Super Tycoon

Chapter 321: Wisdom Star GMINI

boom boom boom~~

Zhang Yang reached out and knocked on the casing, then picked up the machine again, shaking his hands vigorously.

Sun Tengfei wanted to stand up to stop him, but sat down again. Mr. Zhang is testing the quality of the machine. After all, this kind of vibration is normal during transportation.

After a while of operation, Zhang Yang put in a somewhat scratched disc to see if the machine could read it.

There was some noise from the machine, and Zhang Yang looked at Sun Tengfei, making the other party's face a little embarrassed.

"I let the research and development of a reduced version of Zhiduoxing G, but it is not enough to reduce the size of the product, but to provide higher performance. Why is this error correction capability not improved?"

The improvement of performance is not only hardware, but also software. This is the product that the company will promote in the next step, and the current results make him very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Zhang, it has been improved, but these noises are prone to appear. You see, the CD is loaded. Try it, the game will run absolutely fine."

Zhang Yang did not experiment, but put down the handle: "Let me ask you, if your TV makes a lot of noise every time you turn it on, what would you think?"

"You said that this product has no quality problems, so why is the noise so loud? When playing games, do you listen to the game sound effects or the noise?"

"Tell me first, what's the difference between this machine and the original Zhiduoxing G?"

Sun Tengfei began to introduce in a muffled voice: "First of all, we have improved the error correction function to ensure that the scratch rate of the magnetic head on the disc has been reduced by ten percentage points. At the same time, some previously scratched discs can continue to be used here."

The scratching of the game disc is the most criticized by players. This game is playing well, but suddenly it can’t be loaded, or it freezes when playing, which greatly affects the game experience, which is more frustrating than watching video freezes.

"Secondly, we have updated the internal architecture scheme, and the entire machine has been reduced by one-third, making it smaller and more convenient to place."

This is Zhang Yang's new request, which was not there before. In order to develop this, they spent three months. Of course, Sun Tengfei didn't understand the specific difficulties. He was not as good as Zhang Yang in terms of technology. At least Zhang Yang knew software.

"We changed the handle interface from two to four at the back of the machine, so that four people can play at the same time without having to buy our external equipment."

"We optimized the graph algorithm,

Make the game screen smoother. In addition, some of our internal hardware is purchased from domestic production, the price is cheaper, and the performance is not reduced. "

"There is only one shortcoming, that is, the heat dissipation is not good. This product will heat up after playing for more than two hours continuously. In this way, it will definitely affect the service life of the machine."

"But we think that no one will play for too long, four or five hours will be enough, and the machine should be able to handle it."

Zhang Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "No more? Is this the new product from the R\u0026D center? Can this product be introduced to the market?"

"Did I tell you that you have to test every new product yourself? The result of your test is that it can be launched on the market?"

Sun Tengfei was so embarrassed that he didn't dare to speak, he thought there was nothing wrong with it.

"Have you contacted Wanyan Company?"

"I got in touch. This error correction function is provided by Wanyan Company."

"Then do you know that Wanyan Company has started selling DVDs now? It is the next generation product of VCD, a more advanced product."

Sun Tengfei looked puzzled: "I know, but the technology of VCD is more mature. DVD only improves the capacity and definition, which has no effect on us."

"Then do you know that DVD technology is no longer unique to Wan Yan?"

Only then did Sun Tengfei's expression change: "What does Mr. Zhang mean, that the new machines launched by other manufacturers will also use DVD technology? I understand. This will require people to make changes. Our machine must also use DVD format."

Zhang Yang's face looks better now, Sun Tengfei is not stupid. In any industry, the first one to make it will have a great initiative, and the reputation will be improved.

Since there are new technologies, of course new ones are used, which can also give players the impression that their company is stronger.

"One more thing, why are there four handle ports at the back? Don't our external devices make money? Two handle ports are enough, can this reduce the shape of the machine again?"

With two fewer interfaces, there will be fewer lines inside, which can make the machine smaller. An external device, the price is not high, the impact is not great.

In fact, most game console consumers play games with one or two people, and rarely play games with three or four people. Therefore, the four handle interfaces are actually completely unnecessary and cannot effectively increase the sales of game consoles.

"It should be possible. I will go back and communicate with the technology." Sun Tengfei understood Zhang Yang's meaning and felt a little stupid.

N64 produced four ports, so he thought that Zhiduoxing G should also have four ports. When the product was designed, he even praised the technicians, but he didn't expect it to be redundant.

"Also, the technology of the magnetic head needs to be continuously improved, and the error correction capability should also be improved. If these noises appear again, there is no need to show them to me!"

"The heat dissipation function should also be improved. There is something I didn't tell you before, and it seems that my dad didn't tell you either. Our next step is to use this product to replace the arcade machine."

"Ordinary home game consoles may be enough to play for four or five hours, but what about arcade machines? Many arcade machines will run for more than twelve hours continuously. Can your heat dissipation work?"

"We want to replace arcade machines, so this product has to be put into a narrow iron case, and it will be more difficult to dissipate heat. If our product burns out in a few days, how much impact will it have on word of mouth?"

Sun Tengfei didn't care about solving the heat dissipation problem at all. He was shocked by Zhang Yang's idea of ​​using this product to replace arcade machines. How did Zhang always think of this sales direction? The sales of Zhiduoxing G will definitely skyrocket again.

"Okay, let's go, let people solve these problems as soon as possible. I plan to launch this product on the market by the end of this year, and at the same time, I will also launch the peripherals of the dancing mat."

"Now the peripherals of the dance mat have been developed and can be mass-produced at any time, but this is too time-consuming. I can't relax the time again, because in another two years, we will launch a 128-bit game console."

"The tambourine machine will also be introduced to the market this month. Remember to increase some promotional expenses in Southeast Asia. We must occupy this market first."

"By the way, the miniaturized version of the Smart Star G developed now is defined as the Smart Star GMINI. This time, we will go to the E3 game exhibition in the United States and announce it to the public."

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