Super Tycoon

Chapter 421 Hot Sales

The sales volume of Zhiduoxing G2 reached 1.53 million units on the first day. This data created a global record for the sales of game consoles.

Of course, some people don’t agree with this record, because the pre-orders of Zhiduxing G2 have exceeded one million units, and the real sales data on the first day is only about 500,000 units.

However, Zhiduoxing G2 is still on the market in advance, and many players who want to buy it don't know it. When I knew it, it was already afternoon or even night.

Everyone knows that on the second day, the sales of Zhiduoxing G2 will surprise everyone again.

Sure enough, when the sales data came out the next day, Zhiduoxing G2 sold 880,000 units again, and the sales volume exceeded 2 million in two days, setting another record.

In contrast, the sales of Uranus have experienced a diving decline. The combined daily sales in the island country and the North American market had reached 50,000 units the day before, but the average of these two days has been less than 20,000 units.

They have just launched a new game not long ago, and this statistic is too miserable.

And the sales data is even more bleak, that is, the N64 and PS1, both of which fell below 10,000 units a day. Everyone said that their game consoles and games are also lagging behind. Judging from the screen, they are not of the same level.

Of course, there are also some diehard fans calling on the two companies to launch new game consoles as soon as possible. If Zhiduoxing and Sega Bandai can do it, can’t the technology of these two companies do it?

Souni and Nintendo are indeed holding executive meetings at this time, and they can see that if they don’t hurry up and launch new game consoles, there will be no room for them to sell them until the market is filled with G2 and Uranus.

After all, most players buy game consoles for playing games and entertainment. Except for a few brand diehard fans and game diehard fans, other players do not pick, but what others play and what they play.

In the eyes of many parents today, the brands of Nintendo and Sega Bandai are more resounding, because they played the game consoles of these two brands when they were young.

But in the younger generation, that is, Zhitaxing, Suni and Nintendo, Sega Bandai is in an absolute backward stage.

Zhiduoxing also dominates the arcade market. It is said that in many arcade halls, the logo of Zhiduxing GMINI is pasted on the fuselage, which will make more and more young people like the brand of Zhiduxing.

In the arcade market, they are definitely not the opponents of Zhiduoxing, but in the home game market, no one is willing to admit defeat.

In terms of company background, they are all better than Zhiduoxing. A new company like Zhiduoxing is still in a technologically backward area like China, so why can it develop better than them?

The appearance of Uranus made Sunny increase the research and development cost of PS2. After the appearance of Zhiduoxing G2, Sunny increased the research and development cost again. They must bring the game console to the market as soon as possible next year to avoid the new generation of game consoles. in absolute backwardness.

They were able to accept it two years later than Uranus, because the sales of Uranus were not very good, the game camp was not large enough, and the word of mouth did not explode.

But two years later than Zhiduoxing G2, they feel that there is no need to launch PS2, and they can just develop the next generation directly, because Zhiduxing Group will definitely occupy the global market quickly, and they will not give them any chance.

Compared to Sunny, Nintendo is more uncomfortable. They skipped 32-bit game consoles and made 64-bit directly. They thought they would be at least three years ahead.

However, with their advanced technology, the price is still very cheap, and the sales are still very mediocre, far from meeting expectations. In other words, the 32-bit game consoles of Zhiduoxing and Sunny sold so well that they exceeded Nintendo's expectations.

Just like when FC lost to Sega MD and Nintendo quickly launched SFC, this time Nintendo once again admitted failure, but they firmly believe that when the new game console is launched, it can regain success.

So Nintendo is also taking the time to develop a 128-bit game console, and recently got good news. Songxia and Microsoft,

With Microsoft's stake in Sega Bandai, it was completely broken.

Nintendo finally signed a cooperative research and development agreement with Songxia, leaving behind its previous partner Philips. Because although Philips is technically good, it does not understand games, and its product design cannot meet Nintendo's requirements.

Zhang Yang looked at his watch when his colleagues were having a headache about how to solve the current predicament. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, well, it was time to get off work today.

Although it doesn't matter to him whether he gets off work on time or not, he still wants to set a good example. The chairman often doesn't come to work, and the president arrives late and leaves early every day, or doesn't come at all, what will the rest of the company think?

Of course, Zhang Yang also often finds some excuses not to come to work in the company, such as inspecting the factory, negotiating with a small game company in person, or going out to collect news and conceive a new game structure or something.

The reason for the past few days is that Zhiduoxing G2 has just been launched, and he insisted on it for a week, and finally he is going to reveal his true colors.

But as soon as he got up and walked out the door of the inner office, he saw the secretary Xiao Wang coming up to him.

"President, are you going out?"

"Why, I have to report to you when I go out?" Zhang Yang glanced at Xiao Wang dissatisfied, he has been a little drifting lately.

"President, many media reporters came outside, and they were all stopped at the door. If you go out at this time, you will definitely be blocked." Xiao Wang quickly explained.

Many media reporters, what do they do?

Xiao Wang blinked and blinked: "I came to interview the president. Zhiduoxing G2 has been on the market for a week, and it has created countless sales records. You said that you will be interviewed in a week."

Judging by the president's expression, it seems that he forgot? He reminded me this morning, didn't the president listen?

"Ah, yes, I said it. Didn't I want to see if the interview location is ready?" Zhang Yang never admitted that he forgot while playing the game.

"There is nothing to prepare carefully. It is either a large conference room or a company lobby. People can't stand in other places. However, I suggest choosing a large conference room. There are so many people in the lobby, which will affect the access of other employees and customers. "

"Then it's settled. Take them to the big conference room. The materials are ready for me. It will start in half an hour."

Half an hour later, Zhang Yang appeared in the big conference room, and suddenly a flash of light lit up. Fortunately, considering this situation, he deliberately wore sunglasses, otherwise his eyes would be blinded.

I have to explain to Xiao Wang later, when the reporters come to interview, can't we tell them to turn off the flash?

Walking to the stage, Zhang Yang sat in front of the only microphone: "I am Zhang Yang, the president of Zhiduoxing Group. If you have any questions, you can start now."

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