Super Tycoon

Chapter 388: New Graphics Card

Zhang Yang hung up the phone and shook his head slightly. Secretary Xiao Wang asked cautiously: "President, did Microsoft give you the answer?"

"Well, they rejected my request for a shareholding. Instead, they proposed to acquire our Zhiduoxing Group, but I rejected it."

The so-called wholly-owned acquisition does not mean taking out enough cash, but part cash + part stocks, most of which are stocks.

Although Microsoft's stock is sure to rise, and he is not losing money, the future potential of Zhiduoxing Group is also huge. Zhang Yang has already begun to lay out the hardware industry, and the software will develop on its own. In the future, it will definitely secure its position as the industry leader.

In that way, the game industry alone can bring in more than one billion net profits every year, let alone other industries. If the hardware is well done, the profit will be higher, because the development speed of computers will increase exponentially in the future.

Now Microsoft is very powerful. Before Zhang Yang was reborn, Bill Gates was not the richest man in the world, and Microsoft was no longer the company with the highest market value, and it was always in trouble.

Being in the game industry is obviously happier than joining Microsoft, and you can make decisions on your own. Then why give up the opportunity to make decisions for yourself and be someone else's younger brother?

When Zhi Duoxing did not become the number one in the industry, the other party offered a high price, Zhang Yang might sell it, and then live a happy life as a salted fish.

But now that he has become number one, he has more pursuits. He's still young, and he'd be bored to retirement so early.

Now Microsoft is so proud, looking at Zhiduoxing with a condescending attitude, in the future he will let Microsoft look up to Zhiduoxing!

"President, if Microsoft is rejected by us, will you seek Sega Bandai again to deepen cooperation?"

"It's very possible, but so what? Has anyone from Eagle Weida arrived? Their development speed is too slow."

Now all the funds invested during the Asian financial turmoil have been withdrawn. At the beginning, they invested 300 million US dollars, and now they have returned a total of nearly 1.1 billion US dollars, with a profit of more than 200%.

Nearly 500 million of it was used to invest in a financial company and handed over to Will to take care of it. Will temporarily invested in the American stock market.

Most of the remaining money was used to invest in Eagle Weida, which was just emerging in the graphic display product market at this time. At the beginning, everyone's suggestion was to invest in 3DFX, whose graphics cards sell better.

However, Zhang Yang chose Eagle Weida for the reason that Eagle Weida had Chinese shareholders, and no one else could say anything.

This large sum of money made Zhang Yang the major shareholder of Eagle Weida, holding 55% of the shares, but only 37% of the voting rights.

This is enough. In the past two years, he will continue to lobby other shareholders to sell his shares and increase his holdings. The same is true for SanDisk, and Zhang Yang also intends to increase his shareholding ratio.

Microsoft proved how staggeringly profitable software companies are, and they don't need huge factories, just programmers. But no matter how good the software is, it needs hardware to support it.

Hardware and software are complementary and indispensable.

Ying Weida, a bigwig in the graphics card industry in his previous life, has just emerged at this time. Before, it has been suppressed by 3DFX company. But now with Zhang Yang's capital injection, he finally made a technological breakthrough.

There was a knock on the door, and Jason Huang, the CEO of Eagle Weida, came.


Jason Huang, one of the founders of Eagle Weida, is also the company's CEO, but the company's development was not very good at the beginning of its establishment.

Before, they had been working for other companies, and they had no money for research and development of the products they had been planning. Later, they were optimistic about the game industry. They once cooperated with Sega for a short time and formulated 3D rules with the Game Development Alliance.

However, in terms of graphics cards, they mostly cooperated with PC companies. Sega quickly threw them away and went to 3DFX for cooperation. Finally, they threw away 3DFX and chose to cooperate with NEC.

Eagle Weida graphic display chip has been selling very generally,

At this time, ATI is selling better, then 3DFX, and finally some other manufacturers, and Eagle Weida belongs to other manufacturers in the eyes of others.

The company raised funds several times, but the results were not good. Those investors seemed to be not very optimistic about their company. They gave less money and asked for a higher proportion of equity. As everyone knows, that little money is not enough for them to do technology research and development.

Finally, they successfully developed RIVA128, which finally turned the company around. No, it immediately attracted a capital injection from a big boss, and the investment was quite a lot.

Although the company's major shareholders have changed, the power has not been left aside, because the three founders have the most voting rights.

The major shareholder gave them a task, which was to develop a high-performance 3D display chip and ensure that it would not be eliminated within at least five years.

For this reason, they upgraded TNT and turned it into TNT2. This product has just been successfully developed, and it is believed that it can meet the requirements of the big boss. At the same time they have a new design, it just needs a little time.

Today I heard that the big boss is coming, and he also came to report the company's progress, and at the same time hope to sign a purchase order for TNT2 with the big boss.

With the strength of this company, if it is adopted, there will be an order of at least tens of millions of pieces, and the company's revenue can quickly surpass 3DFX, and at the same time approach ATI.

When he reached the door, he took a deep breath and smiled at the bodyguard.

Jason Huang was a little surprised when he finally met the mysterious big boss. The big boss was much younger than him. Such a young person has such a high net worth, why haven't I heard of it in youth magazines?

"Jason, sit down. Do you want to show me the information in your hand?"

Jason Huang stabilized his mood, and then handed the document to Zhang Yang: "Yes, Mr. Zhang, this is the company's latest financial report. The first piece of paper on it is our company's newly developed graphics card. The performance is stronger, definitely not weaker than any other company's products of the same period, and even stronger."

Zhang Yang opened the file bag, looked at the parameters above, and frowned.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the problem?"

"This performance is the best? Can you guarantee that this performance will not be eliminated within five years?" Zhang Yang was a little dissatisfied. This data is better than that of Uranus, but it is not good enough compared to Sunny's PS2. .

"Mr. Zhang, we also have a graphics display chip under development. The architecture of this chip will definitely change the industry. We call it GPU."

"Originally this was developed for PC, but we are also making some adjustments to make it more suitable for game consoles. Give us three months, I guarantee that this GF256 can be completed, and it will not be used in five years. disuse."

This is what Zhang Yang wanted. Hearing what Jason Huang said, he finally nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, don't let me down, I will keep my promise, and the company will continue to be managed by you."

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