a dozen people, with Yang Xiuming as the backbone, can be regarded as a circle.

Everyone here, pull out one at random, all of them are the children of the characters who can make Handong City tremble with a stomping. Once this circle is formed, it is a shocking force.

"Come on, Brother Xiuming drinks, don't think about these annoying things."

"That is, Lu Chuan, a peasant, can really trample to death. Isn't it just a matter of your words from Brother Xiu Ming?"

"Brother Xiu Ming, or let me find some people and smash his shop."

The second generation of officials and the rich are naturally a little arrogant. They are not mindless, but the target who started this time is too weak to be a threat at all. How can they be uncomfortable with this kind of great loyalty?

It is like trampling an ant to death. Whoever changes it, thinks that it will be trampled to death. What are the consequences?

Yang Xiuming smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, isn't he under Kang Yang protection? I will play slowly, and slowly disgust the other party. Haha, if you play the other party so quickly, this thing is not fun. ."

A group of people helped each other to leave together until midnight.

Many people brought their drivers and assistants. They drank too much, but they didn't have to worry about driving.

Like Yang Xiuming, he always has two bodyguards by his side, plus an assistant, enough to make him drink to his heart's content. Although it did not achieve the desired effect this time, it was still an appetizer.

Next, he would let this hillbilly know that he was an existence he could not afford to provoke in his entire life.

By next year, his father's group will acquire a listed company in the industry. By then, he will be the strongest in the entire Handong Province, and he will also rank first in the whole country.

However, Kang Yang lost his threat and could no longer hinder his actions.

Of course, that third brother, Yang Xiuming didn't dare to provoke him. The energy of others is not on the same level as him.

"We will meet again tomorrow."

Yang Xiuming, who was drunk, was tongue-twisting. He was supported by his assistant and walked a bit crookedly.

Two bodyguards, they stood on both sides of Yang Xiuming, looking around from time to time. This is their instinct. After all, to eat this bowl of rice, they must be vigilant and prevent all possibilities. In this city, it is China again. In fact, they also know that their bodyguards are more of a manifestation of strength ~ ~ face is more than safety.

Yang Xiuming has a soft spot for Ferrari. When he was about to come out, his Ferrari had already stopped outside the hotel.

After Ferrari, it was Elfa, a nanny car, for bodyguards and assistants. It's just that Yang Xiuming is drinking too much now, so naturally he can't drive the Ferrari.

A group of people walked out of the hotel noisily.

The waiters here, and even the management, didn't dare to do anything to these sons and buddies who were influencing others in a mess, let them do whatever they wanted.

When they arrived outside the hotel, they all stammered and said goodbye.

"Smelly, what the **** is this?"

A black shadow appeared, and it slipped to the front door of the hotel dexterously. It was covered with the stench from the stinking ditch. As soon as it appeared, the place was immediately enveloped by the stench, and these drunk people yelled at it. stand up.

When they saw that it was a stray dog, they all yelled at the security guard.

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