Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1806: Space communication

Of course, Lu Chuan and Tishna also sensed the cosmic energy that soared into the sky on Asura.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Under the persecution of King Kong, the Asura clan finally couldn't hold it, releasing the cosmic energy left by this Asura clan inspector.

"The other party's way, you can learn it." Lu Chuan said.

If a major change occurs, it can be sensed in other universes, or in a competitive planet, through the resonance of cosmic energy. In this way, you can know the first time, and then rush back.

As long as they are not in the reincarnation space, they can return immediately, and the time is very fast.

Even in the space of reincarnation, you can abandon the mission of reincarnation and return to the point where you left the energy of the universe.

For a long time, Lu Chuan could not find a feasible solution, but the current Shura people have solved this problem. They are purely energy bodies, and their mastery of energy is beyond imagination. It is indeed a civilization with energy individuals reaching level six. If their civilization is allowed to progress by one or two levels, I am afraid that cosmic communications will become a reality.

This kind of cosmic communication does not have too much time delay. Although it is difficult to achieve instantaneous communication, it is possible to be able to contact within one or two minutes.

If you can complete the connection in such a short time, compared to the current smear, it is completely heaven and earth.

Science and technology civilization is difficult to achieve in this way. That's why the later technology is actually theology? Imagine how terrifying is that when a civilization reaches level 7 and can initially communicate in the universe, there is a certain delay when it reaches level 8, and the instant it is at level 9.

The ninth-level civilization can completely cross every corner of the universe and achieve instant communication within a range of hundreds of billions of light years. What concept is this, and how incredible is it for today's humans?

It is estimated that even if it is classified in theology, humans will not think it is feasible, right?

In fact, scientific and technological civilization can find this kind of path, but the technical requirements are too high. It is not like a means of communication. It needs the cooperation of the entire civilization and the resources of the entire society to support it. Otherwise, Lu Chuan would have figured it out a long time ago, so why bother now?

But now it seems that this method of the Shura tribe can be realized with only a special device, and does not require the resources of the entire society, which is another matter.

"King Kong, get this device, and then retreat... You can't scare this Shura inspector."

For the first time, Lu Chuan gave instructions.

With the power of Lu Chuan, telling King Kong outside of this Asura clan home planet is nothing at all, and the two can talk in real time.

Tishna narrowed her eyes and said, "I'm going?"

This device is a good thing for the three races. Once you get it, the interaction between the three races will become stronger. If you encounter any problems, you only need to release the cosmic energy in the device to notify the other two. So as to become a real alliance.

How could such a significant device not be taken seriously?

In fact, making King Kong always press on them before, is to force them to collapse step by step, and have to activate this kind of calling device. If it is destructive from the beginning, the other party will definitely not risk starting the calling device.

There is no doubt that in order to protect their gods, they would rather destroy than let the gods take risks.

Especially the royal family, they cannot put their ancestors in danger.

However, the King Kong pressed on step by step, constantly punching holes in the planet, making the planet riddled with holes, breaking their psychology step by step. After unable to bear it, they finally chose to inform their ancestors, Gods.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, King Kong is competent enough."

In his heart, Lu Chuan was the last test of his loyalty to King Kong.

Lu Chuan is certain that the importance of this device is also known to King Kong. If it can be handed over after it is obtained, it is loyal. If it has selfish intentions, such as taking the device to the bottom and fleeing, the metal family does not need to exist.

King Kong in the planet grinned upon hearing Lu Chuan's words: "Yes, the governor."

At this point, King Kong doesn't need to persecute them anymore, the goal has been achieved. At this moment, King Kong revealed his fangs and took a violent step. It was in a monster state. After locking the seat of the royal family of the royal city, the King Kong thought moved and disappeared instantly.

In fact, it has been slow to say from starting this calling device to now, but in fact it is about one second.


King Kong appeared here, directly smashing the energy shield in their restricted area, and broke in.

Within milliseconds, King Kong crashed and landed on the ground.

"Want to destroy it?" King Kong smiled, and the time here was frozen.

With a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, time stops, everything is motionless at this moment, their thinking and consciousness are all stopped. The dust that was raised up, and the energy that dissipated, all stopped.

Time freezes terribly, showing many perverts.

The governor-level ability is naturally beyond imagination.

King Kong arrived at the place where the calling device was. A tall Shura tribe should be the King of Shura. It was thinking about spitting out energy to turn this device into powder, but the energy it spit out from its palm was solidified, and it won't make any money.

In its eyes, you can also see the panic, obviously it is aware of the intruder King Kong.

But it would never think that King Kong could freeze time.

This ability, I am afraid that its ancestors, the so-called gods of the Shura clan, do not possess it.

King Kong looked at the small device in front of him, and his eyes flashed brightly. It grabbed it without hesitation, and after a move, it was already stored in his storage space. At this moment, it was relieved and installed in the storage space. Unless it was killed, no one would get away without its consent.

At this moment, everything is settled.

Thinking of the Governor's words, King Kong didn't hesitate, stomped his foot and disappeared directly.

At the moment King Kong disappeared, time resumed.

This Shura King's energy vomited out, but it was empty, because its hands were empty, and the calling device had been taken away by King Kong.

King Kong didn't know how the King of Shura was feeling, it appeared in front of Lu Chuan and Tishna.

"Supervisor, fortunately not insulting your life." King Kong said.

At the same time, King Kong's hand shook, and then the calling device appeared in his hand and handed it to Lu Chuan.

In fact, King Kong also thought of taking this device as an existing one, but it still gave up because it held up this temptation. The other one is smart enough. If Lu Chuan owns this device, it will be there after it is thoroughly understood. The three clans will form a direct alliance and advance and retreat as one.

But if you dare to be greedy, the metal clan will be hit by the human and the bone-wing clan, and it will be dead.

The horror of human wisdom, King Kong is now fully aware of it. It is completely playing the enemy between the palms. King Kong knows what is the situation of the metal race. It is really an enemy of humans. You don’t know how to die. law.

Lu Chuan nodded and moved his hand, and the calling device was sucked into his hand by Lu Chuan.

Tishna's eyes flickered, and her face returned to her original indifference.

"King Kong, you stay to track the incoming Asura inspector, Tishna and I will avoid it first." Lu Chuan gave an order, considering that the other party will return at any time, and there was no muddle-headedness at the moment. He greeted Tishna and the two disappeared. Drop.

King Kong did not have any dissatisfaction, but was excited.

Lu Chuan's instructions meant that he was recognized by the two clans, and he was truly integrated into this team alliance.


Lu Chuan took Tishna and appeared hundreds of millions of light years away.

Compared to cold planets, Lu Chuan still likes life stars. After all, the place is full of life, and even the climate makes people feel intoxicated. If it's not abnormal, who would like to face a cold and desolate planet?

Besides, being with a big beauty, of course, these places are more comfortable.

"I need to study this device." Lu Chuan said in a deep voice.

Tishna nodded and stood here.

Lu Chuan didn't choose a place either. Just on the standing mountain, he first glanced at the scenery here, then took out the calling device, sank in, and began to study the structure of the calling device.

Lu Chuan believes that he can definitely play a calling device that can be used by the Asura clan inspectors.

In fact, a lot of things depend on whether you can pierce this layer of paper. Lu Chuan does not lack other things, what is lacking is the understanding of energy. At this point, it really can't compare to the Shura clan who can cultivate civilization.

Time passed quietly.

Ten minutes later, Lu Chuan stopped his hands and showed a smile.

Seeing Lu Chuan's signature smile, Tishna also laughed. With her familiarity with Lu Chuan, this smile contained her.

Sure enough, the structure is complicated and difficult to understand, but don't forget what Lu Chuan's identity is. If you are determined to do it, it is not a problem at all.

After understanding this structure, the rest is simple.

When Lu Chuan raised his hand, his mind transformed... In Lu Chuan's heart, a calling device that was exactly the same suddenly appeared. Lu Chuan input a burst of cosmic energy of his own, and then called the core of the device, a crystal that was originally white, but turned blue.

"Try it?"

Lu Chuan handed the calling device to Tishna and said Tishna was not polite, took it, and after a glance, the bone wing snapped, and the person disappeared for it.

Since it is a test, it is natural to connect a longer distance.

Tishna first left the Shura beads, then appeared on the Judgment Star, and then appeared in a certain universe within the Zerg beads. Here, I don’t know how many thresholds have been crossed, let alone the same universe, it is simply in a different universe, or even not in a bead universe.

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The separation between beads and beads is almost insurmountable.

On a planet, Tishna's long nails hit, the calling device was activated, and the cosmic energy left by Lu Chuan rose into the sky and disappeared directly into the vast universe.

"Will it succeed?" Tishna hugged her arms and looked up at the stars.

In fact, it has no bottom, because it is separated by beads.

At the same time, Tishna was also calculating the time. It needed to know how long it would take for Lu Chuan to arrive from the time she called.

About three minutes later, Lu Chuan appeared beside Tishna.

At the moment when she saw Lu Chuan, Tishna smiled, showing the kind of white and neat teeth. At this moment, Tishna's beauty made Lu Chuan even a little lost, and it was absolutely suffocating.

This natural smile from the heart of Tishna was almost Tishna's first time.

After Lu Chuan was slightly lost, he quickly recovered.

"Is this a reward for me?" Lu Chuan said involuntarily.

In an instant, Tishna returned to an icy state exuding chill, as if the suffocating smile before was just an illusion.

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