Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 366: Tragic capital evacuation

Chapter 366 The Tragic Evacuation

At 7:49 in Venal time, the Zerg fleet suddenly descended for an hour and forty minutes.

Department of the Army, joint meeting of the highest defense chiefs.

Thai deliberately coughed twice, "Your Excellency President has issued an all-army military control order more than an hour ago, and now the military department will take over the defense and reserve of the entire alliance, and the internal defense force will be handed over to us from now on. "

"What we need now is a feasible combat plan, how to clean these **** bugs out of the alliance."

The generals were silent, Williamson took out the box containing the maple syrup, took out a piece and gently put it in his mouth, said: "Now the enemy's goal is already very clear, that is to occupy the capital, and then rely on the star circle The resources start to move further, and we want to prevent them from achieving their goals."

An elderly black general next to him sighed heavily, "General William, the enemy troops will arrive in less than four days, and our main troops are all defending in the border area. It should be clear that it is unrealistic to want to rely on all current forces to block them. It is not realistic to want to transfer troops from the outside. Time is not allowed, not to mention that Ndaro Star Territory is still threatened by another large enemy force. No one can move the border guards. Do you think they can defend in this situation?"

There was a sigh in the conference room. The alliance's troops were all scattered in the border area. The Star Circle actually stationed no less than one hundred integrated fleets. However, compared with the huge armament of the enemy's over six hundred fleets, this hundred fleets are not enough to see. There are still 600 Zerg fleets on the border of the Ndaro Star Zone, which may be killed at any time, in a critical form.

According to the plan, Ndaro is located in the southern part of the capital. Once the Zerg occupy the capital and the fleet soldiers stationed in the territory, they will encircle the area south of the alliance in two ways. I believe that the alliance will not withstand the attack of 1,200 fleets. In a short time, one quarter of the entire Union’s southern territory will be occupied by the Zerg.

The sequelae of the occupation are not limited to this. It is important to know that this is the core of the alliance’s politics, economy, art, and everything. Once they are lost, they will bring huge economic pressure to the alliance, and the panic of the people will also be greatly amplified. After all, the star circle is the face of the entire alliance. How can a human without a heart survive?

William Pine tapped the table lightly with his finger and said: "All in all, it must not be lost. This is the result of a careful analysis by the staff headquarters. Once all loses the alliance economy, it will regress for a thousand years, bringing great tremendous force to the army and the people. Ún chaos."

The black general beat the table heavily and said angrily: "General William, your headquarters of the staff spoke easily. Now the Star Circle Defence Force has only 106 fleets in total, and 30% of the fleets are not integrated. More than 70 fleets can be assembled from the surrounding area, and the strength of less than 200 fleets can be added together. Excluding the security defense fleets that have no combat effectiveness, the real combat effectiveness is equivalent to 100 integrated fleets. Fleet against more than 600 Zerg wartime integrated fleet equipped with dual flagships? If you can win this battle, I will cut your head to you if you can win."

The sigh in the meeting room was even heavier. This was a hopeless war, and all the generals present knew this.

"My opinion is not a hard fight with the enemy, in fact, you haven't thought about it. Here are all, with the most advantageous resources and manpower in the entire league. If we can't defend, we will move all and then burn out Wiener. Galaxy, don’t leave a dime for the enemy."

Everyone was shocked

Burn out the Wiener galaxy? You must know that this is the source of mankind, the gift of gods to mankind, every citizen of the Pan-Human Union regards it as a holy place in his heart

Have all moved? Destroy the Venal Galaxy? Not to mention whether it can be successful in such a short period of time, it is absolutely unacceptable from people's emotions. It is like letting a living person pierce his heart with a dagger, which requires great courage.

William Pine gritted his teeth and said, "I know you are reluctant to give up, this is the original home where humans thrive, but I want to remind you that only the place where humans live is our home. Once the Venal galaxy falls into the hands of Zerg Here, the end of the encounter can only be a hundred times worse than now."

Everyone was silent. This was a difficult decision. No one was willing to give up Venal, but everyone knew that the military department was not capable of defending Venal.

"I oppose" a general with a big ear and stood up and shouted loudly. Thai glanced at him, knowing that this was the deputy minister of the naval headquarters, General Leiden's men, Statham, and now Leiden had gone to Ndarrow The galaxy presides over the frontier defense, and Stanson and several other deputies of the naval headquarters take care of the department.

"The Venal galaxy has fallen once in the age of the robot rebellion in the ancient times. This time we must not let her fall into the hands of the Zerg. The naval headquarters also has a pure flagship unit with eighty fearless warships and eighty ships nearby. Aircraft carrier, ten class aircraft carriers should make this class flagship unit appear at this time. We die if we stay in the Venal galaxy, and we die here."

Williamson said softly before he finished: "The Liberty Iron Cavalry is the foundation of the entire military department, and it is absolutely impossible to use this flagship unit until the last resort. Besides, even if the Liberty Iron Cavalry is put into battle, we will definitely win "If this unit is wiped out, the entire alliance will lose its last hope"

What they call the Free Iron Cavalry Army is a fleet consisting entirely of flagships. The base is located at a distance of 20 jumps from the Star Circle. This unit ua cost the military a lot of effort, and all the fleet members are elites. The elite in China have a fighting power of one hundred

However, there is only one free iron cavalry in the entire alliance. He is the last capital of the military. If even the free iron cavalry is taken in, the military will lose the cost of fighting against the Zerg. After all, this army’s flagship number has accounted for One third of the entire league.

"You coward, you traitor, give up the Venal galaxy? The people will poke your spine and scold you. Are you afraid of being drowned by people's spit stars?" Stanson shouted angrily, the whole person moved. The ground shivered.

Williamson flipped the sugar in his mouth with his tongue, and said lightly: "I'm not afraid, I'm just afraid that the entire human race will disappear from the star map, and if it's gone, it can't be rebuilt. What can humans do to rebuild?"

Stanson was not convinced, and was still going to yell at Williamson. At this time, only a loud noise was heard, and the silver general Tai who sat on the top finally made it.

He patted the table heavily and flicked some tea cups on the table, his face green.

Even the bad-tempered Stanson dared not say anything. The legendary Thai anger is the ultimate weapon as horrible as the roar of the Statue of Liberty. In the military department, no one dared to challenge the authority of General Silver.

"Enough, just shut up for me," Thai said angrily. The entire conference room returned to deathly silence, and all the famous generals did not dare to show up.

"William, how long does it take for temporary relocation?" Tai Shensheng asked. There was no doubt in his words. Although he would listen to other people's opinions, he would not hesitate to implement it once he had a decision in his heart. Anyone else’s feelings Martial Universe, the Holy King, the Holy King, the night killing the God Seal, the throne, the most powerful abandonment of the young and big Zhou Dynasty, the night killing the God God Seal, the throne, the strongest abandoning the young, big Zhou Dynasty Martial Qiankun will kill the God of the Immortal Throne in the night and ask the Devil Ao Ninth Heaven to be the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou Zhou royal family.

William Pine opened the microcomputer to bring up a detailed form and said: "One hundred and eighty hours, the military, the police force, plus the major soldiers' unions, and the enterprise fleet."

Thai nodded his head. William Pine deserved to be the chief of staff of the military. One of the Big Three, his most effective general, has been engaged in just over an hour. Williamson has completed a set of evacuation in such a short time. The detailed plan is sufficient to explain his level of thinking ability and determination.

"General Williamson" said Tai Shensheng.

"At" Williamsong stood up and saluted a standard military salute.

"The Military Department authorizes you to be the chief commander of the evacuation plan, and is solely responsible for this plan. It must be evacuated to the northern part of the coalition within 150 hours. Anyone who does not listen to the order will be cut first."

"Understood" William Pine said in a deep voice.

"Director of the Internal Defense Forces General Sonez Metropolitan Security Bureau General Mi Jiandu Police Chief Nagawa"

The "in" three military and police officers responsible for public security in the capital stood up quickly.

"From now on, your troops will eventually evolve directly under the jurisdiction of the military department. I will give you twenty-four hours to mobilize all the warships and cargo ships that can be called nearby, even the shuttles. How to do it, by William General Song finally directly evolved and ordered"


"Tune 1574 Fleet, 2356 Fleet, 8426 Fleet... A total of seventy fleets immediately went to the Taipingshan Military Base in the tranquil star area of ​​the southern part of the capital to prepare to block the Zerg Fleet. Forty-eight hours later, any fleet could not arrive on time, and the fleet chief was on the spot."

The generals were stunned for a while. None of the seventy fleets that had just been named by Thailand had a flagship combat capability. They were all old and weak soldiers. What he did was obviously to let the seventy armed forces die.

Not to mention the seventy miscellaneous troops, even the elite fleet of the seventy alliances has no chance of dragging the zerg The result is already obvious without waiting for the battle to start.

You know, this is a fleet of 70 ún warships. The total number of soldiers is close to 100 million.

A general command represents the loss of 100 million lives, and war is such a cruel and ruthless one.

Everyone murmured if they had the courage to sit in Thai's position.

William Song did not say anything. It is common knowledge since the ages that mercy does not lead the soldiers. The generals must use any means for victory. Thai can’t do this. There is no way to let 100 million lives die. Although it is cruel, if you let the enemy attack More people will die as a result of entering the city, which is really cruel.

The whole army retreated to the northern area and rebuilt the capital. At the expense of time, they sought to gather a strong force and seek another battle. This is the only option at present.

William Pine thought for a while, "Who are you going to lead the soldiers in these seventy fleets?"

Cold light flashed in the eyes of General Yintai, and he said with a deep voice: "Just that man, it's time to activate him."

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