Super Tycoon

Chapter 395: Hot Repeater

The repeater was launched in China on New Year's Day of 1999, and the advertisements were also played simultaneously. In the first week, sales reached 30,000 units, and then there were a bunch of additional orders.

In the second week, sales doubled and orders increased.

In the third week, sales doubled again and orders stabilized. In the fourth week, it finally did not double again, but it also increased a lot.

It has been on the market for a month, only a short month, relying on a strong advertising campaign and distribution capabilities, the repeater has sold 350,000 units in the domestic market.

There are still two weeks before the Spring Festival. It is estimated that there will be at least 200,000 units of sales before the Spring Festival. After the Spring Festival, it will definitely continue to grow.

The sales curve after the repeater was launched is even more beautiful than that of the original Wenquxing electronic dictionary. Of course, it may also be because the price is half cheaper than the original Wenquxing electronic dictionary.

When the electronic dictionary was launched, it sold for thousands of yuan, and it was a few years ago. Now the price of goods has risen a lot, and everyone's income has also increased a lot. Things that cost 500 yuan are affordable for many families.

What's more, this is something to help children learn, so you must be willing!

At this time, many parents in China are very willing to invest in their children's studies. Of course, it is only in terms of cultural learning. As for other aspects, there are still a few who are willing to spend money, such as arts and sports.

Fortunately, they had considered the hot sales after the launch, and they produced a batch in advance, which was able to resist the peak sales season of winter vacation.

They are educational electronic products, and winter and summer vacations are the two peak seasons. In fact, including game consoles, the same is true.

During the winter vacation, it is also the time of the new year and the new year, and it is indeed the traditional peak season of consumption in China. Because many people usually work in other places, they are reluctant to spend money, but when they go back to their hometown for the New Year, each one is more generous than the other. Let people know that I am doing very well in other places.

Moreover, many companies and units will have year-end bonuses and the like, which may be some New Year’s goods, bonuses, or some emerging shopping cards, all of which have increased the spending power during this period.

As the repeater became popular, more and more people noticed it. They didn't want to buy a repeater, but thought about how to make money.

For example, the general manager of Xiaobawang Company gave an order to the R\u0026D team at this time: "Repeater, I want you to completely crack it in one month. When school starts at the latest, our Xiaobawang's repeater will be on sale."

We will sell whatever sells well. This is Xiaobawang's survival philosophy. And relying on this, Xiaobawang is indeed doing well.

The market share of each of their products is not high, but they are not worried about selling, because the output is not high. If the profits of each product are pooled together, there will be a lot.

Maybe they sell game consoles, and they can only earn less than one million a year, which is not a big company. But they also have learning machines, electronic dictionaries, walkmans, rice cookers, electric frying pans, electric blankets, electric kettles and other products.

Added together, their annual profit can reach nearly 10 million, and their sales can reach nearly 100 million. It may not rank well in the whole country, but in Nanyue, it has become a big enterprise.

If a certain product does not make money, or starts to lose money. Some companies may adopt some promotional or advertising methods to increase sales and obtain profits, or reduce costs to obtain profits.

But Xiaobawang's side is different. If you don't make money, you won't do it. There are so many electronic products that can be made, why hang on a tree?

Isn't there pagers, stock machines and so on, just to let the workers who are free to produce other products. Buy new production lines, renovate old production lines that can be remodeled, and sell those that cannot be remodeled.

Now the repeater is obviously very easy to sell, and there is only Zhiduoxing. They follow the production, and they will definitely make money. And if they can become the second manufacturer of repeaters, they will definitely earn more profits than imagined.

Before the electronic dictionary, they were too far behind, and Yuxing Company took the lead.

Look at how well Yuxing Company has developed, and its profits are much higher than theirs.

But it doesn't matter, I just missed the opportunity before, just grab it this time.

There are also some emerging electronics manufacturers, they are people who know technology get together, buy or contract a bankrupt factory, and take on some OEM work.

At the same time, they are all looking for something they can do, and they must ensure that the product will not be eliminated soon, and at the same time, the pressure of competition should not be too great.

For example, there are a lot of electronic engineers who can do TV, but the competition pressure is too great. In the past two years, Changhong started a price war and frantically hoarded 21-inch picture tubes, resulting in a sharp drop in the price of 21-inch color TVs.

21 inches is indeed the mainstream, but it is only the mainstream for a period of time. Because of Changhong’s approach, many companies began to focus on large-screen color TVs, including 25-inch, 27-inch, 29-inch, and even larger ones, which were previously the domain of imported TVs.

Changhong lost a large sum of money, which also led to the shattering of Changhong's dream of becoming the overlord of domestic TV sets. At this time, it is simply too difficult to enter the TV field. Moreover, the funds are small, so it is unrealistic to do this. At least tens of millions of funds are needed to get started, and hundreds of millions of funds can hope to grow.

Some people started to make BP machines. This is very simple for them. It is easy to produce and the cost is low. A few million will do. It's just that when selling, they found that it was not so easy, and some people even lost all their money.

Others have been on the sidelines. The product they were looking for with huge market potential and low competitive pressure finally appeared, that is, the repeater.

Many people have made radios, or when they were studying, the first thing they made was the radio. There are also some people who have made tape recorders, but at this time not many people buy tape recorders, unless they are small tape recorders the size of a palm.

The current repeater is obviously an upgraded version of the tape recorder. They have to study hard, and they will soon be able to crack the technology inside and produce it by themselves.

Since there is only one brand, it will definitely be no problem to join. No. 1 in the industry cannot be completely monopolized. There will always be other brands that can develop and make money.

So during this period of time, there are more and more companies, enterprises, and units researching repeaters, and they all want to get into it as soon as possible and get a share of the pie.

There are even some rich bosses who don't know what to invest their money in, and they also take aim at the repeater market. They feel that they may be like Yuxing who sells electronic dictionaries, who can easily earn tens of millions a year without being the number one.

Some people started faster and have already started purchasing related electronic components. Before the Spring Festival, the prices of related electronic components suddenly started to rise!

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