Super Tycoon

Chapter 311 Increase the proportion of PC games

Sitting in the office, Zhang Yang looked at the company's newly launched games during this period, frowning. The development is somewhat unbalanced, which is not a good thing.

He grabbed the phone on the table and pressed it a few times: "Xiao Wang, come in."

Secretary Xiao Wang walked in: "Mr. Zhang, what are your orders?"

"Let me inform the Game Association that a council is going to be held in the near future, and I need to talk to them about some things. The time is set for this weekend. I have something to do next week."

In such a hurry? Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment. Could it be that something went wrong with the Game Association? He tried hard to recall, the game development schedule given to Mr. Zhang today, it seems that there is no problem, right?

What needs to be coordinated has already been coordinated. For some ideas that crashed, the association also helped coordinate and let them develop together. There are also some who failed the review and pointed out their shortcomings, and these have also been recognized by others.

"Okay. Mr. Zhang, is there something wrong with the game development?"

Zhang Yang looked at the secretary: "Well, the focus of game development is too biased."

Off? No, there are video game console games, arcade games, and handheld games, many of which can be sold on multiple platforms. In terms of quantity, handheld and arcade games are slightly less, but that is because the sales of video game consoles are more High, the game sells better.

Could it be to adjust the proportion of the handheld game? That's right, this year the sales volume of Zhiduoxing Z2 has been rising steadily, and the sales of game cards are also good, so it should really increase.

"Mr. Zhang, I will inform them to increase the proportion of handheld games. Although the profit is low, the development cost is also low. There should be many companies willing to do it."

This secretary is quite flexible in mind, and Zhang Yang gave him a lot of advice. But this time, Xiao Wang guessed wrongly what Zhang Yang meant.

"I'm not saying that the number of handheld games has decreased. This increase is of course a good thing. But the least number is computer games."

Xiao Wang looked puzzled: "Mr. Zhang, the number of computers in our country is small, and there are not many personal computers and computers in business places. The market in this area is small."

It is normal for a small market to have fewer developers. Because you can't make much money if you develop it, naturally not many people are interested.

Like Lianliankan, even if it is a computer casual game that sells well, everyone will come to find fault, and the number of sales is less. Although it is not losing money, it is obviously not as good as making other games to make money.

"Our console,

The main market is also overseas. " Zhang Yang reminded.

"But overseas, didn't you acquire the shares of several companies in the United States? Are the computer games of those companies not enough?"

In developed countries in Europe and the United States, the number of computer games is not as good as that of TV game consoles, let alone their Chinese market. At least the number of game consoles in the Chinese market is still very high, but most of them are 8-bit machines.

But it doesn't matter, after they got the Atari game back, they made some adjustments and sold a collection of cassettes, which sold well in the domestic market.

How many people are tired of playing Nintendo games, and they have cleared all the fun ones, and it's no fun to play the bad ones.

Zhang Yang looked at Xiao Wang: "What do you mean, we specialize in game consoles and arcade games in China, and computer games in the United States. Split them up?"

"That's right." Xiao Wang said with a serious face, "Mr. Zhang, there are still many differences between game console games and computer games. Computer games are controlled by a mouse and a keyboard. The mouse has left and right buttons, but there are dozens of buttons on the keyboard. Buttons, there are many simple ways to control."

Some games need to press two keys at the same time to operate, or even press three keys at the same time, and the four keys have different effects, but these can be directly designed with a shortcut key on the computer, which is more convenient.

"This should be two different directions, and the target audience is also different. Computer games should be more expensive than games on game consoles."

Xiao Wang thinks that his logic is fine, so computers are more expensive. People who can afford computers can naturally afford more expensive games.

Most of those who play computer games are teenagers, and many are even adults, while those who play video game consoles are more teenagers, including some elementary school students.

Zhang Yang asked: "Do you still remember the development concept of our next generation Zhiduoxing G?"

Xiao Wang thought about it for a while: "It's a real 3D experience, and at the same time it introduces Internet battles."

"That's right, have you ever thought about why you want to introduce Internet battles?"

Xiao Wang was at a loss for words, how did he know? When the company developed it, the R\u0026D personnel of the company didn't understand it, but Zhang Yang insisted on this point, and no one objected.

"You play game consoles here, and I play at home. If we can still play against each other, wouldn't it be more convenient? We can even play against people from different regions to exchange game technology."

"This allows people from many different regions to play games together, making games without distance and borders. Just like Internet mail, I am here, and others are in the United States, and we can still contact each other."

"Computer games have developed faster in this regard, and can also guide the development direction of games on game consoles. Now you think that computer games are stand-alone games, but in fact there are already some local area network strategy games abroad."

"Playing against a computer is completely different from playing against a friend. Have you ever thought that our game releases in the future will no longer require any hardware carrier, just download it directly from the Internet?"

"Forget it, you can't imagine these. In short, you have to remember that the proportion of computer games in the future will increase. Because the penetration rate of computers will exceed that of game consoles."

"Of course, in the past two years, game consoles will still be the mainstream. The reason is that the price of computers is high and the network speed is slow. But now many network operators are updating line equipment to increase network speed. And the hardware upgrade speed of computers is also Far faster than a gaming console."

"But because of this, we need to increase the proportion of computer games now, so that we will not fall behind when computer games develop rapidly in the future."

"Remember, the advancement of technology will be faster than you think, so you must take a long-term view. If you have time, you should learn more from the president. You can't be my secretary all your life. ?”

Xiao Wang was overjoyed, of course he never thought of being a secretary all his life. Sun Tengfei, what he did at the beginning was actually the work of Secretary Zhang. Now, the vice president of Bingcheng Zhiduoxing has become an executive of the company with an annual salary.

His goal is to catch up in Mr. Sun's footsteps.

Since Mr. Zhang said that the number of computer games has decreased, he also knows what to do.

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