Super God Extraction

Chapter 71 [Wan Rong's Life]

When Wan Rong died, Su Jingxing's whole body was inexplicably relieved.

It's a strange feeling.

The mysterious is the mysterious, the wonderful in the wonderful.

It's not clear, it's not clear, it's completely indescribable in words.

The obsession of the predecessor is not a shackle, but it really affects him.

Now that Wan Rong died and his obsession disappeared, Su Jingxing had the illusion of being integrated into this world for the first time.

In short, strange and full of freshness at the same time.

"Speaking of which, Wan Rong really deserves to die."

Su Jingxing finished his work and calmed down the boiling blood.

The predecessor did not know how the family of Boss Wang, who helped him, died.

Su Jingxing knew it.

He specially went to investigate, and figured out why Wan Rong, a seventh-rank martial artist, wanted to harm the ordinary person Wang Fugui.

Just because Wang Fugui's daughter is very beautiful.

Yes, the case is not complicated at all.

Wan Rong accidentally met Pharaoh's daughter once, and he took a fancy to it at first sight, and then found the other party and wanted Pharaoh's daughter to be his lover.

Pharaoh's daughter naturally refused. Wan Rong was older than Pharaoh, nearly fifty.

Although she is a seventh-rank martial artist, Lao Wang's daughter is not bad at all, so she refuses directly.

As a result, Wan Rong became angry and forced the overlord to bow.

Pharaoh's daughter, who has a strong personality, committed suicide by jumping off the building afterwards.

When Lao Wang's wife found out, she was overwhelmed with grief and committed suicide.

Pharaoh didn't follow. He found an opportunity to drive into Wan Rong in the middle of the night, preparing to die with Wan Rong.

This is on earth, maybe it will be successful.

But here is Earth Star, and Wan Rong is a seventh-rank martial artist.

The martial artist's perception is extremely sharp, and the ability to avoid and react is extremely outstanding. Two seconds before the collision, Wan Rong successfully escaped.

In the end, Lao Wang died, and Wan Rong was unhurt.

This kind of tragedy in which the whole family died, Wan Rong could not escape the death, but there is no evidence!

As a veteran, Wan Rong did not leave a trace when he committed the crime.

Therefore, although the cause was Wan Rong's occupation of Pharaoh's daughter, the death of Boss Wang's family was all suicide, and Wan Rong never did anything from beginning to end.

This is fucked up.

Wan Rong is not an ordinary person, he is a seventh-rank martial artist, with a lot of power and a wide network of contacts.

No matter how angry Boss Wang's relatives were, they had no choice but to knock down their teeth and swallow them.

When Wan Rong is promoted to the sixth rank, he will completely dispel the idea of ​​revenge.

Of course, Wan Rong was always on the attack list of the Zhenwu Division.

Now that Wan Rong is dead, Zhenwu Si will only be happy!

This kind of scum, Su Jingxing would not feel guilty for killing him.

[Found the corpse, did you pick it up? 】


In response to harvesting a card, Su Jingxing glanced at Wan Rong's body, stopped paying attention, tipped his toes, and flew away from the scene.

Under the street lamp, the remaining two halves of Wan Rong lay quietly in a pool of blood.

The security guard at the gate of the community, after waiting for a while, made sure that Su Jingxing had really left, and then walked out of the security booth with a gloomy face.

He glanced at Wan Rong's corpse from a distance, and called the crematorium customer service desk with his mobile phone.

"Hello, is this a crematorium? Yes, we have a corpse here... Okay, okay, sorry to bother you."

Hanging up the phone with a smile, the security continued to dial the number of the security team.

"Hey, security team, there are people fighting at the gate of our community... Yes, a guy was cut in half... How do I know what the killer looks like? Now, I'll make a phone call, if you love me or not."

With that, he hung up the phone impatiently, lit a cigarette, stuffed it into his mouth, and cursed in a low voice.

"Master, can't you go to other places to get revenge? It was chosen at the gate of the community. Don't you know that there are a lot of people living here? What a bad luck!"


After the revenge was over, Su Jingxing in a relaxed suit slowly returned to the small courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

Lying loosely on the sofa, he took out the card he picked up from Wan Rong's body.

Hold in hand and read information.

Memory card!

Another memory card.

However, compared to Fan Chungang, Wan Rong's memory this time lasted for forty years.

Su Jingxing untied it and fast-forwarded it in his mind like watching a movie.

Forty years of memory almost covered Wan Rong's life.

From street gangsters to joining a gang, to being the boss of the family who dares to fight and not afraid of death, to going out independently and being the boss by himself.

It can be said that the first half of Wan Rong's life is the life of most gang members.

If it wasn't for a chance and a chance to acquire a martial arts, Wan Rong's final ending was similar to that of other gang members, and one day he died in a corner of an alley.

Relying on this opportunity, Wan Rong officially set foot in the martial arts and became a warrior.

But if a warrior wants to become stronger, he has to make money. Therefore, Wanrong Keng was abducted and deceived, and did everything possible. Robbery, murder, kidnapping, strong point, all kinds of evil things done.

Relying on ruthless means, he finally became a seventh-rank martial artist and had a certain status.

Rank 7 is not the end, Wan Rong naturally wants to go further.

To this end, he spent a lot of money to connect with a direct descendant of the Shi family, Shi Yankang, and sold himself to the Shi family in exchange for the first-level mentality of the Shi family's unique "Han Yanjue".

"Han Yan Jue", can cultivate the advanced internal skills of true qi.

Even if it is only the first floor, it is enough for people to advance to the sixth rank.

After Wan Rong got it, he once again spent a lot of money, and prepared no less than ten pieces such as Wall Breaking Pills.

In addition to his good talent, it took him ten years to make him succeed and advance to the sixth grade!

Grade 6 warriors are the backbone of the Shi family.

Therefore, Wan Rong got his wish and became the guest minister of the Shi family.

The identity token was just received last month.

The last time Su Jingxing blackmailed him, Wan Rong really thought it was a black hand sent by Chu Zhaoyun.

Therefore, after returning from Fucheng this time, Wan Rong immediately went to the Shi family to discuss with the second master of the Shi family, and prepare to attack Chu Zhaoyun. After all, Chu Zhaoyun also has a backstage.

The Shi family agreed.

No, Wan Rong was contacting people everywhere when he came back, but he did not expect to be targeted by Su Jingxing and split in half.

After browsing the memory, Su Jingxing was expressionless.

Throughout Wan Rong's life, there is not a single place to be commended.

Although Su Jingxing was able to silently write down the first level of "Cold Mist Art", he could practice according to it, which just solved a big problem for him.

But this True Qi Nei Gong belonged to the Shi family, and it only had the first level.

If Su Jingxing cultivated, he would have to rely on the breath of the Shi family in order to continue to become stronger.

This was not the life Su Jingxing wanted to live.

Therefore, "Han Yan Jue" excludes the back of the head.

Needless to say, those properties and lovers of Wan Rong were not used by Su Jingxing.

His first chance was a sturdy palm technique, which Su Jingxing couldn't like, and couldn't compare to "Seven-step Fist".

After doing all the calculations, Su Jingxing could use the 10 million private house money that he stole.

Oh, and through Wan Rong's memory, Su Jingxing browsed through the events in Qinghe City in the past 40 years, just like watching a documentary.

Among them, the rise of the Shi family is included!

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