Super Farm System

Chapter 131 Green Farm

God and Demon System Immortal Cultivator Fanatic Since Xiong Lie assigned Xiong Yu and Xiong Fei to himself, Chen Jiajiu also had the courtesy of these two so-called most outstanding young people in Xiongjiazhuang.

Chen Jiajiu arranged for Xiong Yu to fill the mountain with saplings, no matter what kind of sapling it was, as long as it was a sapling. As for Xiong Fei, Chen Jiajiu directly arranged for him to go to the turf.

As for Chen Jiajiu himself, he arranged to go to the pool near Xiongjiazhuang. Chen Jiajiu nominally went to catch fish in the pool, but actually fetched water.

To grow rice, a lot of water is needed for irrigation, and the water here is almost natural. Although it is a bit wasteful to use this water to irrigate the fields, since there is clean water, there is no reason to use polluted water instead.

The Chen family was soaked in the water from day to night. Although the water in the pool was supplemented by external water, the water level of the pool also dropped significantly, and the Chen family didn't know how much water they had collected. But about ten tons of water are collected every second into the farmland.

In addition to irrigating 100,000 mu of land, a lake of 60,000 mu in size and more than 300 meters deep was also filled. The location of this lake was originally in a low-lying area. After some modifications, it immediately became a three-dimensional lake.

In such a large lake, Chen Jiajiu threw all the tilapia and the king fish into it, and then started a hundred times acceleration. And time acceleration is included within 20 kilometers from the shore of the lake.

At night, Chen Jiajiu went to the mountain, picked up Xiong Yu's saplings and moved them into the farm continent, and at the same time moved the turf that Xiong Fei dug out into the farm continent.

Chen Jiajiu arranged for the serfs and fishermen to plant these small saplings around the lake, as well as the turf. At the same time, Chen Jiajiu also arranged to plant those papaya, banana and other fruit trees around the lake.

Although the nine kinds of fruit from the Chen family are for feeding fish, of course they can also be picked and eaten, and they are planted on the bank, saving even the need to irrigate these fruit trees. Especially those tree pineapple dense. Chen Jiajiu believed that within a few days, the pineapple would be picked. After all, the time to open a hundred times is accelerated, it only takes three and a half days, and it will wait for the same year. It can be said that these pineapple trees will bloom and bear fruit next week, and then they will be ripe on the tree, and they can be used to feed those poultry and livestock when they fall to the ground. Into the lake can be used to feed fish.

Although the area of ​​the lake is a bit large, there will definitely not be many fish in the lake, but it is not impossible to see fish in every corner of the entire lake as long as you give it some time.

Since the trees and turf near the lake have just been planted. Chen Jiajiu only put fish in the lake, but did not put livestock in it. The trees grow taller and the turf denser. Only then did I consider putting all the poultry and livestock near the lake.

I believe it will take a week. During this week, Chen Jiajiu drove the poultry to the sweet potato field. I don't know what the sweet potato fields will look like to these alien species during this week.

As long as he doesn't starve to death, Chen Jiajiu won't care what happens to the sweet potato fields! When Xiong Yu and Xiong Fei were preparing to go down the mountain tomorrow, Chen Jiajiu locked herself in the room on the grounds of taking a rest.

When Chen Jiajiu returned to the earth, only an hour had passed, which was like two o'clock in the morning the next day. Chen Jiajiu entered the farm continent without being sleepy, and checked the dried fish that was drying in the sun.

Because it was sun-dried by a secret method, the fishy smell is not as strong as those fishes before. However, this is only the first step. Chen Jiajiu recruited two serfs and ten laborers, and the fish looked like dried fish. The Wanyu King performed an autopsy, took out the internal organs, and stuffed the spices that had been prepared without cleaning the abdomen. Then uniformly use a weak sun to dry.

After the internal organs were removed, it was marinated with exclusive spices, the previous stench was gone, and instead it had a smell, which is really incredible. Chen Jiajiu had heard before that the meat can be turned into cured meat after being drunk by fireworks. And it also has a unique fragrance that can only be found in cured meat. I didn't expect to use the sun to dry out this taste. And it's different from fireworks, even those burnt smells are gone.

What is a secret system, this is it, and no one can imitate it, this is an exclusive business. As for the price, Chen Jiajiu has already decided in his heart. Originally, Chen Jiajiu wanted to sell 10,000 Hong Kong dollars apiece. But thinking about it now, this price is too high, and I am afraid it will be unacceptable to consumers. However, the price of such a large fish should not be too low. If it is too low, its value will not be reflected. I would rather have a higher level of consumers, and Chen Jiajiu is not willing to sell it cheaply.

In addition to dried fish, there is also dried tilapia, and each one weighs four or five kilograms. Even if it is dried fish, it still weighs two or three kilograms.

In terms of price, Chen Jiajiu set a price of 100 Hong Kong dollars per catty, and as for the dried fish, it was 300 Hong Kong dollars per catty. Comparable to the price of ordinary abalone. Moreover, the weight of each fish king has been greatly reduced due to being exposed to the sun. Even so, there is still about ten kilograms.

Tomorrow, Chen Jiajiu will be able to get these dried fish out of Hong Kong, and it will be shipped tomorrow. Is there anyone', Chen Jiajiu doesn't know, because these dried fish are reprocessed before they are exposed to the sun. Chen Jiajiu also knew how it tasted.

Anyway, it was time for the serfs to serve their meals. Chen Jiajiu planned to add food to them, so he took out a dried fish king and made a few dishes that were commonly used after all.

These laborers usually eat whatever the serfs eat. Occasionally, they can go to the pond to catch a fish and add it to their vegetables. They eat sweet potatoes. Although they don't want to eat them very much, there are only so many things in the farmland.

However, those women would rather eat mukua than sweet potatoes, but papaya is unbearable, and lychee longan can’t be eaten too much. Although there are many lychee longan, they dare not steal it. According to the rules set by the serfs, they can only eat three grains a day.

There were a few laborers who had taken a fancy to the wild boars in the wild boar forest, and were about to attack those wild boars, but before they started, they were caught by the serfs, and they locked Zhong in the wild boar forest for a month with the wild boars every day. Together.

Since then, these captured laborers never dared to think about wild boars again. Chen Jiajiu had told them that every wild boar in the wild boar forest was a treasure. One was missing to keep them in the place where the wild boars stayed and guarded them for a month.

In fact, it’s also very good not to be locked in the wild boar forest. You can face the wild boar every day, and you can also grab food from the wild boar’s mouth. It should live in the same place as the wild boar and eat the same food.

There is a large bamboo forest in the wild boar forest. The wild boars live by running through the bamboo forest. Since there are bamboo forests, there are bamboo shoots. The laborer locked in the wild boar forest relies on eating bamboo shoots every day to survive.

Of course, there is still a large field of sweet potatoes in the wild boar forest, and you can also dig sweet potatoes, but you must always pay attention to the surrounding environment, after all, these wild boars will attack people.

There are more than 100 wild boars now, but Chen Jiajiu believes that the number of wild boars in the wild boar forest will increase dramatically in a short time. After all, the number of wild boars bred has a lot to do with food.

When food is plentiful, wild boars will reproduce in large numbers. And there is no competitor here in the wild boar forest. The only natural enemy is the owner of this running farm continent.

It can be said that the number of wild boars in the wild boar forest will increase in a short time. At that time, the commodity value of wild boars can also be reflected.

Of course, Chen Jiajiu did not plan to sell the live pigs, but marinated wild boars and dried them before selling them. You must know that a wild boar has four legs, and the price of each ham is about 500 yuan. about,

There is also wild boar meat that can be made into bacon. Calculated in this way, a live wild boar can only be sold for about 3,000 yuan, but after being marinated, a wild boar can be sold for more than 4,000 yuan. .

Moreover, as long as these pickled wild boars pass the quality standard, they can be sold. It is also much more convenient on the channel, and it is also resistant to storage. If marinated well, repeat customers will definitely be high

However, now Chen Jiajiu is still thinking about the sale of dried fish, time has passed unknowingly.

Chen Jiajiu asked the serfs to bring back some rice paddies from the sky, and rolled the three paddy rice paddles together to form a tough straw rope.

Considering that these dried squids are relatively large and heavy, five straws are rolled together to form a thick straw rope, and then the dried squids are strung together, and each dried fish is strung on a straw rope. Then hang up these dried fish and put them in a cool place to dry.

This is the third step. You only need to stay for a while before you can eat it. This will make the fish more resilient. Chen Jiajiu doesn't know anything about these principles, and he just followed what the system intelligence Ji Ying said.

Chen Jiajiu was lying on a wooden bed under the lychee tree on the mainland of the farm, and adjusted the time. Lie on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took before the Chen family woke up and took a dip in the pool. It was like a fairy's enjoyment. This pool is Chen Jiajiu's private pool.

What dissatisfied Chen Jiajiu was that the pool was made of mud. It would be great if it was made of tiles. There is a chair for sunbathing next to the pool. Next to it is a table with juices and subtropical fruits. It's almost like being on vacation.

Chen Jiajiu felt that it was time to bring some buildings on the earth into the farm continent. For example, a large warehouse should be built in the farm continent to store rice. There are also peanuts and so on.

The premise is to dry these grains and beans, so there must be a place to dry them! To solve this problem, the best way is to lay a piece of land, not only a cement floor, but also tiles on the cement surface, so that it is easier to release the heat of the sun and improve the efficiency of sun-dried grains, beans, etc. !纟

Chapter 131 Green Farm

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