Super Tycoon

Chapter 842 X Three M


Zhiduoxing’s x3 is on the market, with a retail price of 200 US dollars in overseas markets and 1,599 yuan in the Chinese market. Such a low price has instantly become a hit.

The most depressing thing about this is Apple. They couldn't figure it out, why didn't anyone buy their previous mobile phone, which sold for $199?

After looking at the performance comparison, it is true that Zhiduoxing x3 is stronger, but it is also much weaker than x3. Including smaller memory, lower sound quality, lower standby time, smaller screen, single-shot camera, and lower pixels, which means that the camera function is reduced.

How is this different from what Apple did back then? Why did so many people buy it? At the beginning, Apple's performance was worse than the current x3, that's because technology has improved a year later.

Now the major fabs are already using the 45n process, and there are better processes. There can be more integrated circuits on the same size circuit board, and the production cost is even reduced.

But after experiencing it, I know that the hardware performance of Zhiduoxing x3 is not outstanding enough, but many softwares make up for the gap in hardware, and the brand is much stronger than Apple, at least in terms of mobile phones.

This mobile phone has been on the market since its launch and quickly became a hot seller all over the world. No other mobile phone manufacturers expected that the price reduction of Zhiduoxing would be so large!

Other mobile phone manufacturers have also launched smartphones worth three or four hundred dollars, thinking that launching new models at this price is attractive enough to increase their sales.

But I didn't expect Zhiduoxing to be so ruthless, and at such a low price, can he still make money? This is equivalent to a cheap phone in a smartphone. Apart from increasing market sales and brand value, it won't make much money.

However, someone soon settled an account, and this can really make money, because it can clean up the electronic components in the inventory.

Zhiduoxing's products have never been out of stock, and the production capacity has been able to keep up with sales, which also ensures that their sales will not fall short of expectations due to out-of-stock.

What if it is really too late for production, Zhiduoxing will choose to pre-order, and the pre-sale effect on the official website is very good, and many retailers have also started pre-sale.

In many cases, even though a single mobile phone is not sold, Zhiduoxing has earned more than one billion US dollars!

This time, all mobile phone manufacturers know that the price of 3G smartphones will be lowered, and in the future, smartphones will replace feature phones and become the mainstream, but no one expected that Zhiduoxing will take such a big step.

The memory of mainstream smartphones has been upgraded to 16g, and Zhiduoxing only supports the largest card memory expansion. That is, if you need it, you can buy a memory card yourself and replace it.

It is indisputable that the camera function is weak, but compared with other camera phones at the same price, it is not as good as Zhiduxing, which just reflects the powerful performance of Zhiduxing's high-end camera phones.

The sound quality is average, and Zhiduoxing does not argue for this, but it can make up some gaps through headphones, provided that you are willing to buy those expensive headphones.

For ordinary calls and watching videos, there is not much difference, and there is no distortion.

The screen is a little smaller, but it doesn't affect it. Many girls also said that it is more convenient to hold, and they can also operate the phone with one hand. Those smartphones with large screens can't be held in one hand at ordinary times.

And because it is small, it is more convenient to carry, and can be put into the pocket of the shirt.

There is no function of directly connecting to the printer to print, but you can use the data cable to transfer documents and other materials to the computer for printing.

Anyway, the printer is usually connected to the computer.

You can surf the Internet, use some mobile social software, play some simple mobile games, watch videos, and take pictures. This is enough for ordinary people.

Even the two biggest requirements for ordinary users to use smartphones, one is to surf the Internet, and the other is to log in to social software, such as Penguin account, fb account, minion account and so on.

This is also Zhang Yang's suggestion based on his previous life experience. Simplify the functions of smartphones, allowing users to choose software to download and install according to their needs.

Many of these software are free, but there are also many that need to be paid, and the paid functions are of course better.

In just one month, the sales volume of x3 has reached 20 million units, and it is still growing rapidly. Some people even assert that x3 may be another machine king.

It has been several years since there has been no mobile phone king. Those top-selling mobile phones have only tens of millions of units in the past two years, and it is difficult to break through 100 million. Even Nokia's n95, which is so popular, failed to break through 100 million sales.

Everyone said that it is absolutely impossible to reach 100 million sales now, because the speed of mobile phone replacement is too fast, and last year's models will soon become outdated and no one cares about them.

Now finally there is another mobile phone with the potential of a giant mobile phone king, which also makes consumers excited.


"Chairman, this mobile phone of ours will surely become the mobile phone king, with sales exceeding 100 million units, laying a solid foundation for the company's further market share this year." Duan Yongping said excitedly.

"Don't just pay attention to htc or something, our biggest opponent is always Nokia." Zhang Yang reminded.

"Nokia? Their new mobile phone is on the market. It sells for about 400 US dollars. The sales volume can only be said to be unsatisfactory. It can't compete with our x3. Ours is cheap."

Cheap? The last mobile king product of Nokia in the previous life was the 5230 they launched this year, a cheap smart phone with a touch screen, the retail price is only 149 euros, which is cheaper than the Smart Phone.

At that time, not only physical stores, but also many online stores won the crown by selling this mobile phone.

"Did you ever think Nokia would come out with a cheaper smartphone?"

"Cheaper? If it's cheaper, how much money can it make? Although Nokia's brand awareness is high, the profits for retailers and distributors are low, but the cost is here."

"If they cut the price again, they will really turn the smartphone into a cheap phone, and the functions will definitely be deleted again. Let me see, the camera function can be deleted, the screen can be smaller, the battery power can be reduced, and the memory cannot be reduced any more. , but the chip can be lowered."

"This seems to be really feasible, but there must be a gap in performance compared with other mobile phones, so many performances are not as good as feature phones." Duan Yongping analyzed.

"Remember our goal in R\u0026D? Just reduce some parameters and meet the needs of consumers. Nokia has always been good at cheap mobile phones. This is also their means of suppressing other mobile phone manufacturers, so that consumers can buy them no matter what mobile phone they need. Nokia's."

"There is a need for cheap smartphones in the market right now, and we lowered the price from $300 to $200, and they might lower it again. But it won't be too far off."

"However, in terms of price and brand, we will have no advantage over Nokia. You should be prepared. Whether the x3 can become the king of mobile phones, the only variable is Nokia!"


Superfood Tycoon \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

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