Super Dimension Raiders: Start with Batman

Chapter 119: Human's Endless Maliciousness (1)

Wolverine frowned as she watched.

What the hell happened to my future?

He looked at Professor X, and he even hoped that Professor X would instill all his future memories into himself.

Professor X has read his future memories and can theoretically transmit them to himself!

He really didn't want to go through this. If he knew the future in advance, would he be able to avoid it?

But on second thought, the future has actually changed, so it makes no sense to do so.

Moreover, I still have a guide ring, and from the feedback of other people, the guide is still useful!

Also, does the person who made the video have any opinion on me?

Why cut these things out and show them to me?

Son of a bitch, I'll beat you up sooner or later!

There is none!

Su Bai's habit of doing strategy is to first introduce some of the experience and characteristics of the hero of the strategy.

Otherwise, the audience will be confused.

The narration continued: "Pain accompanied Wolverine's life, but '067' was until the end of his life, and he did not flinch or fear."

"It's the same with any enemy.

"He met some of the most terrifying enemies of his life, his brother Sabretooth Victor, his former comrade Colonel Stryker, Magneto."

"However, the source of his greatest malice, the greatest enemy is always human beings."

Hearing this, Magneto laughed and said to Professor X: "Has Charles seen it? Humans' attitude towards Mutant may never change."

As Professor X said: "As long as we change and we let him know that we have the power to destroy them, then they will naturally be at peace with us.

Even if Professor X has changed his mentality, he still prefers to deal with the relationship between human mutants and people in a peaceful way.

"Hopefully." Magneto looked up at the sky, the time for Mutant's nation-building was about to begin.

This is definitely not going to be peaceful.

Dr. Banner said: "I can understand that some people are really bad."

As the Hulk, he has already felt too much malice in humans!

Batman said: "You are so much stronger than ordinary people, it is normal for humans to be afraid of you."

For example, if Mutant appears in his world, then he will also do everything possible to make strategies to deal with Mutant.

He thought it was just a human instinct.

Wonder Woman glanced at Batman, always feeling that something was wrong.

We in the Justice League also have superman-like powers, don't you have any weird ideas?

After all, there is only Batman in the Justice League, a relatively normal human being.

However, the next sentence of the narrator directly hit Batman in the face.

"Humans fear the power of the Mutant, but it is more the human power of the gallant Mutant.

"They envy this power and fear it."

"So at some point in the future, they created Sentinel."

The screen switch is again the scene of Sentinel slaughtering Mutant.

This picture is familiar to the old viewers, but it is still uncomfortable to watch it once.

Mutant is so miserable.

Then Professor X Magneto Wolverine and the few remaining soldiers sat together to discuss.

Professor X said: "The Sentry project originated during the Vietnam War, a scientist named Trisk."

"He took the DNA of Mystique Raven and designed the Sentinel."

Screen switching.

Came to Trisk here.

"Her genes may be the key to the mutation, and we need more," Dresk said while looking at the microscope.

"In addition to blood, I also need brain tissue, spinal fluid, and bone marrow. The more the better."

"Imagine if Sentinel can change its form and ability according to the target, targeted attack Mutant Mutant will be unstoppable."

This sentence makes my scalp go numb!

This is to directly use Mutant as a specimen, the material...

Next to him was his assistant, Colonel Stryker.

Dr. Trisk said to Colonel Stryker, "How old are your children?"

Colonel Stryker said: "At 10 years old, I can't believe it!

"With eight years left to enlist, how many of our siblings have been brought back in body bags?" Dr. Trisk said.

"How many more have our enemies died?"

"We've been fighting our own kind, and we'll never be able to unite, but now there's a goal that can unite all of humanity - the Mutant."

Colonel Stryker said, "You really hate Mutant, Doctor!"

Dr. Tresk shook his head and said, "On the contrary, I appreciate them quite a bit, and I think they are the saviors of mankind."

"The savior of the ultimate foe that brings us together to fight.

"With their power, mankind will be omnipotent.

And these words directly detonated everyone.

Iron Man was directly fried, and said, "So this potato-like dwarf thinks like this?"

"Mut the Mutant as the enemy of all humanity and bring humanity together."

"And then take the power of the Mutant, use the power of the Mutant as a weapon, and then drive the Mutant to death?"

"He's a lunatic, a pervert,

Batman said with some embarrassment: "Well, contrary to what I thought, this person is indeed a complete lunatic."

If Mutants are in the DC Universe, all Batman has to do is prevent them from doing bad things.

And what Trisk wanted to do was to kill them and plunder their Ability in the name of righteousness!

Isn't this crazy?

Superman nodded, "He's a lunatic, he should be in Arkham Asylum!"

He felt that if he appeared in the Marvel universe, this Trisk might also want to use himself for anatomical research.

This is just crazy!

Even Luthor couldn't help but say: "Mutant is from human beings, Mutant represents the future of human beings, but he wants to destroy the future of human beings?

Luther believes in the potential of human beings. Although Mutant is said to be a human-based experiment of some god-level creature, their genes have been integrated with human beings for so many years!

In his view, Mutant also represents a direction in the development of human potential.

But this Dr. Tresk wants to kill the future of humanity?

This is unbearable for him!

Morgana shook her head and said, "No, he didn't think so!"

"He said that he was envious of the power of evolution, but he was afraid of the power of evolution in his actions, but in essence, all he thought was to hold the power of evolution in his own hands.

"Small, the layout is small!"

Screen switching.

On to Professor X's side!

Professor X said: "So we want to send a person's consciousness before Sentinel is created."

"Then block Sentinel's research program."

0.7 can send a person's consciousness to the past Shadowcat said: "No way, Professor. Or I can send a person's consciousness to a few hours ago, or even days."

"But it was absolutely impossible a few decades ago, the human brain couldn't have been able to withstand the shock.

At this point, Wolverine said, "What if this man's brain could repair indefinitely? What if he could heal from any wound?"

"Send me back.

Wolverine lay on a table, Shadowcat began to teleport his consciousness, and he let out a shrill scream.

This time, he still performed the most painful and difficult task!

The narration sounded: "Wolverine's consciousness went back to the past to stop the Sentry project. When his consciousness returned to the future, he found that the Sentry project had disappeared."

"He is grateful that Mutant finally has a future again."

"But what he doesn't know is that there is no end to human malice.

"It's not just him, everyone underestimates the ill will of humanity towards Mutant."

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