Super Tech Powerhouse

Chapter 58: Tang Gu fight

Xundian County, the sound of gunfire that shook the entire county last night. At dawn, it finally affected the lives of ordinary people. At the beginning was a sparse four shots, and later it kept ringing like a cannonball.

Early in the morning, Liu Tudou, who sold meat, had just taken off the two door panels of the shop door, and saw a group of soldiers with live ammunition and running past him. This team of soldiers is absolutely different from the soldiers in his previous impressions. There is something like an iron pan over his head. The uniform on his body can cause a kind of fear from his heart.

A soldier wearing a steel helmet, carrying a rifle with a bayonet, walked across the street with great power, walked to a street bulletin board, and posted a large newspaper in red and white.

"Liu Laoyu, where are all the soldiers from here? I slammed the gun last night. I was so careful, I almost jumped out of my fright!" Xu Widow is a famous tofu in the county. Xi Shi, I always like to come to Liu Tuto here to buy the cheapest pork liver, lungs, and water, and take it back to the children to relieve them.

After seeing the pretty widow Xu came together, Liu Tuhu was about to go to fragrant her with a big mouth, but she avoided it, so she unloaded the last door panel. Pull out the basket under the chopping board, take out a piece of pig heart and lungs, cut it with a knife and halve it, wrap it with lotus leaves and throw it to her: "Don't worry about it, three days and two ends can't be more than a soldier, the first two days of Tian Tianshuai The soldiers also just passed by. I heard the gunfire, but maybe it was a fire! "

"Ge Laozi shot a gun in the middle of the night and thought that the bandits had crawled in and scared Lao Tzu to sleep all night." Another Baozipu owner who was waiting to buy meat also scolded and followed.

"There are not many good people who serve as soldiers, no matter which big commander he is, as long as he doesn't kill and set fire. More intersections"

"Dangdangdangdang ..."

In a row of discussions, Wang Xunzi, who is responsible for knocking the gongs daily in the county, held a broken gong and was knocking deadly: "Last night when the bandits entered the city, the county magistrate of Huize Zhang waved his army to help him, and he had repelled the bandits. The bandits are here again, and a warning notice is hereby issued. "

As soon as a notice was heard, the crowd quickly gathered around. Someone who can read can read the content of the notice. It was similar to what Wang Xunzi said. The county magistrate of Huize, chasing a bandit into the city, finally repelled the bandit after a **** battle, but the bandit fled overnight. In order to prevent the bandit from returning, the magistrate Zhang decided to implement martial law. No one may openly violate martial law.

The small county town jumped for a while, but after seeing that there were soldiers in front of the rice shop or noodle shop to maintain order, and no one dared to drive up prices. Everyone's heart is stable.

It does n’t matter if they fight, whether they are bandits or martial law, as long as they have food and water and they can live on, they don't care.

At the gate of the city, Zhang Shusheng looked at a company waiting to be watched by the company. The weekly training of the mind was finally time for assessment today.

Outside the city, the fortifications that were excavated overnight last night have now begun to take shape.

"Master, after we occupied the county town last night, carrying out heavy machine guns was a sweep, which scared the young and old in this county town. I believe no one would dare to cause us trouble." The First Brigade and the Second Brigade, All of them had entered the city before dawn. Tao Qian, the brigade commander of the First Brigade, accompanied Zhang Shusheng to inspect the construction of the positions outside the city and said aside.

Zhang Shusheng nodded, jumped down a trench a few meters in front of the city gate, and personally checked the digging effect of the position: "Well, after all, we are foreign, and we ca n’t just reason. We must let the rich people in the city know our Strength, so as not to be troubled by these little characters. Now it seems to work well, and the entire county has not caused a commotion because of the overnight change of ownership. "

He kicked a bullet-proof pit in the front channel with a kick, and the dirt at the entrance was very tight. From the level of this simple bullet-proof pit, it was completely able to withstand the bombardment of small-caliber mortars.

The position excavation work of the Second Regiment of the First Brigade has been extended to the third trench, 50 meters outside the city gate. It was just in case that a defense system composed of three lines of defense was built. The trenches are curved. In the past three days, the ditch was connected with traffic ditch, in which bulletproof pits and heavy machine gun bunkers were temporarily poured out of quick-setting cement.

"The positions were dug well. Although the other party was just a division and a regiment, they were rushed into the city by accident, and the flesh at hand was lost. Not to mention, chaotic street battles will cause civilian casualties and cause us great trouble. "Zhang Shusheng thought of accepting Gu Pinzhen's order to help attack Tang Jiyao, but he secretly followed the two counties nearest to Huize, and he felt very emotional. He is also a warlord. Although he is only to expand his strength, We will develop our strength well and prepare for the national competition in the future.

"Well. The artillery battalion is in the county gate of the county at a distance of more than a thousand meters. With the infantry division of Miao Renyi, even if it happens to break through the gate, it will be covered by the artillery battalion fire." Tao Qian knocked on the head. The steel helmet shuddered, and a large ball of mud was smeared from the trenches.

Looking at the first battalion of the First Brigade that had entered the position, the entire position alone had 13 heavy machine guns strengthened. There is also a 37mm mortar. With such an effective defense, Xundian himself has to make a decision. Zhang Shusheng said: "Gu Pinzhen let us enter Xuanwei with all our strength and ask us to attack Tang Jiyao from the back. Now our main force is in Miao Behind the Ministry of Justice and Justice, in this Gutang dispute, no matter who loses or wins, Xuanwei and Xundian are ours. "


"News, Chief Rapporteur, something bad is going on!"

The Ministry of Miao Renyi just stationed near Kunming and Qujing, preparing to ambush, but suddenly received the report of the deputy.

"What's the matter? We are not bandits, we are the regular Republican Army." Today Miao Renyi, in his early thirties, is no longer the tattooed head when Zhang Shusheng first met, and even older Standing together after a few minutes of the butcher, he seemed more young and promising.

"Master, the seventh day before our seventh division left Xundian, we did not expect that our hind feet would be occupied. At this time, the rear path of our seventh division has been cut off!"

Miao Renyi was shocked. Now that the situation is unknown, he has also received a letter from Tang Jiyao privately. He promises various benefits including 300,000 oceans and 2,000 Hanyang builds. He is hesitating. Is Gu Guzhen sent by the army behind him to monitor himself? of? But in the entire Dongchuan area, in addition to its seventh division, there are only the Sichuan Army in Sichuan.

"Is the Sichuan Army out of bounds?"

"The division chief is the man of Zhang Shusheng of Huize. I just prepared to go back to urge the forage, but I actually saw a troop digging fortifications outside the city gate. A total of three trenches were dug. The entire fortification will be unreliable. A city wall surrounds it tightly, "said the lieutenant.

"Zhang Shusheng? Lao Tzu can't move him. He dare to watch Lao Tzu? Damn, Lao Tzu's things are also dare to take it!" Miao Renyi's face drew, and there was nothing to do after being broken. There are more than 3,000 people in the horse and the independent group, and they are uncles everywhere they go. However, the city still has more than 200,000 oceans, and even a few small crickets, which he has collected for the purpose of raising military troops. Now when Zhang Shusheng enters the city, these things are named Zhang. It doesn't matter if Dongchuan can't go back, he can't swallow it.

"Master, Mrs. Tang has sent someone again."

While hesitating, another Tang Jiyao sent a secret letter.

When Miao Renyi opened the secret letter, he suddenly changed his face: Master Miao and the commander had seconded the Guizhou Army and the Gui Army, and would send their troops directly to Kunming. If Mr. Miao looks back from my Tang, after the war, he will reward the establishment of the two counties in Dongchuan and the two divisions.

"Master, what do you do ..."

The deputy received Tang Jiyao's letter and frowned. Tang Jiyao's bait was too big to return to Kunming.

"Is Gu Pinzhen calling?" Miao Renyi frowned.

"Yes, Ms. Gu ordered Marshal to cooperate immediately with other allies. At 6 pm today, Ms. Tang, who was entangled in Qujing, attacked!"

As soon as Miao Renyi heard this, his heart suddenly became angry: "Hurry up, let his mother know it. We asked for the emergency dispatch of 100,000 soldiers and 20 heavy machine guns. What happened?"

"Gu, Marshal Gu replied that the current army is very costly, and the military commander asks the marshals to raise money on the spot. As for the heavy machine guns, the number is not enough, and only three were sent."

"Fuck, Gu Pinzhen really wants the cattle to go down to cultivate the land, but not to feed the grass. Three heavy machine guns, send a call to Huazi. In this case, don't blame Laozi for not remembering the old feelings." Miao Renyi flashed a fierce light in his eyes, "Zhang Shusheng, Zhang Shusheng, I don't think Gu Pinzhen is there this time. How can you be so arrogant. After I am King Dongchuan, I will take over your industrialists!"

Upon hearing this, the deputy was also very happy: "Master, there are countless factories under Zhang Shusheng. If it was not Gu Pinzhen's pedantic and repeated obstructions, we would have taken over. This time, hehe ... Master, willing to lead the army to recapture Xundian, kill all the way Back to Huize. "

"No hurry, let's give Gu Pinzhen a gift first, and then talk to Zhang Shusheng. There are thousands of people in the district group, can we still fight against the regular teacher of Lao Tzu. Besides, we helped Mr. Tang, and he should also help." There are nearly 10,000 horses under his command. If Tang Jiyao's troops are used to help him, the thousands of people in the civilian group will not be afraid.

Although the Xiaoqingshan area was heavily guarded, he still inquired about Zhang Shusheng's thousands of people, but he didn't know the truth and thought it was a misbranded army adapted by some bandits.


Gu Pinzhen was in a rush in the military government. Tang Jiyao led his tens of thousands and 20,000 borrowed from Guizhou and Guizhou. He had seven divisions and more than 60,000 troops. He was attacking Kunming in three directions. The original attack plan had It won't work, it's just a matter of choosing defense.

"Master, now we control more than 30,000 people, all of which have been retracted to Kunming, as well as a division near Zhennanguan, a division of Miao Renyi, Zhang Shusheng and Tu Ren who are close to one division of the two civilian groups. In fact, the strength is almost the same. As long as the ministries are united, retreating to Kunming, according to the fortification, Tang Jiyao is not afraid. If they wait for the opportunity to counterattack, I think his tens of thousands of Wuhe people will be dispersed. "

A staff officer pointed on the large military map of Yunnan. Several red arrows have approached Kunming, but the Miao Renyi and Zhennanguan sections have not yet gathered in Kunming, and the Zhang Shusheng one is still shaking in the Xuanwei area. , Hundreds of miles away.

"Well, if the ministries are united, what fear does Tang Jiyao have. The general is incompetent and I have tens of thousands of people, but I can only retreat to a lonely city. Miao Renyi was promoted by me personally, and with grace, he would definitely be ordered to come to Kunming It ’s just the one in Zhennan Pass, I ’m afraid it ’s unknown. Not to mention those militia groups with low combat effectiveness. ”

It was another plan. Gu Pinzhen and his subordinates never came up with a feasible combat plan. After thinking about it, they only had to get Kunming and the Tang Jiyao to fight a defensive battle.

"The report is good! The 13th Division near Zhennanguan called and said that the French sent troops to harass our borders ~ ~ for the sake of prevention, the 13th Division has cancelled the rescue Plan, defend on guard !!! "

"Fart, Kunming is in danger. The French haven't called in decades. How could it be said that they will come over here. Fuck, I must take care of them after I slow down. Where is Tang Jiyao now?"

"Less than five miles from Kunming."

"Did Miao Renyi respond?"

After waiting for the serviceman to answer, another senator ran in and said happily: "Big commander, Chief Miao has led the team, and the seventh division is organizing to enter the North Gate."

"Well, Miao Renyi is indeed my dear, and ordered the 7th Division to defend the North Gate in situ. I'd like to see how Tang Jiyao broke through Kunming, which is guarded by my heavy soldiers."


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