Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1552: attack! Tianyi's cards!

Xia Fan was taken to the lowest cabin. In the huge round-shaped cabin, more than twenty coaches put out a serious face, waiting to guide Xia Fan's speed law.

As the saying goes, a famous teacher is a high disciple, but more than 20 of the best Tianyi warriors guide Xia Fan alone. That posture is indeed quite shocking.

The first is the seventh brain domain width and physical fitness test. These two are the basis of the speed system. The brain domain width determines Xia Fan's future, and physical quality determines Xia Fan's present.

The test results surprised everyone. The seventh brain domain is 100% open. This is not surprising. The Tianyi family has excellent genetics and an average brain domain width of 97%. Each Tianyi member has the potential to become Speed ​​is the top strong.

The high physical quality of Xia Fan created a historical record of the Tianyi family. This record was maintained by the family founder, the famous carpenter and speed maniac Xia Gucheng. As a genetic mutant, Xia Gucheng muscles and bones Extremely developed. Although he has lived for many epochs and is an old man, his explosive power has not been surpassed so far.

"Physical fitness 170,000!"

The warriors of the Tianyi family exclaimed loudly that Xia Fan's physical fitness had reached 170% of Xia Gucheng's, almost twice that of his father, which was hard to imagine.

"I grew up eating nine-level energy crystals when I was young."

Xia Fan explained to his family that everyone listened to Xia Fan's story, and they were all sighed with respect. They were full of respect for the scourges that raised him.

"Relax, the Tianyi family has a clear grudge. One day, we will find and save those benefactors who raised you. They are not only your benefactors, but also our Tianyi benefactors." Xia Yu said firmly.

There was no time to sigh. Xia Fan's great practice began immediately. The soldiers of the Tianyi family were divided into three groups to take turns instructing Xia Fan. His rest time was strictly limited to two hours. Take a bath, squint in bed for a while, immediately They were taken to the lower cargo hold again.

A few days later, Bu You began to complain that Xia Fan couldn't see the figure. The two of them had been separated for so long and never separated. Now this situation makes him very uncomfortable. He likes to stay with Xia Fan even if there is nothing. Don't do it.

"Come with me and take you to see the achievements of Xia Fan's cultivation."

A week later, the seven-year-old Xia Di found the Buddha Tour and took everyone to the place where Xia Fan received secret training. On the huge round runway, Xia Fan had put on a special training suit of the Tianyi family and was moving joints. , Doing preparations before speeding up.

The Tianyi clan has its own equipment department. It was a group of skilled craftsmen they met during their travels in the world. The set of Xia Fan’s body was made by the Moorish nicknamed Tianmo. The Moorish skin is brown and the eyes are light. Most of them are green, they are good at weaving and energy coating process, at the same time they also have quite research on chemistry.

The light-breaking is soft armor, and the manufacturer of the alloy hard armor comes from the craftsman family. They are a branch of the spirits. When the spirits ruled the world, they already declared excellence, and the later spirits were destroyed. The craftsman family followed Tianyi. Continuing his superb craftsmanship, Tianyi continues to find the world's top metal materials for them to help them innovate.

"I'm so touched that Xia Fan is finally going to be honored and become a real Tianyi."

The sentimental water element is crying with its nose, while others are yelling and cheering Xia Fan.

I saw that with Xia Gen's order, Xia Fan bent down, posing a rather strange posture, which was invented by his father as a flying bird, a single bird, a large group of wolves, and Xia Fan's father in Tianyi In terms of tactical innovation of a family, it is a great achievement.


The speedy Xia Fan instantly turned into a light, and everyone could not clearly see his figure. He had to stare at the data on the screen. The speedometer showed that Xia Fan's speed had quickly exceeded five kilometers per second, blinking. After the eyelids, it reached 12,000 kilometers, which is about 0.5 times higher than when he did not receive special training from Tianyi.

Tianyi is worthy of being a speed expert and the best teacher. Within seven days, the speed is over ten thousand seconds. This is a crazy increase that ordinary people simply cannot imagine. They took Xia Fan to a whole new height in a very short time.


Everyone applauded madly, Xia Geng personally brought Xia Fan's flying wing badge to the family, prepared a big meal in the kitchen, many of them are the legendary earth food, Xia Fan loved the meat and steamed buns, and Fo You prefer sweet bean curd And spicy crayfish.

"This meal is to celebrate Xia Fan's official receipt of the Tianyi badge and a preparation meeting before the war. Tomorrow, we will arrive in the occupied area." Xia Geng raised his glass and said aloud.

Although the fighting is likely to break out tomorrow, the Tianyi brothers have been crazy to celebrate the whole night. They drink the strongest wine, eat the most delicious food, and use the automatic music box made by the Klinga people to play the most gorgeous in the world. Movement.

Everyone is forced to show their talents on the stage. This is also the practice of Tianyi gathering. Many people even think that Tianyi is essentially a group of artists and craftsmen, and fighting is only their amateur work.

Especially Xia Fan and others who have just returned or joined Tianyi are the objects of great concern. Tamu first took the stage. He invited out the guardian of the God of Light and offered blessings and gospel to everyone. Although the Tianyi family vowed to defend Tamu’s freedom of belief in gods, they themselves were a group of thorough atheists. Tamu’s performance was called the most boring opening in history.

Buddha tour performed tea art, took out the precious little tea pot, and soaked the most prestigious good tea in Cangyue, which aroused everyone's praise.

The Pearl sang an ancient ballad of the Dragon Clan. Halfway through, the Yan Yan, the Fire Dragon’s daughter, reconciled with her. The tune was vicissitudes and moving, telling how the Dragon Clan lived proudly and lonely. At the end of the song, everyone stood up and applauded. The singing group composed of these two dragons is called the Song of Ice and Fire, and they are invited to sing three songs in a row.

Xia Fan was the last of the four to take the stage. He danced the Kanali Islands war dance taught by the couple of dancers. Using the beast training skills taught by the grand hunter, he successfully controlled a group of one-eyed red-lip fish in the fish tank. Sober pills were also placed on site to give drunken soldiers.

"He is the most versatile guy I have ever seen!" Xia Leng jumped up and shouted.

Among the numerous nights Xia Fan spent, tonight is undoubtedly the most joyful. It seems that his family is not excited because of Xia Fan’s fighting ability. They care more about whether Xia Fan has enough talent.

The little face that Mingzhu drank was flushed, and she said on Xia Fan’s shoulder: “I’ve told you long ago, in Tianyi, you can’t do it without talent, no one here cares about how strong you are, because everyone Very strong, which is why our dragons like Tianyi. They can always kill the enemy and live a happy life every day."

"I also like Tianyi!" The same drunk Buddha declared loudly on the table.

The nonsense lasted all night. When the last two warships of the Tianyi family arrived at the Gate of the Cold Night Universe in the early morning of the next day, all the randomness and extravagance of last night were gone.

Xia Fan saw a group of the most serious warriors in the world. Xia Geng stood at the command center, staring at the countdown number, his eyes sharp as a knife, and he could not imagine that he was dressed as a woman last night when he played a harmonica while dancing ballet. It looks like how ridiculous it is to judge two people, life is life, war is war, this is probably the true meaning of Tianyi spirit.

"Rush in!"

At the end of the countdown, Xia Gen waved his arms, and the two warships equipped with Shockwave engines suddenly accelerated like two sharp auroras, breaking through the prohibition of the universe gate, and going to the universe completely surrounded by darkness. Xia Fan's Sky Dome is behind. In terms of combat effectiveness and size, the Remnant Knife is more powerful. It is a hardcover and fearless warship.

The two warships sailed through the cold night universe, and the first 24 hours went well. However, as the wing began to approach the enemy's nest, they began to be harassed.

At first, it was just a small group of three or four warships, which used space concussion bombs to repeatedly destroy the skywing's jump route. By the next day, they were harassed by more enemies and the situation was gradually grim.


With a violent shaking, the power supply on the ship was intermittent, some items fell from the shelf, and the warship attacked by the space bomb was forced to detach from the wormhole and resume normal space navigation.

"How many times is this? There are still endless!?" Fo You looked at a pot of crayfish that fell on the floor of the restaurant. He was distressed and complained loudly.

In front of the two warships in Tianyi, there is a team of enemies. The evolved psychic beasts have wisdom and skills. The warships they make are generally large in size and have claws and cumbersome appearance.

Including the two flagships, this blockade operation involved more than one hundred warships. It should be the main force of the enemy. At present, the two sides are more than 80 standard cosmic distances apart. They have not yet entered the range, but the psychic orc 'S fleet is rapidly accelerating, moving closer to Tianyi.

Xia Fan felt depressed. Space warfare is not like land. When the enemy has absolute firepower advantage, it is very unfavorable for the sky wing. If he is the commander, he will inevitably order the warship to accelerate away, and do not confront.

However, Xia Geng remained calm, and no one felt that the group of warships on the opposite side was his own threat. A faint smile hung on his face, which made Xia Fan unable to understand where this confidence came from.

The enemy fleet is getting faster and faster. More than one hundred warships completely surround the solitary two ships of the sky They are fierce and are aiming at the sky wing with fire control radar. The dark muzzle is unfolded and the missile launcher is After launching the hull, these deadly weapons will inevitably be launched once they are in range.

There is no doubt that Tianyi is at a disadvantage. However, when the enemy approached the standard distance of thirty universes, Xia Fan's unexpected situation happened.

Behind them, the bright auras rose like a white sun, accompanied by the violent fluctuations in space signals, and one after another starships with blue wave badges appeared behind the sky wings, with more than 500 ships. Ten percent of them belong to the powerful flagship.

The situation on the battlefield was immediately reversed. The blue fleet was like a solid back of the sky wing. With a red flame at the tail, it quickly crossed the sky wing and rushed towards the enemy.

"This is a friendly army?" Xia Fan's eyes widened and he felt incredible in his heart.

The communication was quickly connected. After the light curtain opened, a strange alien with a row of parotid glands under the ears appeared in the picture. They were taller, with mostly white eyes and a little convex outwards, which was not handsome, but it would give people a strange And tough feeling.


This strange man Chong Xia paid more respect to a standard military salute and said in a deep voice: "The Seventh Fleet of the Hai Clan was ordered to report!"

"Very good, kill them!"


The dialogue between Haizu and Xia Geng was concise and clear. Afterwards, Xia Fan saw that blue fleet quickly entered the battle, released countless drones, and bombed violently with artillery of various calibers, without any hesitation, fierce Charge towards the enemy.

"Your father often said that he must leave a hole card for himself at any time." Xia Geng patted Xia Fan's shoulder and said, "What you see now is just the beginning."

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