Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 214: Unlock the licker

I had a good night's sleep.

The next day.

When Lu Chuan was eating breakfast, Zhou Yanhong was standing next to Lu Chuan again, but this time she did not wear that black dress, but a black base coat with a pale blue coat.

Wearing high boots, you can see the brown silk and socks on the thighs, full of temptation.

This dress means that she will no longer be the housekeeper here, but will be released. Here, she only stayed briefly for half a year.

There is nothing to say next. Lu Chuan went upstairs after eating, while Zhou Yanhong instructed the servants to clean up and left.

In fact, Lu Chuan knew that if he really wanted her to stay, she might stay.

In the end times, a series of news came out.

"Your sister."

These reminders still made Lu Chuan a little bit angry and even more painful. In one night, all the remaining zombie dogs died, not one was left.

Not only these zombies, but also ordinary zombies, there are dozens of deaths.

The loss in one night is more than 20 million.

Meat pain is meat pain, Lu Chuan continued to make three hundred zombie dogs, and another 30 million were smashed in. With this kind of loss method, at the current rate of making money, it simply cannot keep up with consumption.

Speeding up the layout of high-tech companies and speeding up the plunder of wealth in Zhongzhou City... has become inevitable.

But before that, today, the licker must be unlocked.

Smashed back and forth on the unlocked licker, plus the current 30 million, it is already around 60 million. It can be seen that although the licker is the first product in the three-level product, it is indeed worthy of such a large financial resource for Lu Chuan.

Three hundred zombie dogs were also completed in half an hour.

The order was given and the three hundred zombie dogs left the biochemical factory again, and then scattered in every corner of the city.

Lu Chuan led a team of elite swifts and stood by.


Taking advantage of this standby time, of course Lu Chuan was not idle.

My housekeeper drove myself away, of course I needed one to replace it. Had been accustomed to being served, and no one served, Lu Chuan was really not used to it.

Some trivial matters, if you let Lu Chuan take care of it himself, it can be annoying.

But there is a housekeeper who can take care of everything in an orderly manner. Some good housekeepers can even help you manage your finances and increase your assets.

"Create a swift man."

Lu Chuan issued the order and the manufacturing workshop was started.

The manufacture of a zombie, soon after giving instructions, Lu Chuan had already seen a female swift zombie standing on it at the mouth of the product.

"A woman again?" Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, it seems that he has a good relationship with the female corpse.

This is a female zombie in her thirties. From her dress, it is not difficult to see that her predecessor is a very attractive woman, but she does not know what industry she is engaged in.

I didn't care about this, and then it was time for Lu Chuan to spend money.

A housekeeper not only needs to share the trivial matters in the villa for himself, but also needs to be able to protect himself when necessary, and be courageous to devote himself... Well, this devotion refers to blocking the gun.

In this way, the strengthening of this housekeeper becomes important.

Concerning his daily safety, Lu Chuan would naturally not be stingy. After searching in the storage space, he found ten useful instinctive fragments, and just smashed it down.

Ten times of strengthening, within ten minutes, the strengthening is completed.

When the female zombie appeared, its clothes had not been repaired, but its previously decaying skin was gone, showing some pale skin, its face was delicate, and its figure was also somewhat like a devil.

Now that he chose it, Lu Chuan disappeared in the end of the world in a flash, and specified to carry it. In the prompt box popped up by the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan chose Yes, and the pretender system walked.

Modern villa.

A thirty-one or two-year-old, very delicate woman stood in front of Lu Chuan. She was wearing a sports tights, holding out her devil-like figure. What makes people notice is the murder weapon that its chest is ready to show.

Of course, what really made Lu Chuan want to see but didn't want to see was the sleek gully pulled out by the tights on its abdomen. As long as everyone knows, what this represents a woman.

As you can imagine, it is here...

Lu Chuan didn't dare to look at it again, trying to calm himself down, and then looked at the information it presented.

Li Li: Well-known fitness coach, good at yoga.

The brief introduction, but it made Lu Chuan understand how Li Li's perfect figure came from. Long-term fitness is also about yoga, so it's strange if you have a bad body.

With this perfect figure, it is difficult to be unknown. How many students want to have this figure?

This made Lu Chuan hesitate whether to turn it into a housekeeper. With this figure, how can I stand it after seeing too much?

Thinking of An Tong and Anxious, they exist more fiercely than Li Li, and he can bear it. What is Li Li?

"Unlock intelligence."

"Unlock the sound."

"Unlock and dress up."

"Unlock emoji."

After another series of unlocks, Lu Chuan decided to let Li Li become his steward. But I strengthened it ten times, and it was really wasteful to let it sit idle.

After unlocking, Li Li stood respectfully in front of Lu Chuan: "Boss."

It was still in tight-fitting sportswear, and the charm it showed made Lu Chuan feel strange. After coughing, Lu Chuan pointed upstairs: "Li Li, now go up and change a suit, and then learn the knowledge of housekeeping."

"Yes, boss!" Li Li answered without hesitation.


Ten kilometers away from the biochemical factory, it is still within the urban area, but it is a big village in the city. The transformation of the city is not complete here.

The complex urban village has always been the place with the most complicated personnel.

The buildings are complex and the personnel are complex, and many crimes happen here every year. The reason why the village in the city will be transformed is firstly because of crimes, and secondly for the overall planning of the city.

A licker is in a small alley.

The zombie dog who barked at it has been slapped to death by its paw. For this little zombie dog, it tossed this area with collapsed houses everywhere, it was the walls on both sides of this small alley, and cracks were everywhere.

This is a Chihuahua, belonging to the super small dog category.

It was only slightly larger than a slap, but under the virus infection, it possessed incredible sensitivity, and he just played with this licker for half an hour.

The end of the game was naturally terrible, and the paw shot down and turned into a pancake on the ground.


The death of Chihuahua was in exchange for Lu Chuan's arrival.

At both ends of the alley, the elite swift men blocked them, and then they started to attack with their spears. In order to attract this licker, under Lu Chuan's instructions, another swift man also slapped his head with a dogleg knife.

The dogleg knife hit the helmet on his head, making a metallic sound.

Attracted by the anomaly and sound, this licker of course could not escape, but revealed its fierceness, turned and rushed towards the group of swift men behind it.

In a small place, the licker's rush is like a cheetah's attack. When it runs, its body arches, making it speed amazing.

Suddenly, it just catapulted, jumped high, and in the air, it raised its front paws and slapped it down fiercely.

The impact of the sprint makes it as if the mountain is overwhelming.

"Squat down."

"Raise the gun."

Two instructions were issued, and the elite licker who blocked the licker was immediately executed. Almost when they completed these actions, the licker arrived.




A continuous sound appeared. The former was the sound of a spear piercing the licker's body, and the latter was the sound of the licker hitting an elite swift person.

With the power of a licker, there is nothing to say when being photographed. The head of this swift man is shattered like a watermelon, full of splashes of minced meat and liquid.

The spear pierced through the licker, allowing the licker to hang on it.

The ferocious licker completely ignored the spear that pierced through his body. It twisted its body frantically, kicked and kicked its limbs, and its tongue was rolled again. It actually rolled the neck of a swift man directly. Pulled in front of him.


The whole neck and the back of the head were bitten off, and he couldn't die again.

Several swift people couldn't avoid it, their arms were swept off by the licker's paws, and they couldn't hold the spear.

"Fuck, so fierce?"

Lu Chuan's eyes widened. He didn't expect this licker to be so ferocious. In one face-to-face encounter, he would wipe out his two elite swifts and injured three or four swifts.

As soon as the spear loosened, the licker became more violent, ignoring the spear stuck in his body.


Lu Chuan gave instructions, and at the same time he turned over, jumped up to the next floor in a few steps, and then hung on the anti-theft net outside the balcony.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, the swifts stab forward again.

But this licker's body twisted, so that this stab only injured it, only a few blood holes in its body, no longer pressing it on the ground as before.

Lu Chuan flipped his hand and took out a dogleg from the storage space, and he threw it out without hesitation.

The strength of Level 3 genetic enhancement is actually no less than that of a licker.

Now Lu Chuan regrets a bit, he still hasn't brought back the two powerful zombies, the double-edged blade and the battle axe, otherwise, this time he will encircle the licker, with them and the deadly fighter, it is enough, and he will not let himself take the risk.

"This is the tenth licker, and I have to take it today anyway." It was this thought that made Lu Chuan decide to do it himself.

The dogleg knife that was thrown out arrived in front of the licker in the next instant.


Only a blood stain appeared on the neck of the licker, but the dog leg knife tore its neck. This knife is still a bit biased, which prevents it from cutting its neck.

The scarlet muscles of the licker were contracting, attracting its attention.


It roared, twisted its body, and inserted its paws into the wall, trying to rely on the wall to crawl on the wall.

Crawling on buildings is the old job of lickers. With its claws, it is easy to do. But this time, it was tragic.

The wall was originally built with a single piece of cement brick, and it was not thick. Its grip was so great that it couldn't bear it. It broke and collapsed, causing it to lose its support and smashed directly on the ground.

The licker shook his head and wanted to get up.


The life-threatening fighter appeared, like a ghost, more like an assassin that kills with one blow.

The long knife in the hand of the life-threatening fighter passed by and directly swept the licker's head, cutting off the upper half of its naked and exposed head.

This was the real fatal blow, and the licker didn't even struggle, just didn't move.

Lu Chuan was also sweating. If he just let it climb and rush over, how should he respond? As fierce as a licker, Lu Chuan really didn't know how to solve it.

Fortunately, this is all over.

Licker (unlocked): 10/10

This line of information came from There seemed to be something more in Lu Chuan's head, but it was the first product in the third-level biochemical plant that lit up.

Lick Eater: A biochemical weapon in the true sense, researched by the Sixth Department of Biochemical Weapon, is almost close to mass production, the first generation of biochemical weapon. However, due to some genetic defects, it was eventually abandoned. When infected, there is a small chance of alienating the licker.

The above is the introduction of the licker.

As for what a genetic defect is, Lu Chuan definitely doesn't understand.

But these are secondary, the important thing is that he finally unlocked the licker. The excited Lu Chuan naturally did not stay outside the city anymore, but chose to return to the biochemical factory.

Next, it is natural to produce lickers.

The impression that the licker gave to Lu Chuan was really too ferocious. Before, there was no way to observe it closely. Once you make it yourself, you can appreciate this ferocious biochemical weapon.

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