Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 559: confidence

Their self-confidence is not without reason, because these self-confidence comes from their own strength.

Although the graduates present are from different schools, they are all outstanding in their own schools.

These graduates are all elites in various schools, and they are very good in terms of their performance, otherwise they would not have the confidence to come here.

Everyone knows how competitive the recruitment fair of the Universe Umbrella Group is.

Those graduates who think they are not capable enough will not dare to participate in this job fair because they are not confident enough in their own strength.

This is equivalent to having already conducted an election and weed out all the talents who are not good enough.

It can be said that these people are all tyrants, and the square is simply a gathering of tyrants.

Soon Jiang Cheng also came to the job fair, and his appearance also caused quite a stir.

People like them who admire academic masters are generally great scientists, and Jiang Cheng is now the greatest scholar.

So many of those graduates are fans of Jiang Cheng, and they often follow Jiang Cheng's news. Now seeing their idols always makes people excited.

The reason why this job fair can gather so many outstanding people is because of Jiang Cheng's own fan effect.

Many people came here this time to meet Jiang Cheng's side, and they came here entirely with fans in their hearts.

Even if they cannot join the Universe Umbrella Group in the end, it would be nice to meet Jiang Cheng, the idol here.

But these graduates are not like those simple fans, they are still very self-controlling, and they can keep calm when they see their idols.

Unlike those crazy fans, they don't care about anything when they see their idol.

The scene did not cause much chaos due to Jiang Cheng's appearance, and a certain order was maintained on the entire square.

The sensation in the square soon subsided, and the job fair began with Ruojiang Cheng's arrival.

Jiang Cheng walked to his position in all his gazes.

The job fair of the Universe Umbrella Group officially began. Many temporary sheds were set up on the site, and a long line was formed outside each shed.

Inside the shed is the recruitment site, and each recruitment site has several employees of the universe sitting in it.

The employees of the Cosmos Umbrella Group are the interviewers of this job fair specifically responsible for the job interviews.

They are all professional human resource managers, and now we have to rely on them to select outstanding candidates and add them to the aerospace technology team.

However, these interviewers are only in the preliminary selection. They will select good candidates and hand them to Jiang Cheng to make the final decision.

The reason Jiang Cheng came here in person this time was to personally select talents.

Those who can join their team must meet his requirements.

It's not that you can pass the selection with good grades. Jiang Cheng values ​​many aspects, not just his performance in school.

The talent recruited this time is Jiang Cheng's hope in the future, so he will personally come to check.

But Jiang Cheng couldn't choose one by one. There were too many people who came to the scene. It was not known how much time Jiang Cheng would waste.

That's why these interviewers exist on the spot, just to help Jiang Cheng make a preliminary selection.

People who these interviewers think are good will be sent to Jiang Cheng in the end, so that Jiang Cheng will make the final selection.

The temperature above the square was quite high, and the sun in the sky began to become hot.

By now this time the sun has risen very high, and now it is the midsummer season, so the sun is still very sunny.

But those graduates did not feel the heat at all, and they were all full of energy, hoping to face the interviewers in their best condition

This opportunity is very rare, and they don't want to miss such a good opportunity.

Cosmos Umbrella This is the first job fair held specifically for fresh graduates. I missed this opportunity. I don't know when it will be next time.

So everyone attaches great importance to this job fair, a little bit of heat cannot affect them at all.

Jiang Cheng was sitting leisurely on the chair, watching the graduates lined up for interviews under the big sun.

He hasn't passed the preliminary interview yet, so Jiang Cheng has nothing to do here, so he will be so leisurely now.

Sitting in the shady shed, Jiang Cheng looked at the graduates outside basking in the sun, feeling that he felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

People always have to compare in order to show their superiority. This is the situation Jiang Cheng is now.

He is hiding in the shade when others are basking in the sun. This is a gap that appears in contrast.

Just like on a bus full of people, everyone else is standing and you have a seat.

When you sit in your seat and look at the people standing and crowding the bus, this is the coolest moment in life. I believe everyone likes this feeling of party.

Jiang Cheng really enjoyed the feeling now, if it weren't for the bad influence, he would have to hum a little song now.

However, Jiang Cheng's leisure time was about to end. Among those recruitment sites, suitable people were quickly selected.

The following is the time for those who passed the preliminary interview to communicate with Jiang Cheng face to face.

Jiang Cheng will select the best person from these people to supplement his technical team.

Soon several people were brought to Jiang Cheng, and he couldn't continue to idle.

The first person who came to interview Jiang Cheng was a graduate who was almost 30 years old.

This graduate who participated in the recruitment is not very young at first glance.

It's not that he is so old because of repeating grades. People who can come here are basically unlikely to repeat grades.

He is a doctoral graduate who has just passed the thesis defense, so he is several years older than the average undergraduate graduate.

The interviewer allowed him to pass the preliminary interview because he valued his PhD degree.

Speaking of the graduates who participated in the job fair this time, many of them were in the same situation as him.

Many graduate students and doctoral students have participated in this job fair. Undergraduate graduation is nothing here. There are many people with higher academic qualifications.

Jiang Cheng would not select people because of academic qualifications. As long as you have basic subject knowledge, he wouldn't care whether you are an undergraduate, a research office, or a PhD.

Jiang Cheng's fancy is the potential for future development. Simply put, it depends on whether the talent is enough. As long as he is a genius, even a bachelor will choose it.

Scientific research is a job that depends on talents. Even if there is no talent in this field, no matter how hard it is, it is difficult to reach a high enough field.

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