Super Tycoon

Chapter 391 Such a big tape recorder?

When Kurishenko seriously considered Zhang Yang's proposal, Zhang Yang handed him another document.

"What is this, a tape recorder? Zhang, don't you usually pay much attention to this kind of thing? Suony's WAIKMAN is only the size of a palm, and you are too big."

Such a large tape recorder is not easy to carry, and it is certainly not easy to sell. How could Zhang make such a mistake?

"Lao Ku, this is not a Walkman, this product is called a repeater."

Repeater? Kurishenko looked blank, never heard of it, what is it for?

"A repeater is a machine that can repeat a piece of sound. Not only can it play a tape at any time like a tape recorder, but it can also intercept a piece of sound and play it repeatedly."

"The idea of ​​the repetition function of this product comes from the recording pen. The positioning of this product is also education and learning."

Education and learning? Kurishenko flipped through the information, turned to the end, and finally figured it out.

"Is this for learning foreign languages?"

In Eastern Europe, Russian is of course the mother tongue and the official language, but many people also learn other foreign languages, such as English, Chinese, German, etc.

Naturally, his family doesn't need to think about those things. He can afford a private tutor to teach his two sons sentence by sentence. But he thought of how difficult it was to learn Chinese when he was a child.

"Lao Ku, do you think there is a market for this product in Eastern Europe? This can also be used as a walkman, but it needs to be put in the bag. It can also repeat a certain line of lyrics so that you can learn to sing along. Of course, the most important thing is The function is to learn a foreign language, to speak a foreign language.”

To learn a foreign language, reading and writing are relatively easy, but listening and speaking are more difficult. Only when you can master listening, speaking, reading and writing can you really learn the language.

"Let me ask someone to do a market survey. How did you come up with the idea of ​​doing this? In your Huaxia, this is very marketable? Is this a new product of Zhiduoxing?"

"Of course, Huaxia is very enthusiastic about learning foreign languages. But this is produced by the sub-brand Wenquxing, and it will be launched on the market after the new year."

The concept of this product is the same as the Chinese and English computer learning machine, can it be used to learn foreign languages? Of course you can, just like learning Chinese and English computer functions, learning programming, learning typing and so on.

But those teenagers probably use it more as a walkman, listening to song tapes, and learning to sing along. Many parents would not buy expensive Walkmans for their children. At that time, many children said that they needed to buy Walkmans in order to learn English, and parents might not believe them all.

At that time, with the repeater, the brand of Wenquxing, and the concept of learning foreign languages ​​embedded in advertisements, it will definitely become a hit.

In his previous life, Duan Yongping relied on this product, but made a fortune, and attracted many companies to follow suit. But those who follow the trend follow the trend, and the sales volume of no one can compare with the brand founded by Duan Yongping.

In this life, Yongping hadn't thought of this product yet, so Zhang Yang told him first. Duan Yongping has also been looking for someone to develop it for a long time. In fact, it was successful last year.

However, this year, some technical optimizations have been made to increase the duration of recording repetition, improve the clarity of sound quality, reduce the volume, and reduce power consumption. At the same time, we began to order corresponding production lines.

Now this repeater is smaller than the repeater he saw in his previous life. Of course, it is still much larger than those ultra-thin Walkmans, and it is quite convenient to carry.

In order to save weight, the casing used is also plastic, which means that this product is not resistant to drops. What if it breaks, buy a new one!

In fact, this product is a combination of a tape recorder and a voice recorder, plus a small LCD screen, some function keys, and an external speaker.

The current production cost is actually not much, less than 200 yuan, but the retail price, Zhang Yang discussed with Duan Yongping and set a price of 498 yuan.

On the one hand, we need to reserve profits for agents and retailers, and on the other hand, we must ensure high profits. The production line is newly purchased, and a group of workers must be trained.

Of course, most of these workers are retired and rehired, and a small number are laid-off workers.

According to Zhang Yang's expectation, the golden sales period of this product is only five years. After five years, it will inevitably go downhill. In ten years, it must be replaced or even completely abandoned.

But even if he can only make money for five years, it is definitely a huge profit, which cannot be missed.

Kurishenko asked a lot of questions about the repeater, and he was also thinking about whether he would buy this product if he was an ordinary person. After thinking about it for a while, I didn't realize that he was not an ordinary person, but a rich man!

"Zhang, have you considered transitioning from this product to music products? Music knows no borders, and related products are very popular all over the world."

Do Walkman? That still has a golden period for a few years, but it has little chance of winning if it has to compete with giants such as Souni. And in mainland China, there are also some Walkmans that imitate Sunny products, the price is more than 100 yuan, and there is a big gap in sound quality.

Even if Zhi Duoxing can do it, it is difficult to surpass Suni, because there is no relevant technology. When you develop it, other people's technology has been upgraded.

Besides, CD players have become popular now, which are also portable, small in size, and have better sound quality. Moreover, when singers release their albums today, CDs are the first choice, and VCDs and tapes are the second choice. Among them, VCDs have basically replaced traditional music videos, but they have also begun to be replaced by DVDs.

CDs have held up because music giants such as Souni have insisted on using this model to release albums while also selling the electronics they use to play them.

Zhang Yang thought about it for a while: "Lao Ku, I have no plan to do this for the time being, but Wanyan in China has a new product, which was also prompted by this repeater, and it was designed. It can be regarded as a music product. "

"What is it?" Kurishenko became interested. Maybe there is a market for this in Eastern Europe?

As long as he can make money, he will sell it as well. Compared with the speed at which Zhang Yang and his son made money, he felt that he was far behind, and he had to work hard to catch up.

Now Zhang Yang and his son are already the richest man in mainland China. As for him, he is not in Eastern Europe. There are several mining companies who have more money than him.

"It is an all-in-one machine that combines CD, VCD, tape recorder and radio. It uses two speakers with excellent sound quality. It can use batteries or an external power supply."

This is the all-in-one machine that was popular for a while in the previous life. Because of its many functions, it was bought by many people. Wanyan now has competitors in DVD, so she also needs to develop more products and increase revenue, so she thought of this thing.

Kurishenko looked at Zhang Yang: "I think this is good. It has many functions and is suitable for families. Please say hello to Wan Yan. After this product comes out, I will be the agent in the Eastern European market, and I can even eat it in the whole of Europe." Down!"

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