"The patriarch appeared, and there was a faint coercion around him. Even if a manager like Niutoumamian came over, the aura he carried would be resisted, but this kid just shivered a few times."

The ghost pawn began to think again and again, the patriarch appeared, which was the power that inspired the patriarch. Zhang Tianshi is a member of the immortal class. If he really agrees with this disciple, he will be able to counteract this evil wind if he casually lowers a trace of breath...

"you are not……"

"Draw the ground as a prison!"

The moment Yang Tao was trembling, Ma Jiani's pretty face changed, and she immediately knew something was wrong. At this moment, the pawn had just opened his mouth, and Ma Jiani immediately chose to strike first.

"Uh, the fire-gathering talisman, lead."

Seeing Ma Jiani's stealing complaining eyes, Yang Tao smiled slowly. This... It seems that I can't blame myself. This is an instinctive subconscious reaction, and I didn't think of it for a while.

Originally outside, Yang Tao had left a fire talisman at the beginning, but now he can just use it.

"You...you actually lied to me. Damn it, and you, this girl, you will all be held accountable!"

whoosh whoosh~

The Yin wind, which was constantly retreating just now, suddenly rolled back again. The entire sky seemed to be roaring, and the pitch black became dense again.

I saw the two green fireballs the size of ping pong balls suddenly burning like a scoop of fuel.

A pitch-black figure, with an indistinct appearance, slowly appeared in front of Yang Tao.

"Is this the ghost pawn?"

Yang Tao wondered, what was in front of him was nothing more than a mass of energy. It's just that there are two flames at the position of the binoculars, other than that, there seems to be no other special place.


The ghost soldier roared, and suddenly a big knife appeared beside him. The big knife is also pitch black, with countless lines on it, flashing and flashing, releasing this green light.

Holding a big knife in both hands, the ghost soldier turned towards Yang Tao and turned directly.

At this moment, countless symbols have appeared under his feet, turning into a formation. That is the power to draw the ground into a prison, but unfortunately, from now on, it seems that that power is not very powerful in restraining ghost pawns.

At the very least, after the knife was cut through, the knife energy emitted was only slightly hindered, and then accelerated forward again.


Yang Tao gritted his teeth, at this time, if he didn't try his best, he would really have to be led by a dog.

The fire talisman was triggered, and countless heat began to rise directly. But this power seems to be suppressed by the surrounding wind, and the power of the flames has never been able to emerge.

"Give me enlightenment!"

Yang Tao let out a roar in his throat, the spells in his hands were constantly changing, and the true energy poured into his hands frantically, causing the heat waves on the ground to slowly begin to sublimate.


Yang Tao gritted his teeth, the saber energy came towards him. He moved his body with difficulty, barely avoiding it.


But behind him, there was a loud bang. Behind is the formation outside Yang Tao's cave. At this moment, the saber energy rushed in and hit the formation. Yang Tao felt that the ground shook slightly.

Although the formation was not broken, Yang Tao felt that if there were a few more attacks, the formation would not last long.

"Damn it, is this the power of the sixth floor? No, the formation needs to be strengthened, bastard, if the regular attendant comes over, this formation will definitely not be able to hold it."

Yang Tao did not forget that Chang Shi had a seven-level Qi Condensation expert beside him this time, not to mention that Yagyu Jiro also had the combat power of this seven-level Qi Condensation. If he did not perfect and improve the power of the formation, he would be really dangerous up.


In the darkness, the ghost suddenly made a hesitant sound, as if he had discovered something that puzzled him.

"This is……"

The thinking of the ghost soldier began to deduce again and again. It seems that every time he thinks, it takes a lot of time.

"Hozawa, now!"

Yang Tao roared again, his hands shining brightly. In the darkness, it became extraordinarily dazzling.

"This is……"

A trace of suspicion also appeared on Ma Jiani's face. Before that, she had never felt this power carefully.

"Could it be..."

At this moment, Ma Jiani didn't even keep the spell in her hand. Exclaimed with both hands, covering his small mouth. Her beautiful eyes were filled with shock.

"Huozawa...such power...Damn it, are you..."


Suddenly, the Yin wind rolled violently again, but this time it was different from before, but immediately retreated. It was as if Yin Feng felt something terrifying and left as if fleeing for his life.

In just an instant, the surroundings that were still pitch black just now turned back to the original clear sky. As if, everything just now was an illusion.


Yang Tao stared at the front with both eyes, and blinked a few times, and there was a deep sense of puzzlement in his eyes. What just happened? Could it be that Ma Jiani did something?

Suddenly, Yang Tao turned his gaze to Ma Jiani who was on the side. But what surprised Yang Tao was that Ma Jiani's current situation didn't seem to be any better than her.

The staring boss looked at Yang Tao in a daze, even his small mouth was slightly half-opened at the moment, completely unaware of what happened.

"Damn it, damn it, why is this happening? Why is the successor of the Five Elements Sect still in this world? Bastard, bastard...Why do I just recite it like this?"

In the pitch blackness that was fleeing quickly in the distance, the ghost soldiers were thinking extremely fast at this moment. Compared with the beginning, it seemed that one was flying in the sky and the other was crawling on the ground.

At this moment, the ghost pawn was cursing, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

Five Elements Sect, the human inheritance has been destroyed. Hearing about this incident made the Five Elements Sect in the Earth Immortal Realm angry, and almost disregarded the agreement and descended directly to the mortal world.

In the end, I also heard that there are a group of immortals who went directly to other realms. And there is still no dissatisfaction, this matter is too big, even if they are in the dark, it is spreading.

The ghost soldier is terrified at this moment, if this kid enters the underworld after a hundred years, and is asked that he has bullied him, then... the fire balls in the ghost soldier's eyes are constantly shaking, and there is a tendency to dissipate at any time .

But he knew that the Five Elements Sect had a great power, who was waiting in the underworld to pick up those disciples who died unjustly...

For this order, Yang Tao couldn't think of playing at all. Even Ma Jiani would not have thought of this. At this moment, the two of them were still staring at each other, not knowing which ghost pawn was acting.

"Yang Tao, the fire you just used is from the Five Elements Sect..."

After a while, Ma Jiani's eyes erupted again. Yang Tao was no stranger to this light. When Ma Jiani knew that she could make alchemy, the other party also erupted. However, that time, it was countless times weaker than this time...

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