Super Dimension Raiders: Start with Batman

Chapter 234 This woman is damn sweet

Hearing this narration, the audience couldn't help but look at Wonder Woman.

Before, they also saw the pictures of Wonder Woman killing decisively in other people's strategies.

I really never thought she would have such a naive side.

Wonder Woman laughed at herself and said, "If I never leave Paradise Island for the rest of my life, maybe I think so for the rest of my life."

The narration continues: "Steve is not a German officer."

"He was a British spy who discovered that the Germans were secretly working on a weapon with huge amounts of power.

"So he stole the formula for that weapon and escaped with the intent of passing the information back to England.

"It's a pity that he is located on Paradise Island."

"And Diana decided to leave Paradise Island with him to find Ares and kill him."

"In order to kill Ares, Diana also took away the god-killing weapon on Paradise Island.

"It is said that it was created by Zeus to kill the gods."

"From then on, her divine power was gradually stimulated."

"Because she is different from the other Amazons, she was created by Zeus himself and possesses unimaginable powers!"

Screen switching.

Wonder Woman, whose previous performance on the battlefield was only similar to that of ordinary Amazons.

Suddenly changed, leaping dozens of meters.

She crossed the deep canyon, her hand easily smashed the outer wall of the fortress where the God-killing weapon was stored, and climbed up step by step.

Take away the 143 sword of God.

But, before she left, her mother led someone to catch up with her.

Wonder Woman said: "Mother I have to go.

"I can't watch innocent people die in vain, and if no one is willing to fight Ares, then I have a duty.

Queen Hippolyta said: "I know I can't stop you, but there are so many things you don't understand...

Wonder Woman said: "I know a lot and I'm willing to protect the weak who can't protect themselves.

"Just like you."

Seeing this, Keisha smiled: "Although it's silly and naive, I like you."

Everyone in the Justice League didn't know until now why Wonder Woman left Paradise Island.

I just heard that there are millions of people out there who are at war.

Is she willing to die alone?

This kind of behavior makes them very admire.

The narration sounded: "Steve took Wonder Woman to England, where she came into contact with the human world, saw the beauty of the human world, and made good friends."

Screen switching.

Wonder Woman was wearing a black dress, but only her armor was on inside.

She said to Steve: "We agreed, I will take you (bdah) away from Paradise Island, you will take me to Ares, you must not break your word."

Steve said, "When I turn in this note, I'll buy you a ticket and send you to the battlefield."

Wonder Woman was very dissatisfied, and she showed the battle suit inside with her hips akimbo.

Then Steve pulls up Wonder Woman's clothes: "I need to buy you a suit first."

Wonder Woman looked at the women on the street and said helplessly: "These women, what are they wearing to fight?"

Then, seeing a child beside her, she couldn't help rushing over for a while, trying to pinch the child's face: "This is a child, it's so cute.

Paradise Island has no children.

Because the Amazons are creatures created by God, they have an extremely long lifespan for humans, and they do not need children.

Wonder Woman is an exception.

But her appearance scared the lady next to her, thinking she was a human trafficker, and was taken away directly by Steve.

Screen switching.

Steve's secretary reached out to Wonder Woman and said, "Introduce yourself, I'm Art Candy, Mr. Steve's secretary."

Wonder Woman said blankly, "What is a secretary?"

"It's just that I listen to him and do whatever he tells me to do," Candy said.

Wonder Woman frowned: "We call this a slave there.

The screen switches again.

Candy took Wonder Woman to buy clothes, she looked at the female conjoined body and said, "Is this the armor of your country?"

Candy was dazed: "It's fashionable, it's tummy tuck.

Wonder Woman was also at a loss: "Why do you have to tuck your belly?"

Candy was taken aback: "Women who don't have tummy ask that.

Then Wonder Woman began to try on clothes.

She put on a dress, kicked the dress aside, and asked, "Why are you wearing this to fight?"

Candy hastily stopped her.

A group of compatriots looked at with smiles, this woman looks so good no matter what she wears.

The screen switches again.

at a train station.

Wonder Woman took a bite of an ice cream, and then said to the hawker with a happy face: "This is so delicious."

"You should be very proud that you created this food, that's your pride."

At this moment, no one can connect her to the warrior who can stand up to Doomsday.

The Flash is even thinking, even if we are a lot older, but I am not unacceptable, can I try to catch this woman...

This woman is damn sweet.

It's not just all of his male compatriots who feel that way.

So cute, such a Wonder Woman is so cute.

Even Superman and Batman think so.

The Wonder Woman they know is a shrewd and powerful group who is not afraid of death and is fierce.

Who would have thought that she used to be so cute.

Zatanna looked at Captain Kirk and said, "Men compatriots. Especially this one, put away your dirty eyes."

Captain Kirk coughed softly: "Is it wrong to say that we only appreciate beauty?"

Damn, you don't know how much I envy that Steve right now.

The narration sounded again: "After entering the human world, Diana felt the beauty of the human world.

"But it's also full of confusion about the human world."

Screen switching.

Sir Patrick Morgan, a member of the House of Lords, said to Wonder Woman and Steve: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Steve took out the secret German recipe he had stolen and said, "I found out that the Germans are developing a powerful weapon that could change the course of the war.

Sir Morgan said: "God, come with me.

He then took the two to a military meeting.

Those officials were studying the notebook, but they couldn't read it.

Wonder Woman said: "It's written in Ottoman and Sumerian, I'm not the only one who knows it."

Then she took the notebook and began to explain to the officers: "This is a new type of gas formulation, mustard gas."

"Hydrogen was used instead of sulfur.

The lawmakers were shocked that gas masks could not stop the ammonia gas.

But now, World War I is almost over and they are negotiating with Germany about Germany's surrender!

They were reluctant to attack the German general Ludendorff at this time.

Wonder Woman doesn't understand, she doesn't understand at all, why the enemy has already made such a dangerous weapon, but you are indifferent because of this ridiculous reason?

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