Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1807: Save the planet

Shura beads, a galaxy in a certain universe.

A blue shimmering Shura tribe is moving in mind. When it appeared in this galaxy, it stood on a huge star. The apparent temperature of this star exceeds 10,000 degrees, like the hottest fireball, so that this galaxy is bathed in its luster.

Stars like this kind tend to emit the most dazzling light in the universe.

The movement of the mind is usually to capture the more dazzling light as the moving point, that is to say, when the mind is moving, it is easiest to move to these stars.

As long as it is an inspector, they will be used to it.

The universe is too big, and each inspector is responsible for a lot of weight in the universe, constantly patrolling, looking for civilizations that have reached the sixth level.

This job is interesting and interesting, boring and boring.

Standing on this star, its divine consciousness spread out, and soon it was discovered that there are several life stars in this galaxy. It's just that the civilization level is very low, not worthy of its attention, so it is not its goal.

Generally speaking, a galaxy with stars emitting light and heat will have a great probability of producing life stars.

Life stars also change from icy and desolate planets. They are mainly affected by stars, with light and heat, and gradually change the environment of nearby planets. As long as the right planet, it will become stable in hundreds of millions of years, and then it will have the basis for the birth of life in the long and unknown time.

This is one of the rules of the universe.

After seeing all of this, it intends to move away.


The next moment, its eyes were huge, and its brows were twisted together, because it sensed a familiar energy, very mysterious and mysterious, but it could be confirmed that it was the calling device that it had left on Asura Star to store energy.

It can be sensed in the distant universe, which proves that later generations must have opened it and called it.

It has been explained all the time, it is not important to use.

Generations of people of the tribe always keep this in mind, and it believes that future generations cannot fail to comply.

Now that it is broken, it means that something big has happened that they can't handle.

From the moment it became the Chosen One, it established a new order of the Asura clan, and its family became a royal clan, ruling the Asura clan who had been scattered all the time, and controlling tens of billions of people. Then annihilated the powerful enemy, and opened the colonial star era, making the Asura clan the dominant race in this layer of the universe.

It can be said that there are not many races in this universe that can compete with the Shura clan.

The galaxy where the Shura is located, as well as nearby galaxies, has been explored, and there is no threat to the civilization of the Shura at all.

The question is, what kind of threat is it to let its descendants use this calling device?

To know that this calling device wants to be manufactured, it also costs a huge amount of energy, only the governor can casually manufacture it. The one in its hands is actually awarded by the Governor, and anyone who has contributed will receive one for use in times of crisis.

What it thought was whether it was the inspectors of other races who found the home planet of the Asura clan?

It’s not impossible, because the current situation is very chaotic, fighting each other up and down, the Shura people have always hidden their strength, and will take the initiative to stop earning trial points from time to time, in order to quickly retreat in the rankings, annihilate in the race, hide In the back.

No matter how you hide it, when you are in this ranking, there will always be some races that will look at you.

As an inspector, it knows the current situation and realizes that it is extremely possible.

The second possibility is that a more advanced civilization has accidentally discovered the galaxy where the Shura clan is located.

This one may also exist. The universe is so large that it is impossible to see every corner of it. There will always be some places that I have not noticed. And it is not surprising that advanced civilizations have appeared in these places.

Advanced civilizations, their technology, or the strength of individuals who cultivate civilizations, are also possible to cross the universe.

I discovered the galaxy where the Shura clan is located, and it is normal to invade.

It doesn't dare to bet on that situation. The most conservative one is actually not to return alone, but to call on friends. This kind of method can avoid that if it is the other party's inspector, you will not suffer.

Now that future generations use this calling device, it has to go back.

Without hesitation, it moved its mind for the first time, not returning to its home planet in the universe, but appearing on the competitive planet.

For the first time, it reported its own situation.

On the Asura race planet, there are also intelligence centers, which collect information from the inspectors, classify and summarize them, find out some abnormalities, and quickly deal with them. If this kind of home planet is attacked, it must be reported.

After reporting the information, the intelligence center deployed a team of 30 inspectors to act with it.

This time, I was trying to figure out what was going on.

"Remember to hide your traces." At the command of the boss, the patrol made the team set off.

Directly on the competitive planet, Mind moved to the outer space of the home planet where the inspector was located.



Looking at this battered mother star, this inspector couldn't calm down in an instant. It didn't expect that the Shura clan, which was solidified by its own hard work, would be so tragic.

Tens of billions of people, more than half died.

Hundreds of holes were punched into the home planet, all of which penetrated the crust, and then led out the lava in the inner core. The ejection of some super matter caused the temperature of the entire planet to rise to at least forty degrees, turning it into a stove.

The melting of snow and ice caused huge waves in coastal areas.

The entire sky became gray and volcanic dust was flying everywhere.

Each super volcano has a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, and there are almost no living clansmen. It can be seen how terrifying the opponent's strength is, and the energy produced by each blow is amazing. This kind of destructive power is not something the Shura people can do.

But this kind of power did not exceed the strength of the inspector.

If the inspector takes action, he can directly explode the planet. How can it be just a hole?

But what kind of monster would it be if it wasn't an inspector?

After the inspection, after confirming that there were no energy fluctuations nearby, the Asura clan inspector waved his hand, and the inspection team directly entered the planet.

Once inside the planet, it is more like purgatory on earth.

"Everyone, if this continues, the people of the tribe will suffer heavy casualties, so please seal these volcanoes." The Asura clan inspector breathed fire in his eyes, but still had to suppress his emotions.

This team of inspectors who followed was also angry, but after all, they were not on their own planet, so they did not behave too clearly.

"This is natural."

Let it develop and the planet will be destroyed.

Time reversal, only the governor has it, they don't. So we can't wait for the situation to be serious before salvaging them, now they can still make changes. Seal these volcanoes, and then put a heavy rain on the dust floating here to cool down the world.

Once it returns to the normal range, the internal circulation of the planet will be slowly repaired, and they do not need to act again.

In addition, the damage here is too serious, and they need to be repaired, such as restoring green plants.

Seeing the promise of his colleagues, the Asura clan inspector nodded, twisted in the sky, disappeared, and appeared in the royal clan the next moment.

But when it saw the location of the royal family, it only felt angry and overturned its Tianling Gai, giving it an urge to kill. Because the entire royal clan was in ruins, and there were no corpses. Looking at some of the ashes here, it realized that all the clan members here had been killed.

This can be done with energy.


With a tearing roar, the Asura clan inspector made his eyes red and clenched his fist.

But no matter what, you need to figure out what happened.

The Asura inspector was at the ruins of the royal family, suddenly bursting into a fierce light, and then it continued to grow, and soon became a terrifying giant hundreds of meters, standing proudly on the ruins, exuding dazzling Light.

"Ah, the gods have appeared."

"The gods have appeared."

"The gods have come back to save us."

In the king city, there was originally a desperate silence, but in an instant, it boiled. Countless people from the Shura tribe rushed out of their homes, looking up at the hundreds of meters high god.

How many people knelt down, because this is the **** of faith of the Shura people.

The reason why the Asura clan inspector did this was actually to give them confidence. In this way, tell all the tribesmen that it has returned and they have been rescued, so there is no need to worry and no longer need to be afraid.

"Who can tell me what the **** is going on?"

It spoke, its voice oscillated here, and every member of the tribe could hear it clearly.

But there is no answer to this question, because the time when King Kong came is the mind moving. In addition, wherever King Kong goes, it destroys tens of thousands of kilometers, and no one will see King Kong.

In other words, the Shura people who have seen the King Kong are all dead, how could anyone know how it was caused?

The inspectors who followed also took action. They appeared in places where volcanoes erupted one by one, and used their magical powers to directly seal the volcanoes.

After the volcano was suppressed, under their cooperation, the cosmic energy surged and enveloped the entire planet. Under adjustment, the ocean had flooded the coastal waters, but was evaporated by a force and restored to the previous level. . And some of the lost seawater was transformed into fresh water and appeared over the entire planet.

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The whole planet became dark at this moment, and then a heavy rain that spread to the whole world fell, knocking down all the dust.

Such a sight again attracted countless people of the Shura tribe to kneel down and bow to the sky. They believed that this must be their gods, otherwise, at this moment, how could the volcano stop erupting, and then go down. A life-saving rain is coming?

What makes them feel even more incredible is that the original tens of thousands of kilometers of ruined land became green in less than half an hour after the heavy rain stopped, and countless plants emerged and grew rapidly. In less than an hour, it has become an invisible grassland.

After the heavy rain stopped, there was no dust that was difficult to breathe, and the air became fresh and moist.

If it weren't for the ruined cities in these places and the tens of thousands of kilometers of no man's land, no one would believe what kind of terrible disaster occurred here just over an hour ago.

"God has appeared."

"The gods have finally come to save its people."

Countless people from the Asura clan are boiling, this kind of scene is completely miraculous, and only their gods can do it.

The gods still heard their prayers and came back to save this battered world.

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