Super Golden Eye

Chapter 384 Return to Yangming Club

Chapter 384 Return to Yangming Club

Chu Bingqing's words made Fang Yang's courage that he had finally summoned disappear instantly. Please search (Pin\u0026Book¥.com) to see the most complete list! The fastest updated novel

After breaking up with Ren Xueying, Han Xueqing was the first woman to come into Fang Yang's heart and heal his pain. Moreover, they both understand each other’s thoughts and are in tune with each other!

Li Anqi, this little witch known to everyone, dared to love and hate, she had confessed her feelings to Fang Yang as early as the first time she left Jiangbei. It would be a lie to say that Fang Yang is not moved at all!

As for Lu Wei, she is not as gentle as Han Xueqing, not as elegant as Chu Bingqing, and not as sexy as Li Anqi. But Lu Wei has her own unique authenticity and straightforwardness, which makes Fang Yang feel the most cordial.

Fang Yang's silence let Chu Bingqing know that she had spoken to his heart. She didn't want to embarrass him, so she pretended to be relaxed and said:

"Okay, sister is just teasing you. We are all adults and we don't need to be responsible for others. You have been with me for so long. Go back and deal with your affairs quickly."

Fang Yang looked up at Chu Bingqing, but still couldn't see anything strange on her face, so he had to admit defeat: "If you let me go, then I will leave. If you need anything, call me anytime. I will ask Shen Xin to contact you later. Let’s talk about the jade cooperation.”

"Then I'll wait for your news." After saying that, Chu Bingqing gave Fang Yang a wink, walked into the room and closed the door.

Although Fang Yang felt that something was wrong with Chu Bingqing, he did not dare to ask rashly. After a night of bad luck, he didn't know how to deal with his relationship with Chu Bingqing.

After much thought, Fang Yang finally decided to deal with it coldly first. I've been back for so long, and I haven't had time to go to Yangming Club, so I just happened to go there now to relax.

The moment the door closed, Chu Bingqing watched Fang Yang drive away, as if all her strength had been drained, and she collapsed on the floor.

He hugged his shoulders tightly with his hands and sobbed silently. Big drops of tears slipped from the frames of his eyes and wet the skirt of his clothes.

Only she can understand the pain in her heart, and no one can understand the pain in her heart. I don't know how long she cried before Chu Bingqing slowly stood up holding the door.

Holding the packaging bag containing the red sheets tightly, Chu Bingqing stumbled to the bedroom on the second floor, opened the safe on the bedside, and threw out all the jewelry, documents, contracts, etc.

He took out the bed sheet from the packaging bag and held it for a long time before solemnly putting it into the safe and locking it carefully. Maybe, everything is not as casual as Chu Bingqing showed.

After leaving Chu Bingqing, Fang Yang drove directly to Yangming Club. When I arrived at the parking lot, I found that he was the only car in the huge parking lot!

Although Fang Yang had been mentally prepared before coming, the reality once again made his heart sink to the bottom.

Several security guards at the door were leaning listlessly and chatting. When they saw Fang Yang coming over, they didn't pay attention at first, but the more they looked at him, the more familiar they became.

When Fang Yang came to them, several security guards finally recognized who this person was. Wasn't it Mr. Fang who dumped two large boxes of cash and ran over three Mercedes-Benzes with a forklift?

Several security guards immediately stood at attention and said loudly: "Hello, Mr. Fang!"

"Hello everyone, where is Li Shan?" Although Fang Yang couldn't stand the way they looked just now, he also understood that they were not entirely to blame.

Now, it is not an exaggeration to describe him as idle here. If it were him, he would be equally lackluster.

A clever security guard immediately said: "Captain Li is training inside. I will call him right away."

Fang Yang shook his head: "No, just take me there!"

The little security guard didn't dare to disobey, so he had no choice but to lead Fang Yang out of the club. As he walked, Fang Yang paid attention to his surroundings.

Although the club's operating conditions are not good, the cleaning is good. It's just that originally the decorations in the club were all flower pots, but now for some reason, they are all replaced with fake flowers!

There is nothing wrong with the feng shui of the club, but it lacks vitality. No wonder everyone is listless.

The little security guard led Fang Yang to the fighting venue. I happened to see Li Shan shirtless on the stage, fighting with several security guards.

Fang Yang did not alarm them, but looked down with interest. Back when he was working as a security guard, Fang Yang always put down words, whether he was a veteran or a gangster.

Even if you have entered a small dark room, as long as you can obey the instructions and don't cause trouble, you still dare to use it! So basically, gangsters and ex-soldiers account for about half of Yang Ming Club’s security staff.

Li Shan knocked his opponent to the ground with one punch and said disdainfully: "Hu Lei! Didn't you have a meal? You don't have any strength at all?"

Hu Lei also looked depressed. He was a veteran, and he was also a top soldier when he was in the army! He is also good at free fighting. Who would have thought that when he met a perverted guy like Li Shan, he wouldn't act according to common sense at all!

"Isn't it okay if I take it?" Li Shan, who was born as a street gangster, didn't have any tricks at all. He just relied on his own instinct and used all available parts of his body to attack the opponent.

In addition to fists, legs and feet, all jaws and teeth can be used! And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a critical point or not, as long as it can cause harm, it doesn’t matter where you hit it!

"You're so spineless! You're still a soldier!" Hu Lei is the best in martial arts among all the people. Since he refused to fight, Li Shan had no motivation to continue.

He took off the gloves on his hands and just jumped down when he heard a burst of applause: "Haha, wonderful! I just discovered that street fighting is definitely no worse than free fighting!"

"Brother Fang?! You're back! All the brothers miss you!" When Li Shan saw it was Fang Yang, he was so excited that he rushed over and wanted to give him a bear hug.

Fang Yang quickly turned sideways and hid aside: "Go, go, you're covered in stinky sweat, who's going to hug you? Go take a shower first, and let's sit down and talk."

"Okay, it's all up to you!" Li Shan was very obedient and trotted to the bathhouse.

Fifteen minutes later, Li Shan had changed his clothes and was sitting in the club bar with Fang Yang.

Fang Yang took a sip of coffee and said casually: "Tell me what's going on now."

Li Shan was obviously a little surprised: "Brother Fang, I'm just the club's security captain. Should you ask Yao Di and the others about these things?"

Fang Yang glared at him: "Where did you come from so much talking? Did I come into contact with you early or did I come into contact with Yao Di and the others for a long time?

I found you personally, but Yao Di and others were introduced by others. Can it be the same? Still can’t tell who is far and who is near? "

Fang Yang's words warmed Li Shan's heart and made him more convinced that he was not with the wrong person. Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice:

"Brother Fang, after you left, things were not peaceful here in Jiangbei. And in addition to Hongtu Fitness Center, Hongsheng Group also opened a Hongsheng Club!

These two companies are rich in money, have connections, and are good at business operations. We are caught in the middle and basically have no customer base. "

Fang Yang had already expected it, so he was not surprised: "Hongsheng again? It's really haunting. You can see its shadow everywhere."

Li Shan opened his mouth, as if he still had something to say, but in the end he didn't say it and lowered his head to drink coffee.

Sensing his strange appearance, Fang Yang asked: "Li Menghu, when did you become so mother-in-law? Just say everything you have to say, don't panic in your heart."

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