Super Tycoon

Three hundred and twenty third chapters are big

The E3 game exhibition, the world's top game exhibition, has been held since 1995, and it has become a global event that year. Some people also say that it is precisely because of this E3 game show that there is a Tokyo Game Show.

In the past, related companies in the game industry all participated in electronic product fairs or software product fairs, and there were no such special exhibitions.

As soon as it was held, it became the world's top event, which also proved how developed the game industry was at this time.

This year's E3 game show was held in May, and the location chosen was the Los Angeles Convention Center, not Atlanta anymore. It was held in Atlanta last year, and I wanted to take advantage of the limelight of the Olympic Games, but it failed, and the number of participants was not as good as that of 1995.

The root cause is that many of the companies hosting this exhibition also contracted part of the right to host the Atlanta Olympic Games last year. That's right, the Olympic Games in the United States are contracted by private companies, which is why they are so different.

This time the E3 game show returned to Los Angeles, and it really exploded the market again. The major exhibitors are trying their best to create unique booths to attract more people's attention.

The most basic thing is to turn the images of some game characters into giant dolls to attract everyone's attention from a distance. Others have some sense of technology or future, in order to be different.

But this time, Zhiduoxing Company plans to make it bigger. Not only did it spend a lot of money on the layout of the booth, but it also invited a big star to speak for it. This big star is Van Loon, who has already emerged in Los Angeles at this time and is already a top superstar in Asia.

Zhi Duoxing spent 300,000 US dollars just to attend this exhibition, which is still a friendly price. If it was other activities, it would take such a long time, and Fang Long would not consider it without half a million dollars. He wanted to guarantee his worth.

In fact, Zhi Duo Xing not only invited Fang Loon, but also another mysterious celebrity to make an appearance, which will definitely set off a wave of climax~~.

Nintendo's booth is the best and the biggest. They are very ambitious at this time. At this exhibition, they must not let other companies take their limelight.

Look at the two adjacent booths, one is Zhi Duoxing, the other is Sunny, and the opposite is Sega Bandai. These are their competitors.

These four companies are the four giants of game consoles in the current market. In fact, Sega Bandai is no longer counted, because their Saturn is the same as 3DO, and now fewer and fewer people buy it, and the potential is exhausted.

But Sega Bandai has announced that their 128-bit console will be launched next year, and there are still many fans looking forward to it. Sega Bandai will also announce,

The several animation-adapted games they are about to develop must be well-publicized in advance, so that they can be a hit when they are launched.

At present, in terms of sales of 32-bit machines, there is not much difference between Zhiduoxing and Sunny. With more games, Sunny's sales are growing steadily. Zhiduoxing relies on the in-depth development of the Eurasian market, and its sales volume remains high.

As for other 32-bit machines, they have fallen behind. Overlords of this level can only come from the two companies of Zhi Duoxing and Suni.

However, Nintendo has launched a 64-bit machine, and now sales have exceeded 10 million units. Even Nintendo has announced that this year, it will surpass the Zhiduxing G and Souni PS1 in terms of sales, and become the best-selling mainstream game consoles in the market.

Shinji Matsushima was in charge of this exhibition, and he managed to win this opportunity. He is the vice president of Nintendo. Although he is ranked last, which related company dares to despise him?

This time the company even gave him a fee of five million dollars, allowing him to spend it as much as he wanted. Not only did he make the location of the booth extra large so that fans could come in and try it out, he also invited famous movie stars to stand on the stage.

Zhi Duoxing heard that Fang Loon was also invited, but Fang Loon is in Hollywood and can only be regarded as a second-tier company. It is completely incomparable with Schwarzenegger and Stallone invited by their company.

This time, Nintendo will launch the sequel of Contra, Contra? Adventure, Contra was also a super popular game that can be compared with Super Mario.

After continuous evolution, Super Mario has always been very popular, and it is time for Contra to revive.

The main reason is that Konami, the creator of Contra, has suffered serious losses in the past two years. They also want to revitalize the company's revenue through the shooting game they were best at back then.

The representative of Souni company next to him was eyeing him. Souni had already negotiated with Konami before, planning to transplant Contra to their PS1, but he didn't expect to be cut off by Nintendo.

Nintendo, which had been extremely proud before, actually took the initiative to lower the royalty, gave Konami a minimum royalty of 1,000 yen, and increased the guaranteed compensation.

Compared with the N64 which is in the limelight at this time, Sunny's PS1 is not enough. Fortunately, Suni now has Square Enix, the leader in game distribution in the island market, in the camp. The Final Fantasy series will only be released on their game consoles. This alone can greatly increase Suni’s PS1 sales. .

This time, Sunny also participated in the development of some games, and at the same time, they have a unique advantage in terms of soundtrack. Compared with the stars, who can compare with them?

Sunny Company owns not only Hollywood giant film companies, but also global music giants.

This time, Sunny invited two singers to come and sing two songs every day, which was guaranteed to attract the attention of the audience. Celebrity endorsement, no one is more powerful than Suuni, and they also invited Michael Jackson, who is now once again revealing half the sky, to be the spokesperson of Suuni PS1.

How crazy MJ's fans are, it doesn't need to be said at all, the purchase of fans alone is definitely millions of units, or even more.

Sega Bandai looked at the booths of several companies and remained silent. Their booth this time is not particularly large, because the company has not made any big moves this year.

Their new game console will be launched next year, and in order to match the new game with the new game console, they have not developed some popular game sequels. This time, they came here purely to see what new developments other players have.

Of course, I also want to cooperate with some game companies to jointly develop Sega Bandai's animation copyrights, or buy some games from the other party.

They also saw that the insufficient number of games really had a great impact on the sales of consoles. Didn't Suni and Zhi Duoxing both develop based on this point?

Especially Zhiduoxing, the performance is not very good, and the game console is still selling well. But when their new Sega console is launched next year, they will become the king of the industry.

And companies such as EA and Songxia are also eyeing. Their investment in this exhibition has also exceeded one million US dollars. There is also a very grand booth, which is owned by the American Zhiduoxing Company. Blizzard, ID Engine, Valve and other companies have chosen to cooperate. Their goal is to become the leader in the computer game industry!

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