Super Tycoon

Chapter 378 Angry Microsoft (4/7)

"Sega Bandai announced a new generation of handheld development plans? When?"

Zhang Yang who received the call felt that something was wrong. There was no such news in his previous life. After the last home game console of the previous Sega hit the market, it directly withdrew from the hardware market, and then wandered between Nintendo and Sunny, specializing in the development of game software, and laid off a large number of employees, allowing the company to start making profits again.

Why is Sega Bandai suddenly going to develop a handheld, all their previous handhelds have failed, and they haven't learned their lesson yet?

"President, just an hour ago, Sega Bandai held a press conference, and Isao Okawa announced it himself."

Zhang Yang frowned. Since a press conference was held, it meant that the matter was settled. But according to their investigation, even if Sega Bandai had donated 50 billion yen from Isao Okawa before, they should not have the money to develop the handheld.

After all, Sega Bandai's Tyrannosaurus machine hit the street, and some production lines were upgraded, and some employees were even given some bonuses. How much money is left?

Sega Bandai did a lot of advertising in the island country market before, and paid 10 million US dollars in liquidated damages in North America. How much money can we have left?

Shouldn't they be heavily promoting Uranus? Just a software translation, how much does it cost, not to mention the promotion, sales and other related expenses.

"Has Sega Bandai accepted Microsoft's shareholding?"

"There is no confirmed news, but Sega Bandai's stock has indeed been temporarily suspended, and there must be some action in the near future. Some people say that Isao Okawa will continue to inject capital, while others say that Ueno Kazuori will inject capital, and some say that Sega Bandai and Microsoft will further cooperate. .There are even rumors that Sega Bandai will merge with Namco.”

"There are too many messages to confirm at this time."

Although Satoshi Matsutajiri had a nail in Sega Bandai, he couldn't get any specific news. Perhaps the level of confidentiality of this news was too high, and his nail level was not enough to know.

Zhang Yang tapped his fingers on the table: "Look at the capital transfers of Sega Bandai shareholders, and see if you can find some signs. Remember, don't use some means of stepping on the line, it's not worth it. I will also notify North America to pay attention to Microsoft's stock. See if there is any movement."

Now Will has gradually withdrawn Zhang Yang's funds in the Asian financial market, and now nearly 700 million US dollars have been withdrawn, part of which is used to invest in Eagle Weida, and part of which is invested in Microsoft and Yahoo.

Investing in Microsoft and Yahoo was not requested by Zhang Yang, but Will's decision. After detailed analysis and purchase of some data, he believed that the stocks of these two companies would definitely rise sharply, and the facts did not disappoint him. . starter

In another month, all funds invested in Asian financial markets will be withdrawn, and the total will exceed one billion US dollars. If you withdraw slowly, you will be able to make more profits. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

At least at the end of next year, Microsoft's stock will go up all the way. Although there will be no continuous daily limit, it can rise every month. There is no problem with this.

Even if there will be some twists and turns in the middle, such as Microsoft being sued, or some other negative news, it will not be able to affect the rise of Microsoft's stock price.

Since win98 was launched, Microsoft's performance has become stronger and stronger. Everyone can foresee that this is the leader in the software industry in the future. After all, they have mastered the PC operating system market, as well as browsers, office software, etc. are also very good , who can compete with them?

If Microsoft wants to acquire Sega Bandai, or take a controlling stake, there will definitely be some signs, which can be reflected in the stock.

Listed companies are not good at this point. Many things cannot be hidden and must be disclosed to shareholders. Those who buy stocks are shareholders.

As for saying that Microsoft is only taking a stake in Sega Bandai, Zhang Yang doesn't believe that. In his previous life, he knew about Microsoft, and he either made things by himself or bought them, and he never played such a thing as a shareholding.

Because Microsoft believes that with their participation, the project will be successful and make a lot of money. At this time, it is just a small shareholder who participates in the shares. Isn't that working for others to make money? How can Microsoft suffer such a loss?

If Zhang Yang were an executive of Microsoft, he would not agree to Microsoft's shareholding or something. There may be some venture capital companies, and he can acquire mature companies. He must hold shares, or even be a sole proprietorship.

There was news from the United States that Microsoft had no activity. During this period, they were vigorously promoting win98, as well as their IE browser, office software, etc., each of which could earn Microsoft a large amount of profit.

In comparison, Sega Bandai's assets are nothing at all.

However, Microsoft entered the game industry in the previous life, and it was also after cooperating with Sega to launch the seventh-generation game console DC. At the same time, it also expressed its intention to acquire Sega, but the price was not negotiated.

In fact, judging from the experience of previous lives, if Microsoft acquired Sega, the development would definitely be better. In fact, Microsoft has paid for its own pride more than once, but Microsoft, a big business, doesn't care about that at all. Their ultimate method is to spend money, and other companies can't beat them!

Not only Zhiduoxing is paying attention to this matter, but companies such as Nintendo, Sunny, and Microsoft are also paying attention. After all, it is a major event in the game industry.

Bill Gates took the initiative to contact Okawa Isao again, but unfortunately the conversation still fell apart. Isao Okawa directly told Bill Gates that Sega Bandai would not accept being controlled, but he regarded Sega Bandai as his lifelong career and would continue to manage it with his heart.

Although Isao Okawa's net worth is far less than that of Bill Gates, it is enough for Sega Bandai.

Before, Bill Gates was waiting for Isao Okawa to make a bridge for Microsoft to take a stake in Sega Bandai. He could even accept the first step of taking a share.

It's a pity that he found out that he was played by Okawa Gong. He asked his subordinates to prevaricate Sega Bandai and delay the process of English translation of Uranus console and game software, in order to give Sega Bandai a warning.

Unexpectedly, Sega Bandai turned around and allocated funds to the North American branch, and recruited a large number of software technicians here to do this by themselves.

And according to the contract, Sega Bandai doesn't need to pay Microsoft liquidated damages, and it will be able to kick Microsoft out immediately.

What made Bill Gates even more angry was that he suddenly got the news that Isao Okawa was buying the stocks of some small shareholders of Sega Bandai, especially those stocks with a large number of voting rights.

At the same time, Isao Okawa will also inject capital into Sega Bandai, which is said to be no less than 80 billion yen, so that he can increase his stake in Sega Bandai and completely control Sega Bandai.

Perhaps next month, Isao Okawa will be able to control more than 50% of the voting rights of Sega Bandai, and truly hold Sega Bandai in his hands.

Fortunately, he had so much trust in Da Chuan Gong before, this old bastard actually knew this trick, and secretly said it.

Then don't blame us Microsoft for not playing with you, we make game consoles ourselves. Isn't it just some hardware combined together, how difficult can it be?

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