Super Tycoon

Chapter 360 Destined to be a hit? (six/ten)

Nintendo announced the postponement of the 64dd time to market.

Nintendo announced the release of a converter between n64 and gb, allowing players to transfer data between n64 and gb.

When these two pieces of news broke out, Zhang Yang knew what the big news Matsushima Shinji was going to say was that the n64 needed to add some peripherals.

That converter is indeed a pioneering work, and it should be able to sell some, which will promote the sales of gbc and n64 to a certain extent.

But Zhang Yang is not worried, although gbc is good, but Zhiduoxing z3 is even better, especially with the masterpiece Pokemon. After adding the element of the elf arena, it is bound to become popular again.

In the electronic pet, this function has been very popular, of course it must be copied.

As for the 64dd peripheral, it changes the game storage method of the n64 from a cassette to a disk. However, the storage performance of the disk is also not as good as that of CDs and VCDs, let alone compared with DVDs with larger storage capacity at this time.

When n64 announced that it would continue to use cartridge storage, it showed that they could not carry larger games. At this time, some games with beautiful graphics can be played for a long time, and the storage space requires 500d and CDs to have rewritable functions, and this function of DVDs has also been developed.

When dvdrad drive promotion efforts are much greater.

Although there are more than one standard in the market, many people have changed the floppy drive at home to an optical drive, or directly added an optical drive to upgrade the computer.

However, Zhang Yang still held a meeting. He didn't care about this 64dd, but some of the concepts in it were worth reference.

"Tengfei, you have also read the news about Nintendo in the market, what do you think?" Zhang Yang picked up the teacup, slowly blowing away a tea leaf floating on it, and took a sip.

"President, Nintendo wants to turn around with peripherals, but I don't think it's possible. No peripherals for home game consoles can compare to our dancing mat."

"Now we have the technical authorization of Zhiduoxing g and d, but we know that the only authorization of this game console has been given to us, so we never contacted again."

"Later, I heard that Nintendo wanted to directly produce game consoles in DVD format, but I don't know what they think, but they want to launch this peripheral again."

"They proposed this long before the n64 was launched, but the n64 has been on the market for two years, and this device has not yet been launched. I think they also understand that this peripheral is also a street product!" New 81 Chinese website update latest Quick mobile terminal: https:/

Everyone agreed with Sun Tengfei's words, but suddenly they found that the president's face didn't look very good.

Zhang Yang knocked on the table: "Do you all think so?"

"Then have you ever thought about it? Nintendo, as the leader of the industry for many years, knows that this is destined to hit the market, why did they launch it? It's really just for publicity? If it is publicized but not launched, won't it have a greater impact on their brand?"

"Think about Sega's nd, what are the advantages of this product, do you remember?"

Of course they know that it can be used not only as a handheld, but also as a home game console. So Nintendo has this idea too?

What about 64dd, what are the advantages of this?

"Everyone in knows that a product of Blizzard, the holding company of the North American subsidiary, is an online game battle platform."

"Have you ever thought about it, if Nintendo also launched a game platform? I usually ask you to pay more attention to changes in the electronics industry. Can any of you tell me what is the size of the current mainstream hard drive? How many games can a hard drive hold?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only Sun Tengfei said hesitantly: "Currently the main drive should be 32g, but the mainstream is 16g. If you install large games, at least dozens of them can be installed."

Zhang Yang pointed at Sun Tengfei: "Since you know this, have you ever thought about downloading games? The promotion of the company's agent in the Chinese market, have you all played it?"

"The client can be downloaded, and some small games can be downloaded directly from the Internet. Why can't such a large game be downloaded through the Internet? What's more, some old games take up very little space, and the download is not slow."

Although dial-up is still available at this time, many old games only have a few riptchaptererror;

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