Super Dimension Raiders: Start with Batman

Chapter 330 Noble Phantasm and the Invincible Hercules

The Dumb King and Hercules were fighting on the street. Although Hercules lost his mind, he was still agile and frightening, completely disproportionate to his huge amount of body.

King Dumb Mao's swordsmanship is quite superb, and his strength is not much weaker, but he can't take advantage of it in the slightest.

Even more frightening, Hercules ignored almost any attack.

Red A's several long-range attacks hit him, but they didn't have the slightest effect.

Tohsaka Rin wanted to snipe Ilia, but sadly found that he couldn't beat the little girl, and if there was no support from Hong A, she would die.

As for Emiya Shirou...

Now he is useless at all.

On the contrary, the Dumb King and Hercules fought evenly, and they finally jumped out of the battle circle.

Dumb Mao Wang said: "There is no willingness to communicate with each other, and there is no freedom to report your real name."

"You and I only have to face each other with bare knives, fighting to the death, so I use this blow as my answer...

After she finished speaking, she rushed towards Hercules with all her strength.

Hercules hit the bridge with all his might, knocking out countless stones to fool King Mao.

But King Dumb Mao didn't dodge in the slightest, so he rushed over against the gravel, and blood was smashed out of his forehead.

Then the long sword in her hand stabbed Hercules, but was caught by Hercules.

At this moment, the Dumb Hair King roared, the invisible sword in his hand suddenly showed its original shape, and a strong Shockwave directly tore half of Hercules' body to pieces.

in front of the screen.

Tohsaka Rin clenched his fists: "As expected of Saber, as expected of King Arthur, so powerful, won."

Wonder Woman murmured, "That was the sword of victory and promise just now...

"It is said that the sword of victory and oath was forged in the elven country of Avalon.

"It seems to be a little weaker than the legend...

Tohsaka Rin shook his head and said, "No, you are talking about Saber's Noble Phantasm, but that's not her Noble Phantasm...


The audience was stunned by a new term.

Tohsaka Rin explained: "It is the crystallization of human beings' thoughts of praying for miracles, and a weapon made with human fantasy as the skeleton.

"It is made up of the legends surrounding each heroic spirit.

This statement is quite a mouthful.

Keisha pondered for a while, then said: "You mean the legends of these heroic spirits, passed down by human word of mouth, humans believe that he has this kind of weapon, and then he will have this kind of weapon?

"This is a phenomenon in which collective spiritual power is materialized and materialized through a fixed anchor point. It is a spiritual interference with reality, which is very interesting."

Keisha, who had been studying the soul and spirit all this time, realized that she was only just getting started in this area.

The human mind and spirit integrate to create such a miraculous weapon.

Completely detached from the bondage of matter..

It's amazing, this world.

Dr. Manhattan and Galway Lucy were also dumbfounded.

In the sense that they have penetrated a large part of the mysteries of the world, but in spirit and mind, they know no more than others.

Dr. Manhattan also said: "It seems that the spiritual world of human beings cannot be limited to the material world. It is also very miraculous and worthy of study!"

Bai Yuekui said: "Unimaginable power, it seems that our development of the spiritual world and spiritual power is far from enough.

In the spiritual cage world, the development of spiritual power by ground humans is much stronger than that of lighthouses, but compared to this world, it is like just learning to walk!

Kerrigan was forced to participate in the Federation's Ghost Project, was washed by the Federation, erased her memory, and became a knife in the hands of the Federation's top executives. Later, "The son of Korhal rescued her and returned her memory to her!

It is also because of this that she would suspect before that everything in front of her was an illusion created by the Federation to deceive her, and they did a lot of tricks on herself!

However, after hearing these words, the doubts in her heart have become less and less!!

It's pointless for the Federation to create such an illusion!

…for flowers. …

Keisha's words also inspired her, she originally had powerful psionic power, and psionic power was also a kind of spiritual power.

If people in this world can do such incredible things with their spiritual power, it means that they can do it too!

At this moment, Zatana shocked Roar: "What kind of magic is his injury restored?"

Everyone turned to look at the strategy.

on the screen.

Hercules, who was seriously injured before, has now fully recovered from his injuries.

The audience was dumbfounded.

This Berserker has a slightly weaker strength than the Hulk, comparable to Spider-man's agility, and unimaginable fighting skills. Who would have thought that he could have the same recovery ability as Wolverine?


For Tohsaka Rin, this kind of enemy is too strong.

Tohsaka Rin also said in disbelief: "Regeneration Ability? No, this is close to the effect of reversing time."

"This is his Noble Phantasm, it will instantly activate the Noble Phantasm that restores its original state after being fatally wounded.

"Who on earth has such a treasure?"

Suddenly, Tohsaka Rin's eyes widened: "Didn't Dr. Banner just say Hercules just now?

Power and martial arts beyond imagination

"Yes, twelve trials, one trial is a life, he is Hercules, Hercules Hercules was summoned as a Berserker?"

As soon as she said these words, the audience exploded again.

Wonder Woman couldn't help but said: "How is it possible? No matter how it is a variant, Hercules can't be this kind of Beast."

Thor nodded and said, "It's definitely not Hercules, there's absolutely no way he's like this."

"Even a variant, it's too much.".

Tohsaka Rin shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with what kind of person he was originally, when a heroic spirit is summoned by a certain class, he will assume the state of a certain class...

"Hercules is summoned as a Berserker, and he will naturally lose his mind. . . .

"The people of Einzbern actually summoned such a powerful Servant. This is simply cheating, how is it possible?" Seven.

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