Super Tycoon

Chapter 302 Do you want to dance to the music?

Just when everyone thought that Zhi Duoxing would launch a new game and chase after the victory, Zhi Duoxing released a confusing advertisement.

【Want to dance to the music? 】

Such an advertisement was simultaneously published in the largest daily newspaper in the island country, the largest daily newspaper in the United States and the largest daily newspaper in Britain.

There was only such a sentence on the page, accompanied by a pair of dancing movements of a man and a woman. Everyone was puzzled and thought it was a warm-up for some dance show.

But when they saw the logo of Zhiduoxing printed on the bottom of the picture, they realized that this was a marketing method of Zhiduoxing.

Companies such as Nintendo had speculated before that Zhiduoxing would launch music products, but they guessed that Zhiduoxing would combine games with VCD players.

A VCD player can be used as a karaoke device. It should not be difficult to combine the two.

According to the information they got, Wanyan Company has indeed announced to the outside world that they are about to launch a game VCD, and they can play some interesting games on the VCD, which can be used for both purposes.

It's just that the games promoted on it are all 8-bit and 16-bit, and there are no 32-bit games at all, which can only be regarded as nostalgic.

Nintendo and others think that Zhiduoxing just refuses to admit defeat, and wants to drive the sales of this product with the Zhiduxing brand, which is simply a dream.

The purpose of everyone buying a game console is, of course, to play games, fun games, and new games. You are promoting some outdated games, how many people can buy them?

Moreover, the game function has been added to the VCD, and the price must also rise. In fact, the price of VCD has dropped a lot at this time, and it is still falling rapidly.

Other game console manufacturers guessed that they were similar to Nintendo. They had also released music games, but not many people bought them.

But the combination of dance and games doesn't seem so easy, does it? People dance?

It seems that this function cannot be achieved by combining it with VCD. So, like the original NEC, Zhiduoxing has combined the functions of the two products. That is to say, Zhiduoxing’s game console can play VCD music discs?

Buying a Zhiduoxing G is equivalent to buying a combination of a VCD and a game console?

While everyone is guessing,

Zhiduoxing also once again convened a meeting of agents from all over the world to discuss the agency contract for new products.


"Everyone, please look, this is the new product launched by our Zhiduoxing company, called dance machine. This equipment is very big, and its main sales targets are some commercial places, such as game halls, entertainment halls, shopping malls, etc. Or gyms. Maybe buy it, after all, jumping can also exercise, burn fat and lose weight.”

Everyone laughed happily. According to Mr. Zhang, this is still fitness equipment?

Thinking of a big fat man twisting and turning in front of this machine, it is quite joyful.

"This is our first real arcade machine, and it can be regarded as a test for Zhiduoxing to enter the arcade field. The sales volume of this product may not reach tens of millions, but a few million should be possible, depending on your strength. gone."

"Before we released the game, the agency fee was low. I also know that you have some complaints, especially you overseas agents, who are also responsible for the translation of language versions, and the cost is relatively high."

"So this time, we will give more favorable agency fees, lower guaranteed sales volume, and ensure that you can earn more money. I just have one request, let this product be promoted in the global region as soon as possible, so that People know and love the product."

"In the future, we will sell cards to make more profits, and everyone can make a lot of money. Our goal of Zhiduoxing has always been to let everyone make money together. We are a community of interests."

Zhang Yang talked eloquently on the machine, and the agents below all nodded accordingly. Those who came to the meeting all knew English.

"Next week, our product launch conference will be held, and this product will be launched to the market quickly. The early advertising has already started, and many people have become curious and interested in our products."

"I can assure you that after this product, our Zhiduoxing G sales will reach a new peak again."

All the agents were moved. They understood what Zhang Yang said, and launched an external device suitable for Zhiduoxing G. With this function, it will definitely greatly increase the sales of Zhiduoxing G.

It is rare for external devices to drive the sales of mainframes. Zhiduoxing is simply a genius in product development and operation!

After the agents signed the supplementary agreement and left, they all returned to their own sites and began to cooperate with Zhi Duoxing in publicity. The method used is the same, first to whet everyone's appetite, but not to say what the product is.

These pre-publicity alone cost Zhi Duoxing millions of dollars.

In the first generation of this dancing machine, Zhang Yang's goal is not to make money, just to keep the capital. The real harvest will be when the second generation and Zhiduoxing external dance mats are implemented.

A week passed quickly, and Zhiduoxing held another new product launch conference in Xiangjiang. This time, there were obviously more media and business representatives than last time.

When they saw a huge arcade machine on the stage, they were all stunned. The new product co-authored by Zhi Duoxing is going to be an arcade machine?

What kind of new product is this? The performance of the arcade machine, companies such as Sami have already done a good job, how can you improve it? Could it be a 3D arcade machine?

But what is that big platform under the arcade, it looks like it is divided into four grids? With lights? When playing games, everyone is staring at the screen, who cares about the lights under your feet.

What surprised them even more was that this arcade machine of Zhi Duoxing did not have a joystick. How to play without joystick? There are only a few buttons on it, and the design is very strange.


All the lights of the venue converged on the arcade machine on the stage, and another beam of chasing light hit Zhang Benxiong, the general manager of Xiangjiang Zhiduoxing.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is a new product of our Zhiduoxing, an epoch-making arcade machine. I think you have also discovered that the appearance of this arcade machine is very different from the traditional one."

"The reason for this is because the main function of this arcade machine is to dance, and it is operated by feet, so there is no joystick, and there is such a large control panel under the feet..."

"Okay, after introducing the functions, I think everyone is very curious about how fun it is. Now let me show you the true charm of this smart dancing machine!"

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