Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 195: Hometown

   There are still three days before the Chinese New Year, and Lu Chuan finally embarked on the return journey.

The most manifestation of the Chinese New Year is the flow of people.

Needless to say, the railway station is definitely the hardest hit area. Like airports, bus stations, etc., people are also surging, and the floor is almost invisible.

Even driving back home has become a painful thing.

There is no airport around Lu Chuan's hometown, and even the distance between the railway stations is almost 100 kilometers. Therefore, returning by car has become Lu Chuan's first choice.

Considering the road conditions, the sports car needn't think about it. In case of traffic jam, its high fuel consumption will definitely be a direct result of the nest.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi are all in the garage. As far as comfort is concerned, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7-series and Audi a8 are all well-known, and Lu Chuan is not lacking.

In the last days, what luxury cars are there?

However, Lu Chuan did not choose in the end. First, it was too high-profile, and second, their space was still too small.

Lu Chuan chose Ford's e350, a modified commercial vehicle, which can also be called a nanny car. Don't think that the word Ford is not so good. This e350 is not only a top-of-the-line model, but also has a deep internal modification.

This car e350 was discovered under the office building of a certain group company in the end times, and it should be the boss of the other party.

There is nothing to say, it was naturally accepted by Lu Chuan.

Choosing this car, Lu Chuan needs a large space in which he can relax and rest. Even in traffic jams, the transformed chair can be adjusted into a bed, providing a very good resting space.

"Son, haven't you answered yet?"

Father Lu Minjun called again.

From knowing that he was coming back, Lu Minjun began to prepare. The main thing is that in the past six months, my son has been too proud of himself, and the money he sent back is enough to build a new house.

Before his son was just helping other people work, Lu Minjun didn't dare to brag about it outside.

But now it's different. My son is also the boss, and he makes a lot of money. This makes Lu Minjun's waist straight up and he can brag about his son with others outside.

But it's one thing to make money, but if the son doesn't come back, people think they are bragging and have a guilty conscience.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "It's already on the road. If you don't get blocked, you can have dinner."

"That's good, that's good. Be careful on the road and take good care of your valuables. Now there are so many people, there may be some thieves and the like." Lu Minjun explained.

In Lu Minjun's view, his son has only been out to start a business for half a year, and if he can pay so much money to himself, he certainly won't have much money, and he certainly won't have a car or something.

Without a car, it is natural to return by car.

Lu Chuan couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't explain at all, and said, "Okay, I'll be careful."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan leaned on this top-of-the-line chair. That kind of comfort made Lu Chuan realize why people who are really rich are not talking about riding in luxury cars, but like this luxury. A low-key nanny car.

On this trip home, Lu Chuan is also low-key.

The driver was naturally Ma Xifeng, and the tension was certain, and An Tong and others were left in Handong City.


Looking at Yi Ran sitting across from him, Lu Chuan felt a headache. A childlike face in front of you was a visual enjoyment, but Lu Chuan just couldn't enjoy it.

If it wasn't for Yi Ran to be responsible for the female gun **** and helmet mercenary, Lu Chuan really didn't want to bring it with him.

In rural areas, the folk customs are to gossip for fun, and if you bring such a young girl back, you will definitely be considered a girlfriend. Even his parents would think so.

"Forget it, just let it stay in the car then."

Lu Chuan made a decision, anyway, for the zombies, staying in the car for ten and a half months is not a problem.

As if thinking of something, Lu Chuan moved his finger across the name in the address book, hesitated for a moment, or sent a message: "Happy New Year, I am home."

For a long time, without seeing a reply, Lu Chuan could only show a wry smile.


Just when Lu Chuan thought it was impossible to reply, he received such a word. For Ye Lingwei, Lu Chuan is already pleased to be able to reply. With a word, it seems that a connection has been established between each other.


It was during the rush hour of returning home. There was no accident. On the highway, Lu Chuan spent almost nine hours before finally leaving the crowded traffic flow beyond imagination.

"Do you want to pack a helicopter back next year?"

As soon as Lu Chuan's brain hole opened, it didn't seem to be a difficult thing.

There is a helicopter leasing company in Handong City. From Handong to his hometown, the cost is about 500,000 yuan, which is not an unacceptable figure.

Of course, if you really do this, it's high-profile.

Ford's e350 is six meters long, and this big guy appeared in the small county, and it was still noticed. Even if the appearance is not outstanding, it also makes people understand that this car is not cheap.

Lu Chuan's hometown.

Not to mention the beautiful mountains and clear waters, because the town is the most hilly area, the natural location of Luchuan Village is at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the empty field from a distance, Lu Chuan was full of emotion.

Last year, in my first year of work, except for the items I sent to my parents, I only had less than 3,000 yuan left to go home. Dignified college students have a guilty conscience even when they return home.

But now it's different. My current self is not what it used to be.

Because of the traffic jam, the sky was dimming now, and Lu Chuan directed Ma Xifeng into the village. The policy is favorable. Now the countryside is almost entirely composed of concrete roads, allowing cars to drive all the way into the village.

Now that it is the twenty-seventh night of the Lunar Calendar, the village is naturally lively.

When such a car drove into the village, it naturally attracted the attention of everyone. A big guy like this one knows it's not cheap just by looking at it. There are many people who have been working and working outside for a long time. Their eyes are even more shocking when they see this car.

How much is it, they don't have a bottom line, but they know it's definitely not cheap.

"Looking for someone in our village?"

"Who else in the village hasn't come back?"

"It seems that only Lu San has not come back."

"Lord Lu San can have such a car?"

Naturally, there was a burst of piecemeal nagging in the village, especially the few accomplished little bosses who were always triumphant in the village and considered themselves successful people. Now that I see such a car driving into the village, my speech is naturally sour. With their insights, there is already a price level guess.

The Ford e350 parked on a flat place at the entrance of the village, where cement was paved to facilitate parking in the village.

When Lu Chuan jumped out of the car, he naturally drew an inhalation sound.

"It's Lu San."

"It seems that the rumors are true, this old man Lu is really developed."

"Shhh, I'm also called Lu Lao San, be careful to let people hear it."

"It's Brother Lu."

Facing these voices, Lu Chuan, who had been strengthened by level three genes, of course heard every word in his ears. Lu Chuan just smiled: "Everyone is here."

Naturally, the change in identity, in exchange for a kind of value.

So many people had talked with Lu Chuan before, and they all gathered around and praised them one by one.

When Ma Xifeng and Zhang Li got out of the car, they started to move things.

After driving this Ford e350 back, what Lu Chuan likes is that it can be installed. The things I brought this time are not too few. Some of them were bought in Hong Kong and now I have brought them back.

Lu Chuan beckoned, and Zhang Li carried a box of Hard China, and Lu Chuan removed it. As long as the people approaching, they were all one person per bag.

This kind of shot method is even more true to the fact that Lu Chuan has developed.

It costs tens of yuan a pack, and depending on the handwriting of others, this box is just scattered. Look at the few people who thought they were the boss before, and the top one is one per person.

In contrast, what they drove was nothing but a modern brand, another was Volkswagen's Sagitar, and another was a Toyota Corolla. Add up, how do you look at it, that is, the four wheels of Ding Luchuan?

Lu Minjun had already received the news and was waiting. When he saw his son came back in such a big car, let alone his joy, his face was completely red.

Then, Lu Chuan's house became lively.

All the young people who heard the news came over, asking for a cigarette is certain, but more still want to see what Lu Chuan can provide for him.

Half a year ago, they heard that Lu Chuan was still working as a supervisor, but in a blink of an eye, they were already the boss. This kind of gap made them want to know how Lu Chuan made his fortune.

That's how it is in a small If anything goes wrong, it can always be spread quickly.

It was just one night, and many people knew the news that Lu Lao San of Lujia Village had made a fortune.

On the twenty-eighth calendar day, when Lu Chuan got up, his mother Lu Haixiu was already up.

As a woman who silently contributes to the entire family, Lu Haixiu usually talks a lot, but after Lu Chuan got up, he started to make some inquiries, such as how the business was and whether he found a girlfriend.

So the family sat together and started to add up.

Blind dates came out of their mouths from time to time, but they were stopped by Lu Chuan. Then, after a total of years, after the resurgence, the old house was torn down and rebuilt, what kind of style is needed.

Ma Xifeng and Zhang Li, in order to behave normally, they stayed at Lu Chuan's house last night, and returned to the car early in the morning.

Yi Ran, a top childlike face, was instead thrown on the e350 by Lu Chuan for a night without pity.

"Parents, you can take care of things about this house. You can do whatever you like. After the Chinese New Year, I will take back those few pennies and send you money again. Don't worry about money. "

The only thing Lu Chuan can do is actually this one.

The wish of his parents for a lifetime, Lu Chuan doesn't want to point fingers at this matter. Anyway, it's really undesirable, and it will be overshadowed in the open space at the head of the village.

Lu Chuan really didn't pay attention to the little money.

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