Super Dimension Raiders: Start with Batman

Chapter 166 is too cute, the magic of human kindergarten

Pym particles that can shrink objects.

It sounds very ordinary, after all, in the myths and fairy tales that everyone has been familiar with since childhood, it seems very simple to zoom in and out.

But the people here are mostly scientists who know how difficult it is to shrink objects.

In particular, everyone remembered the picture of higher creatures using the Milky Way as marbles in the world of men in black.

If Pym particles can shrink objects, then theoretically he can shrink Fixed Stars or even entire river systems!

Or at that time, it was not impossible to use a Fixed Star of the entire river system as a super energy source.

For the strong in the super god world, they can extract the energy of Fixed Star through wormhole technology, which is similar to this.

But the reason why Keisha is so excited is that the Pym particle can be reduced to the subatomic level, and if then we can really observe the world from the most microscopic level?

At that time, there will be an earth-shaking change in their perception of the entire universe.

For them, this is the greatest value of the Pym particle.

Just, what does this have to do with Scott?

Oh yes, he's a disciple of Dr. Pym.

The most shocking thing here is Scott himself.

He had just come out of prison and had just lost his job, how could he have imagined that he would be involved in this kind of thing 103.

Then he got a little excited again, I will be a member of the Avengers in the future, and I will fight with the captain of the country

Excited just thinking about it!

After all, who wants to live an ordinary life?

The narration sounded: "Scott Lang, a master of electrical engineering, when he was working in the company, because he was dissatisfied with the company's cheating of customers, he exposed the matter to the outside world."

The company "fired him, so he hacked into what the company claims is the world's top security system, and returned all the money the company defrauded to those who were defrauded. . . So he went to jail."

Hearing this, the crowd not only did not resent it, but on the contrary greatly appreciated it.

Spider-man said: "Cool! A modern Robin."

Harley whistled: "Good job, bro! These rich and unkind capitalists should take care of them."

"However, there is room for improvement

The Iron Man and Batman capitalists who said this sentence looked embarrassed.

However, even they felt that, Ant-Man did a good job.

After all, their workers don't do such shit!

The narration continues: "Scott wanted to be a good guy, so when he came out he went to work in a food store."

"The boss appreciates what he does [bdah]...

Screen switching.

The store manager sits in the office with Scott in his work uniform.

The store manager said, "San Quentin Prison..."

Ant-Man said helplessly: "I was found out by you, I'm sorry for hiding it."

"But I have a criminal record and no one will hire me"

He really just wants to live a good life and is a typical life person.

The store manager said with a smile: "Illegal break-in, major theft

Scott said: "I'm sorry, but I'm done washing my hands now"

Unexpectedly, the store manager suddenly gave him a salute and said, "I just salute you."

"I don't want to mention how happy I am."

Scott was taken aback: "Really?"

The store manager said, "Yes, yes!"

Scott breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, thank you.

The store manager said excitedly: "You took care of those rich rich men, and I was thinking while looking at your case. . .

"I know this guy, this guy actually works under me?! Don't mention how excited I am!"

Scott finally relaxed completely and said, "Thank you.

The store manager said, "But you were fired anyway.

The turn left all viewers stunned.

Seeing that the store manager admired him so much, he could not have imagined that he would still be fired.

It's so realistic.

Spider-man said with a look of shock: "Is the job so difficult?"

A high school student can't imagine how sinister society is.

The Flash nodded fiercely. As a migrant worker, he was also inspired: "It's more difficult than you think. Especially when you have a criminal record, or your family has a criminal record,

His father has been in prison, which makes it difficult for him to even find a job.

Over the years, he was bent on proving his father's innocence, and he was definitely not the father who killed his mother.

But even if he has such a speed and ability, he still can't clear his father's grievances.

The narration sounded: "Scott wants to live a good life, but life is hard."

The screen switches again.

Scott opened a door and heard the voices of a group of children.

Balloons are decorated everywhere in the room, and the atmosphere is very warm.

At this time, a cute little girl rushed towards him and threw herself into his arms: "Baba!

Scott hugged his daughter in surprise and said, "Happy Birthday!"

Zaibing was so excited watching this scene.

In the lighthouse, children are not raised by their parents, but by the lighthouse.

Looking at such a warm scene, looking at such a cute little girl, her heart melted: "This is really, so cute."

The captain of the United States couldn't help but say, "Daughter, you are so cute.

To be honest, he was really envious. All the comrades in arms back then were full of children and grandchildren, but he was still alone.

"It's really cute." Iron Man couldn't help eating snacks. "Such a cute little girl, I can't help but want a baby."

Thor said: "Is this the baby's breath? It's beyond imagination.

Loki hummed: "The human cub has not been corrupted by the rotten world of human beings! I think she has great potential, or follow my evil god Lord Loki, I will teach you magic, and when you grow up, come to change this rotten world. ..

Even the real steel straight man Zhuzi said: "The baby breath of human beings? Unimaginably cute creatures..

Morgana couldn't help but say: "I really want to hug her and squeeze his face...

Queen Keisha and Ancient One magician, with gentle smiles on their faces!

Human beings have this indescribable magic power in their infancy.

Even the Heretic God and Demon King fell for this magic power.

on the screen.

Ant-Man said, "Sorry, I don't know what time the party starts."

Daughter Kathy, said crisply: "It's written on the invitation.

She is missing two teeth, and she is talking while leaking, not to mention how cute!

At this time, another big man came over: "Someone didn't invite you, but someone still came."

Kathy said, "I'm going to tell Mom you're here.

After he said that, he ran away!

The big man looked at Scott and said, "Lang, what are you doing here? You don't even pay daughter support?"

"I can arrest you now if I want.

No more words needed, most people already understand.

It seems that while Scott was in jail, his wife divorced him and remarried.

So they looked at the driver and felt the green on his head.

And Ant-Man wiped his face fiercely. Does he feel that this website has any opinion on him?

Cut out all the things that are so moldy about yourself.

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